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1 西方文明史 第六講: 羅馬(二) 劉 慧 教授 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版授權釋出】創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版.

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1 1 西方文明史 第六講: 羅馬(二) 劉 慧 教授 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版授權釋出】創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版

2 2 Imperial Rome

3 3 1.The Monarchy c. 753-500 BCE 2.The Republic c. 500-27 BCE – The Early Republic c.500-264 BCE – The Wars with Carthage 264-146 BCE – The Late Republic 134-27 BCE 3.The Empire 27 BCE- 3.1 The Early Empire/ the Principate 27 BCE-180 CE The Augustan Settlement The Pax Romana – Roman engineering, Roman law 3.2 The Third-Century Crisis 180-284 CE 3.3 The Late Empire/ the Dominate 284-476 Emperor Diocletian’s reforms 284-305 The barbarian kingdoms

4 4 3.1.1 The Empire: the Augustan Settlement Octavian ruled over Italy and the provinces for 44 years (31 BCE to 14 CE) 27 BCE the Senate bestowed upon him a series of offices and titles: concentration on one person of the powers of many existing officials – Augustus (meaning ‘sacred’, ‘revered’. From ‘augury’: reading divine signs) – emperor (‘victorious general’, conferred by the army) – pontifex maximus – princeps (‘first citizen’, his favourite title) – Permanent authority of proconsul and tribune

5 5 Rome remained a republic in legality – no clearly defined system of succession Family connection (by blood or adoption), the Praetorian Guard, the Senate From Republic to Empire: – Changes in attitude of the people: civil wars made peace in any form acceptable. Who was there who had seen the republic? – Roman politics was still dominated by privileged families who competed, as before, for offices

6 6 3.1.2 The Pax Romana of the Early Empire (27 BCE- 180 CE) Expansion continued to 117 – Augustus: Egypt, Switzerland, Austria, Bulgaria – Claudius (41-54): Britain – Trajan (97-117): Dacia, Mesopotamia Hadrian’s ‘new direction’ (117-138) – Abandoned Trajan’s eastern campaigns – Hadrian’s wall

7 7

8 8 Hadrian’s ‘new direction’ (117-138) – Hairstyle, beard – Cultured and artistic: the Pantheon in Rome – Travels 121-25, 128-32 – The Roman way of life

9 9 Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912) A Favorite Custom Tate Gallery, London

10 10 Roman Law The Twelve Tables c.450 BCE The praetors – could define the law in a lawsuit (thus modify the existing law) and issue instructions to judges The jurists (amateur law experts) – could give opinions on the legal issue of cases under trial The civil law; the law of peoples (property, purchase and sale, partnership, contract) The natural law – Stoics: a rational order of nature that embodied justice and right; prior to the state itself – Jurists: an ideal to which statutes and decrees ought to conform

11 11 3.2 The Crisis of the Third Century (180-284 CE) Philip 244-49 Decius 249-51 Empire on the brink of ruin – Political chaos Commodus (d.192) 235-284: 26 ‘barracks emperors’, 25 met violent death – External threats Germans (251 Goths in the Balkans) Persians (260 Valerian) – Economic effects of the civil wars Agriculture and trade effected Coinage debased to pay the higher wages of the army High taxation – Plagues (Marcus Aurelius, mid-3 rd C)

12 12 3.3.1 The Late Empire: the reorganisation of Diocletian (284-305) Political reforms: orientalisation – Civil bureaucracy – Court ceremonials; ‘dominus’ replacing ‘princeps’ – Dividing the Empire – formal rules of succession College of emperors permanent 395(-476); Constantinople 330 Economic reforms – Currency, fixing prices and wages, hereditary vocations, taxation

13 13 3.3.2 Policy of Accommodating the Barbarians The Visigoths were assigned land or tax – 382 the Balkans/ 418 Aquitaine Likewise the Burgundians 443 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Vandals invaded – 406 crossed the Rhine, 429-439 took Carthage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Franks infiltrated – 446 Tournai/ 486 defeated Syagrius ‘King of Soissons’ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 467 Odovacer ousted the last Roman Emperor 493 the Ostrogoths

14 14 Who are the Barbarians? – Agriculturalists, villagers – Tribes: more ‘processes’ than stable structures – a short history – Peaceful contact with the empire Trading across the border Foederati (esp from 2 nd half of the 3 rd c), ‘imperial Germans’ (4-5 th c highest ranks in the Roman military) The barbarian kingdoms of the 5 th and 6 th c were all under the emperor(s) Byzantine Emperor Justinian (r. 527-565) ‘to restore lost territories’

15 15 版權聲明 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 4 WIKIPEDIA ( , 2012.03.26 visited. 5 國立臺灣大學 歷史學系 劉慧 教授。 6 Western Civilization ( ex.html) , 2012.04.26 visited. 依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。 ex.html 6 Ancient Rome / preslickageo ( , 2012.04.03 visited. 6 國立臺灣大學 歷史學系 劉慧 教授。

16 16 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 7 Flickr / Paul Stevenson ( , 2012.04.03 visited. 7 English Heritage / Philip Corke ( wall/) , wall/ 2012.04.19 visited. 依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。 8 Flickr / mharrsch ( , 2012.04.19 visited. 8 Flickr / Mark Bridge ( , 2012.04.19 visited. 8 WIKIPEDIA ( , 2012.04.19 visited.

17 17 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 9 Flickr / TamasButi ( , 2012.04.19 visited. 9 Flickr / Michael Tinkler ( , 2012.04.19 visited. 9 WIKIPEDIA ( Tadema_A_Favourite_Custom_1909_Tate_Britain.jpg) , Tadema_A_Favourite_Custom_1909_Tate_Britain.jpg 2012.04.19 visited. 11 Flickr / F. Tronchin ( , 2012.04.19 visited. 11 Flickr / mharrsch ( , 2012.04.19 visited.

18 18 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 12 WIKIPEDIA ( , 2012.04.19 visited. 13 WIKIPEDIA / Varoon Arya ( , 2012.04.19 visited.

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