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Physical/Chemical Changes. Admit Slip Identify the following as elements or compounds: C C 6 H 12 O 6 H 2 CO 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical/Chemical Changes. Admit Slip Identify the following as elements or compounds: C C 6 H 12 O 6 H 2 CO 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical/Chemical Changes

2 Admit Slip Identify the following as elements or compounds: C C 6 H 12 O 6 H 2 CO 2

3 Today’s Objectives: Students will be able to: Define and compare elements, compounds, and pure substances Describe chemical changes, physical changes, and conservation of matter

4 Agenda Discussion Homework Check/Review Notes Questions Exit Slip

5 Notes During a physical change, some properties of a material change but the composition does not change. Physical changes include boiling, freezing, melting, condensing, breaking, filtering, distilling, cutting, separating, and mixing. They may change the physical form of matter but do not change its composition.

6 Notes During a chemical change, the composition of the matter always changes. A chemical change is also known as a chemical reaction. Words that indicate chemical changes are “reacts, burn, rot, rust, decompose, ferment, explode, and corrode”

7 Notes In a chemical reaction, the substance at the beginning is called a reactant and the end result is a product. H 2 O  H 2 + O 2 Reactants  Products

8 Notes Possible clues to a chemical change/reaction include energy transfer, a color change, the production of a gas, or the forming of a precipitate. A precipitate is a solid that forms and settles out of a liquid mixture during a reaction.

9 Notes During a chemical reaction or physical change, the mass of the products always equals the mass of the reactants. This is the Law of Conservation of Mass. Mass can not be created or destroyed.

10 Question 1 Identify the following as mixtures, elements or compounds: Green ink O 2 Fruit punch Salt, NaCl

11 Question 2 Identify the following as mixtures, elements or compounds: Copper Ice Sugar water CaS

12 Question 3 Identify the following as mixtures, elements or compounds: Sugar, C 6 H 12 O 6 soda CH 4 Fluorine

13 Question 4 Classify each of the following as a physical or chemical change: Explain why. A copper wire is bent Charcoal burns in a grill Bread dough rises when yeast is added Sugar dissolves in water

14 Question 5 In your own words, what is the difference between an element and a compound?

15 Question 6 In your own words, what is the difference between a compound and an mixture?

16 Question 7 When ammonium nitrate NH 4 NO 3 explodes, the products are nitrogen, oxygen, and water. When 40 g of ammonium nitrate explode, 14 g of nitrogen and 8 g of oxygen form. How many grams of water form?

17 Exit Slip/Homework Exit Slip: Show me your work from today.

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