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Staffordshire – Building Recovery in Communities

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1 Staffordshire – Building Recovery in Communities
March 2011

2 Introduction Pat Merrick County Commissioner (Substance Misuse)

3 The national issues It is estimated that we have over 330,000 Problem Drug Users in the UK and the Government is spending £1.2bn to reduce societal harms* Cost to society estimated at £15bn per annum* 80% of problem drug users claim benefits at a cost of £40m per annum* Currently no efficacy measures in place Alcohol misuse affects far greater numbers and drinking to excess is socially acceptable Misuse of both substances are a major factor in social harms including crime, antisocial behaviour, domestic abuse, child neglect The aim of treatment for the last ten years - management of addiction * NAO (2010)

4 A brave new world National Drugs Strategy issued in December 2010 (Restricting supply, reducing demand, promoting recovery) Public Health White Paper Consultation Government's vision for criminal justice reform (MoJ) Policing in the 21st century: reconnecting police and the people (Home Office) Liberating the NHS Health and Social Care transformation Consultation, consultation and more consultation (Community Right to Challenge) Social Impact Bonds Social Enterprises

5 National Strategy Priorities
Reducing Demand Restricting Supply Building Recovery Communities

6 The Staffordshire issues
4,151 accessing drug treatment 2,071 in effective treatment 1,820 in needle exchange 131,000 hazardous drinkers 32,000 harmful drinkers 21,000 dependent drinkers 260 in abstinence rehabilitation

7 Strategy on a page The Vision To create an environment that promotes prevention and responsibility, reduces harm to individuals, their families and communities and empowers and enables people to recover from alcohol and/or drug addiction and dependency. The Strategic Goals Improve the health and well being of people with addiction and/or dependency problems and reduce health inequalities. Reduce offending and reoffending rates and build safer stronger communities that support the recovery agenda. Deliver key national and local priorities and ensure positive outcomes for service users, their families and the wider community. Commission high quality, value for money services that promote the development of recovery communities. Delivered by Enabling access to an improved, consistent education and prevention message. Enabling access to a menu of treatment services that offer a range of options to aid recovery. Enabling access to a range of support and aftercare and support that sustains long term recovery success. Placing service users at the heart of strategic planning and service redesign. Commissioning for recovery via a whole systems approach. Progress tracked by Work plans for Partnership Board, Provider Board and Service User Forum SPECTRUM. SMCT Service Delivery Plan Adult and YP Treatment Plans County Council and Partnership Plans Local and National data returns

8 Local Strategy Priorities
Reducing Demand Restricting Supply Building Recovery Communities

9 How do we turn strategy into reality?
Outcomes focused commissioning for recovery convince practitioners of the merits of change change the shape of the market place demonstrate value for money make a difference to the people that need help, their families and the wider community (outcomes)

10 The Staffordshire way Abstinence based recovery service funded via Health, Social Care, PTB and SP Whole systems approach looking at education, prevention, treatment and after care and resettlement in communities Partners include social housing landlords and employers Social Enterprise ‘last piece of the jigsaw’

11 Why do it this way? Money follows success - providers that demonstrate success will be rewarded. Evidence affordability and value for money Promote transparency of performance Remove duplication Local accountability – locally designed and jointly commissioned services ensure local needs are met All to ensure the right outcomes for service users and that public money is being wisely spent to make a real difference.

12 What is meant by outcomes?
Freedom from dependence on drugs and /or alcohol Improvement in mental health and physical health & well being A reduction in crime, anti-social behaviour and re-offending Sustained employment Effective parenting The ability to access and sustain suitable accommodation Improved relationships with family, partners, friends and the wider community Prevention of drug related deaths & blood borne virus Walking the talk – being a positive role model for others

13 The future? Increased financial constraints but lots of opportunities to think and work more creatively Special projects incorporating Total Staffordshire/ Big Society philosophy (Big Society Bank opens in April) Themes from last Wednesday’s budget include growth, enterprise but continuing fiscal restraint

14 Pertinent Budget messages
A new start up scheme to support entrepreneurs - Start Up Britain - will be launched. 21 new enterprise zones will be introduced. Entrepreneur's Relief will be doubled to £10 million on 6th April. 24 new university technical colleges will be set up. 100,000 places in new work experience schemes will be introduced. 50,000 apprenticeship places will be created over the next four years.

15 Remember – recovery is contagious
…recovery is contagious and that it is a powerful force not only in transforming the lives of individuals blighted by addiction but in impacting on their families and communities as well. Dr.David Best, 2009

16 What can you do? Ask not what your community can do for you but what can you do for your community? YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU

17 Thank you for listening. Any questions?
Substance Misuse Commissioning Team Joint Commissioning Unit, Social Care & Health Leaven House, Beaconside, Stafford.

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