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Coventry LA Womens Family Intervention Project Louison Ricketts Lead Senior Manager for FIP November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Coventry LA Womens Family Intervention Project Louison Ricketts Lead Senior Manager for FIP November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coventry LA Womens Family Intervention Project Louison Ricketts Lead Senior Manager for FIP November 2011

2 Why Womens FIP? Corston Report NOMS National Service Framework Needs and characteristics of women offenders differ from men Coventry LA commitment to ensure the right interventions, services and support are provided for families with multiple needs Think Family Funded Project

3 What is the Womens FIP model? Whole family approach Gripping the family Intensity of intervention Persistence Assessment Contracts Reviews Exit strategy.

4 Criteria Three or more of the following has to be met Been involved in acquisitive crime Experienced, or is experiencing domestic abuse, mental health problems, poor health, low self- esteem and lack of confidence Children who are in need of family support, education, emotional and behavioural support

5 Assessment – Levels of Need

6 Referral Process Two routes to accessing the Womens FIP Statutory women offenders – direct referrals from Probation Offender Managers Non statutory women – referrals from the Police Offender Managers via the IDOM Local Case Management Forum (multi-agency meeting)

7 Assessment Process Secure agreement from the service user and commitment from agencies already involved to work in the FIP way. Undertake comprehensive whole family assessment Brokering and sequencing of interventions Contract issued to family – ownership Strong focus on working together with the allocated Probation or Police Offender Manager

8 Continued… Robust reviews (at least every 6 weeks) Appointments for women on statutory supervision are enforceable True multi-agency problem solving Total Place approach


10 Substance Misuse Services Compass Young Peoples Services Suitable for any young person under the age of 18 years living within Coventry Key worker works with the young person Offers 1:1 advice and support (eg. harm reduction) Provides specialist alcohol and drug services Provides a range of specialist targeted interventions, such as substitute prescribing

11 Cont: Offer support and advice to parents, carers, significant others and families; Provide consultancy and support to professionals and volunteers working with children and young people Assertive Outreach Model - Work alongside local communities, neighbourhood forums and key partners to respond to local hotspot issues as part of a co-ordinated multidisciplinary approach.

12 Addaction/Cranstoun (1) Addaction, in consortium with Cranstoun, will provide drug and alcohol treatment services for adults across Coventry and Warwickshire from 1 December 2011. Drug and alcohol treatment services were re- commissioned for a number of reasons: to encourage a step-change towards a recovery- oriented treatment system, in line with the new National Drug Strategy.

13 Addaction/Cranstoun (2) to extend treatment options for clients and ensure services which were previously under short term funding become part of mainstream provision to ensure services provide value for money by working in a multidisciplinary approach.

14 The 4 Cs of FIP Case Management Continuity – there needs to be a continuity of core treatment, but also a reasonable degree of continuity of relationship running through the whole length of the intervention. Consistency – the family needs to experience a consistency of message and behaviour both by the same person over time and by different people working with the same family at the same time. This is essential for delivery of service – not constantly changing key worker. Commitment – the family need to experience the behaviour of staff working with them as genuine not just going through the motions. Consolidation – gains will be short lived if new learning is not turned into normal behaviour through a process which re-enforces and rewards it.

15 Success Stories Statutory case: AB case referred to us through the Probation offender manager Non-statutory case: MM referred to us through police case manager Quotes from Police: Weve been waiting for a service like this, we have seen how effective it is and that it really helps these women get a grip of their lives and prevents them from re-offending Probation OMs: Working with the Womens FIP has been great, initially we were unsure but now we have seen the value of this service, the support that they give the women in real terms is amazing. They have reduced our workload by working so intensively with these women, and they have also ensured that appts with us are kept thereby reducing the number of potential breaches. Women Quotes: I didnt know that this level of support was out there, I have benefitted from help with debts, finance and training for employment, the children have benefitted from the support they receive from FIP both in and out of school. My mom has noticed the change in me and feels that she has also benefitted from this service.

16 The Future Securing funding – working in partnership with the IDOM Development Team, Police HQ Development and expansion of Womens FIP, including engagement of TSAs Implementation of Activity Requirement Consideration of Conditional Cautioning Cascading learning and good practice to the other LA areas within West Mids CJA.

17 Any Questions?

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