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Contents 1. Who is Archie? 2. Project and objectives - Statement of problem - Our role 3. Current state and SWOT analysis 4. Collaborations 5. Questions?

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3 Contents 1. Who is Archie? 2. Project and objectives - Statement of problem - Our role 3. Current state and SWOT analysis 4. Collaborations 5. Questions?

4 Who is ARCHIE ???

5 Alexie Leauthaud

6 Amita Shrestha

7 Emil Hambäck

8 Anette Engström

9 Jonas Gunnarsson

10 Project and objectives

11 Statement of problem 1996 Government bill : Broadband to the people! Björn Rosengren 5.6 Billion Kr


13 From fibre………. to broadband What remains to to be done? Bring the fibre from the water to the Islands Design and build access nets Determine a business model

14 Archie´s objectives Identify actors Look into Open Access Networks Model the costs, funding issues Business models

15 Existing technologies… 1. Modem 56kbps 2. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network ), 56 or 128 kbps 3. xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line ), ASDL (1.5 Mbps to 9 Mbps), VSDL(12.9 to 52.8 Mbps ) 4. Satellite 5. Optical fibre - Copper Wire Access nets - Wireless Nets : 802.11 a,b,g, HiperLAN 1,2 UNDER DEVELOPMENT ! 6. Power lines

16 Current state and SWOT analysis

17 Strengths Overall view Stakeholders willingness to cooperate Coach and principles support Group dynamics

18 Weaknesses Amount of stakeholders Setting the frames Lack of fundings Advice of coaches and principals Good planning and stick to decisions!

19 Opportunities Work in a real life project Contact with the industry Create interest/curiosity

20 Threats Many different interests among stakeholders Monopoly seeking operators and ADSL Time Planning again! Inform end-users

21 Collaborations

22 Who can help Archie? Mr Escudero Emerging Actors Open Access Server Point to Point Links Identify Actors and Services IP ad and administrating

23 What can Archie do for you? Contacts in Industry Ideas on future broadband services Insights in politics

24 Questions?

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