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Richard Skowronski Christian Skowronski 1/11/11 Horton 7 th hour ☺

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1 Richard Skowronski Christian Skowronski 1/11/11 Horton 7 th hour ☺

2 Dedication I would like to thank my grandpa very much for all of the things he did for me to succeed in this project. He was always flexible by doing things when I needed to do them. I really appreciate all of the information, pictures, and memories he shared with me.

3 A ccording to my grandpa he was born on a warm fall day on August 24, 1930. B eing a good student was very important to my grandpa. His favorite classes were recess (of course) and future farmers of America while at Comstock Park. C hristmas was a very somber time for my grandpa, as they didn’t really have enough money to buy presents. They still made the best of it and always had a big dinner with family.

4 D aringly enough, my grandpa would always pull pranks on other people with his friends. One time he took a neighbors trailer and put it in the middle of a graveyard! E very Fall my great-grandpa would take my grandpa to go hunting on opening day. My grandpa like doing this since it was a great way to bond and it’s something he loves.

5 G enerally my grandpa loved to listen to the radio with his family to show like, “The Lone Ranger”, “Green Horn”, and “The Shadow”. H appy times began for my grandpa when he was at his friends house and saw his soon to be wife walking by for the first time.

6 I nstead of watching movie in a movie theatre. My grandpa would commonly go to the park were they would project movies for people to watch at night. J ust like me, my grandpa loves to root on the Tigers during the Summer when they play.

7 K indling a real relationship began in my grandpas teenage years with my grandma Norrie. He would later get married to her at age 21. L earning how to raise kids for my grandpa was a real trick considering he had three boys and one girl. M any times when my grandpa wanted to go out with his friends he couldn’t because he took his duty as a father very seriously.

8 N ow that he had kids, he was able to reap the benefits in seeing them enjoy hobbies he so loved. O perating an assembly line became my grandfathers main job for GM in order to provide for his family. P roblems between other countries that could potentially start a war were his greatest fears throughout his whole entire life.

9 Q uietly, my grandpa would sneak into the living room to place Christmas presents under the tree for his kids to experience something he never really could. R etiring was a dream, but when it finally came after working 57 years at General Motors it was a sad good- bye. S ettling down was easy after all of the kids moved out. He and my grandma moved up to Sylvan lake in Newaygo.

10 T ired after a long life, my grandpa loves to do relaxing hobbies to get out into nature like hunting and fishing. U sually my grandpa loves to golf pairs with my grandma. He’s also achieved something not many people have by getting a whole-in-one! V ery often during the fall, my family travels to my grandpa’s cottage to socialize and watch the lions on a Sunday afternoon.

11 X When my grandma became really sick, my grandpa stuck with her and thankfully now she’s healthy again. Y oung grandkids were on the way from all of his kids. He now as four grandkids total! Z ealous is a perfect describing word of my grandpa. As he is devoted to helping others by volunteering at places like the blood bank.

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