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A,B,C, D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O, P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z Decimal to Percent (D to P): “to the right, to the right”.125 = 12.5% Percent to Decimal (P to D):

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Presentation on theme: "A,B,C, D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O, P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z Decimal to Percent (D to P): “to the right, to the right”.125 = 12.5% Percent to Decimal (P to D):"— Presentation transcript:

1 A,B,C, D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O, P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z Decimal to Percent (D to P): “to the right, to the right”.125 = 12.5% Percent to Decimal (P to D): “to the left, to the left” 5% =.05 Properties (MEMORIZE these!): Commutative (ORDER switches): a + b = b + a Associative (GROUPING): (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) Distributive: a (b + c) = a(b) + a(c) Identity of Addition: a + 0 = a Identity of Multiplication: a x 1 = a Multiplicative Property of Zero: a x 0 = 0 Inverse of Multiplication: ( a / b ) x ( b / a ) = 1 Inverse of Addition (zero pair) : -a + a = 0 1) P arenthesis 2) E xponent 3) M ultiply OR D ivide 4) A dd OR S ubtract Absolute Value is ALWAYS positive!! It measures the distance from zero on a number line. I -3 I = 3 I 3 I = 3 Both have the SAME absolute value! THE quick guide to MATH-7 TEST SUCCESS!! You MATH! Fraction  Decimal “Take the top #, divide by the bottom #!” 1 = 8 I 1 8 (turn the fraction clockwise) Scientific Notation: 3.95 x 10 5 = 395,000 3.12 x 10 -4 =.000312 Perfect Squares: 1 2 = 1 2 2 = 4 3 2 = 9 4 2 = 16 5 2 = 25 6 2 = 36 7 2 = 49 8 2 = 64 9 2 = 81 10²= 100 11 2 = 121 12 2 = 144 13 2 = 169 14 2 = 196 15 2 = 225 16 2 = 256 17 2 = 289 18 2 = 324 19 2 = 361 20² = 400 Negative exponents do NOT make the answer negative!!

2 Integers and Algebra Adding Integers: SAME SIGNS DIFFERENT SIGNS ADDSUBTRACT KEEP SIGN!! 3 + 4 = 7 -3 + -4 = -7 KEEP SIGN OF LARGER ABSOLUTE VALUE!! -3 + 4 = 1 3 + -4 = -1 Solving an Equation: 2x + 4 = -6 A. 1 B. -1 C. -5 If you forget steps, PLUG IT IN!! Subtracting Integers: KCC 4 + -7 = -3 4 - 7 = ___ Multiplying/Dividing Integers: EquationTableGraph y = 3x + 2 xy 02 15 28 All ordered pairs must fit on line! Plug in the “x” values from the table! Expression– x + 5 Equation– x + 5 = 8 Inequality– x + 5 < 8 3x + 5 coefficient variableconstant + + - - + - - + Pos. x Pos. = Pos. Neg. x Neg. = Pos. Pos. x Neg. = Neg. Neg. x Pos. = Neg. When multiplying or dividing by a negative #, we switch the inequality sign! -3x > 15 – Switch Sign! > becomes < “Seven less than a number is five” x – 7 = 5 “Seven less a number is five” 7 – x = 5 Inequalities: > < ≥ ≤ Does the bird get the worm? You’re the BEST and will rock the test! AddSubtractMultiplyDivide SumDifferenceProductQuotient xy DomainRange IndependentDependent

3 Measurement and Geometry Coordinate Plane: Plot point-- over left or right (x), then up or down (y). I IV III II C Volume: Fill Hold Cubic Units 3 Quadrilaterals: Trapezoid  One pair of parallel sides Parallelogram  Opposite sides parallel (2 pairs) Rectangle  Opposite sides parallel  Must have 4 right angles Square:  4 equal sides  4 right angles Rhombus  Opposite sides parallel (-3,1) ALWAYS UP, SOMETIMES DOWN, NEVER SIDE-TO-SIDE!! Transformations: Translate – Slide Rotation – Turn Reflection– Flip Dilation– Re-size Rotations: Here is a clockwise rotation about the origin (the x and y switch places with each turn): Original: (-3,1)– Q II 90˚: (1, 3)– Q I 180˚: (3,-1)– Q IV 270˚: (-1,-3)– Q III 360˚: (-3,1)– Q II  4 equal sides  Opposite sides congruent RIGHT or LEFT changes X ! UP or DOWN changes Y ! Height on top and shadow on bottom!! Changing an Attribute: If ONE attribute (l, w, h) of a prism is changed (doubled, tripled, halved), then the VOLUME will also change by the same amount! If we triple the length, the volume will also triple, etc.! Surface Area: Cover Wrap Square Units 2 A square is ALWAYS a rectangle, rhombus, & parallelogram!

4 Probability Theoretical Probability: what “should” happen Experimental Probability: what “actually” happens Tree Diagram: 2 cone choices x 4 flavors = 8 possible outcomes REMEMBER: With replacement– put it back!! Without replacement– keep it !! Ms. Dyson knows that the odds will be ever in your favor on the SOL test!! Independent Events Dependent Events with replacement without replacement As the # of trials increase, the experimental probability will come closer and closer to the theoretical probability!! Fundamental Counting Principle: 1)3 shirts, 2 belts, 3 shorts: 3 x 2 x 3 = 18 possible outfits 2)Roll one die and flip one coin: 6 x 2 = 12 possible outcomes Number/ Letter Codes... A code consists of three numbers. The choices for each number range from 0 – 9. How many unique codes? 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000

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