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A compilation of material presented on based on an article by David Thurman.

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1 A compilation of material presented on based on an article by David Thurman

2 Introduction There are a lot of religions to choose from in the world, if one was inclined to go shopping for a belief, from a claim that there is no God to everyone is right – at least in some fashion. So why be a Christian? What advantage is there? We are going to examine one conversion, that of the Philippian jailer to make a few points.

3 Advantage 1: It can solve your problems The release of the prisoners caused the jailer to face a huge problem Roman law stated if a prisoner escaped, the guards would face them same penalty, even death All the doors being open convinced the jailer that all the prisoner had escaped Because of this he was ready to take his own life

4 Advantage 1: It can solve your problems Paul tells him to not harm himself because no one had escaped. That fact impresses him. They had a chance to escape and didn’t take it Once he realizes none of the prisoners are gone, he looks for a way out of the situation You may be experiencing a situation that seems hopeless, but in Christ you have a friend to help you through Mt 11:28-30; Heb 6:17-20

5 Advantage 2: It can help your family This man could have committed suicide and left his family grief. Instead, he lived and through the gospel brought his family joy You might be facing family problems. Your marriage might be on the rocks. Your children could be a pain. Your parents might not be all they should be. But in Christ there are solutions God teaches us how to treat our spouse Eph 5:33 God teaches us How to raise children and how to treat parents Eph 6:1-4 God knows about disobedience and rebellion and can help you navigate the rocky waters of a family relationship You should be in Christ because it will make your family stronger

6 Advantage 3: It can brighten your day The jailer’s day improved when he realized that he hadn’t lost his prisoners Going home to those he thought for a moment never to see again must have been special Learning together about Christ and deciding to be baptized together, well, they were overjoyed No other religion, no other philosophy can do for you what Christ can 1 Pet 1:6-9 Wouldn’t a brighter, happier day feel good to you? Then you need to be a Christian.

7 Advantage 4: It can bring new, better friends into your life I doubt a jailer had much opportunity to make quality friends. After all, he spent most of his life dealing with criminals and other low life. Paul and Silas were different. Despite their harsh treatment, they didn’t cause him problems. And they spent the hours singing and praying! The advantage of being a Christians is that you are around people who have high moral standards They are people who value other people Lk 10:27 They are people who smile and enjoy life, despite its problems and challenges Phil 4:4

8 Advantage 5: It can save your soul The jailer probably never gave his soul much thought. He was just a hard working man. But the crisis he faced made him realize that life was more than what happens day to day The greatest part of being a Christian is that you don’t have to wonder what happens to you when you die Your trust is in the Savior who already died and who overcame death There is no fear in death 1 Cor 15:54-57

9 So what about you? The jailor changed his life in one event filled evening He listened to Paul and Silas He believed the truth that he heard He changed from a callous man to a kind man who took people home and treated their wounds He changed his outlook on life Then, along with others in his household who also heard and believed, he was baptized

10 So what about you? In the midst of crisis he saw that Christ could meet all his needs He knew he wanted to be a Christian How about you? The jailer didn’t wait when he found a good thing, he was baptized immediately, that same hour of the night He became a Christian, and so should you

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