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2015-2016 Software Engineering Projects Projects for CS4810 Software Engineering Teams.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016 Software Engineering Projects Projects for CS4810 Software Engineering Teams."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016 Software Engineering Projects Projects for CS4810 Software Engineering Teams

2 AFRL Remote Video Presentation Description: The Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) is an organization dedicated to leading the discovery, development and integration of technology into the air and space forces. The mission of the War Fighter Interface Division AFRL/RHC is to link human capability to technology for conveying battle space information. Towards this end, AFRL/RHCB would like to ….. Technologies: Mobile Programming, Wearable Computing, Java, Android. Faculty Advisor: Dr Shomper/Prof Dudenhofer Customer: AFRL/RHCB Pros: Cool technology (Potentially Google Glass) Programming environment matches well with Cedarville curriculum Real-world project and customer Local customer Cons: New interaction modalities require “out-of-box” design

3 Cedarville Web Content Mgt/Assessment System Description: The CS website tends to grow stale over time and is not used extensively to deliver CS course content because of limited ease in making changes. This project aims to fix these problems by providing targeted capabilities to managing content on the CS site. Technologies: Web development, database, UI development. Faculty Advisor: Prof Hamman Customer: CS Faculty and Students Pros: Local customer Ruby on Rails Development Google Integration (Authentication, Drive) Real-World Web-Database Integration Cons: Ruby on Rails Development Large Existing Code Base Active Users

4 Cedarville Auto-Grading Exercise System Description: Since 2004 CS1210 and CS1220 have depended on CodeLab/MyProgrammingLab to provide auto-graded exercises to students in these classes. Since the transition of this capability to Pearson Education in 2013, the flexibility of the system has diminished. Additionally, Cedarville professors would like to expand the level of exercises to entire programs, similar to the ACM programming contest PC2 system. Technologies: Web development, database, UI development. Faculty Advisor: Dr Gallagher Customer: CS Faculty and Students Pros: Local customer Long-term benefit to generations of CU students Possible AI-type decision-making in application Real-World Web-Database Integration Cons: None

5 Cedarville Computer Graphic Utilities Description: Profs K. Shomper and J. Simon would like to provide their students Maya-based “power tools” to increase their effectiveness in creating computer graphic content. These tools include, but are not limited to: an exporter for models from Maya to Blender that preserves mesh, texturing, rigging, etc and importation of motion capture information into Maya, Blender, and JME. Technologies: Maya, Blender, Python, JME. Faculty Advisor: Dr Shomper Customer: CS Faculty and Students Pros: Local customer Long-term benefit to generations of CU students Cons: None

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