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Stromatolites: layers of rock with fossils. Origin of Life Big Bang Theory: formation of the universe (20 billion years ago=bya) Earth formed 4.5 bya.

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Presentation on theme: "Stromatolites: layers of rock with fossils. Origin of Life Big Bang Theory: formation of the universe (20 billion years ago=bya) Earth formed 4.5 bya."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stromatolites: layers of rock with fossils


3 Origin of Life Big Bang Theory: formation of the universe (20 billion years ago=bya) Earth formed 4.5 bya First atmosphere: hydrogen, water vapor, nitrogen, methane, ammonia What is missing?? FREE OXYGEN Core Crust

4 Miller Experiment Inorganic Molecules Organic Molecules (hydrogen, water vapor,nitrogen, ammonia) (carbohydrates=sugars, Lipids=fats, proteins, DNA) Electricity No electricity 3.5 bya, so what could cause a spark? First life on earth 3.5 bya, prokaryotic cells Prokaryotic cellsEukaryotic cells (1.5 bya)

5 Miller Experiment: the origin of life

6 Plate Tectonics

7 What is it called, when plates move against each other? An earthquake! What is it called where the plates meet? Earthquake fault What earthquake fault do we live near? San Andreas Fault Earthquake Kit??

8 Continental Drift

9 Pangaea: continents in one land mass Laurasia: N. America Europe Asia Gondwana: Africa, S. America Australia, Antarctica, India



12 Quaternary: modern man Tertiary: radiation of mammals __________________________________ Cretaceous: mass extinction of dinosaurs Jurassic: dinosaurs dominant Triassic: first dinosaurs __________________________________ Permian: mass extinction of marine life Carboniferous: first reptiles Devonian: first amphibians Ordovician: first fishes Cambrian: marine life abundant Precambrian: first life on earth Cenozoic Mesozoic Paleozoic

13 Past vs. Current Extinction Past Slow Natural Causes Extinction with replacement Current Fast Human Causes Extinction without replacement

14 Taxonomy Linnaeus/binomial name (Genus species) Humans = Homo sapiens Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species Homology = similarity in structure due to a common ancestor Analogy = similarity in function not due to a common ancestor DNA comparison

15 Homologous Structures

16 Schools of Taxonomy Phenetics: looks for similarity and differences whether homology or analogy Phylogenetics: use homologies to map evolutionary relationship Cladistics Clade = evolutionary branch Cladogram = series of dichotomous forks


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