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Brand Extension

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1 Brand Extension

2 Brand - Brand extension and brand dilution 1 There is a difference between brand extension and line extension

3 World Wrestling Entertainment - Brand extension 1 On May 26, 2006, WWE announced the relaunch of Extreme Championship Wrestling as a WWE Brand Extension|WWE brand

4 Spin-off product - Types of brand extension 1 Brand extension research mainly focuses on consumer evaluation of extension and attitude toward the parent brand

5 Spin-off product - Types of brand extension 1 Another form of brand extension is a licensed brand extension

6 Spin-off product - Brand extension failure 1 (2012), “New Brand Extensions: Patterns of Success and Failure,” Journal of Advertising Research, Vol

7 Spin-off product - Brand extension failure 1 “Equity of an integrated oriented brand can be diluted significantly from both functional and non-functional attributes-base variables”, which means dilution does occur across the brand extension to the parent brand.Chen, C.H

8 Spin-off product - Brand extension failure 1 Consequently, consumers may maintain their belief about the attributes and feelings about parent brand, however their study does show that “brand extension dilutes the brand image, changing the beliefs and association in consumers’ mind”.

9 Spin-off product - Brand extension failure 1 In addition, brand extension also “diminish[es] consumer’s feelings and beliefs about brand name.”Roedder-John et al., 1998, p.19 To establish a strong brand, it is necessary to build up a “brand ladder”.Keller, K.L

10 Spin-off product - Brand extension failure 1 Although there are few works about the failure of extensions, literature provides sufficient in-depth research into this issue. Studies also suggest that brand extension is a risky strategy to increase sales or brand equity. It should consider the damage of parent brand no matter what types of extension are used.Chen and Chen, 2000; Loken and Roedder-John, 1993, Martinez and Pina, 2003. (incomplete citations)

11 SummerSlam - Brand extension 1 In 2002, WWE instituted a brand extension,where the roster was split and wrestlers and pay-per-views were made exclusive to the WWE Raw|RAW and WWE SmackDown|SmackDown! brands

12 WWE Brand Extension 1 As a result, the yearly draft (which had taken place since 2004) was also discontinued. ws/wwe/The_Undertaker_Possibly_Return ing_To_Television_Soon_Reason_For_Mc Mahon_s_Return.html WWE explained that their decision to end the brand extension was due to wanting their content to flow across TV and online platforms.

13 WWE Brand Extension - Overview 1 With the acquisition of new talent, the WWF's already large roster was doubled in size. In order to allow equal opportunity to all roster members, the company endorsed a brand extension to have the WWF represented and promoted with two brands named after the promotion's two primary television programs: Raw and SmackDown.

14 WWE Brand Extension - Overview 1 Both instances of the brand extensions required that representatives of each brand draft superstars (terminology used by the company to refer to its contracted personnel) onto each brand in a draft (sports)|draft lottery.

15 WWE Brand Extension - Superstar selections 1 The 2006 WWE brand extension draft took place from the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington on May 29, 2006, where Extreme Championship Wrestling|ECW representative, Paul Heyman, drafted two superstars, one from WWE SmackDown|SmackDown! and one from WWE Raw|Raw onto the newly created ECW (WWE)|ECW brand.

16 WWE Brand Extension - Pay-per-views 1 Wrestlers, as a result, appeared only in two-thirds of the shows in a given year, and thus appeared in fewer shows compared to before the brand extension

17 WWE Brand Extension - Championships 1 When the brand extension began, Raw received the Intercontinental Championship and European Championship when their respective holders were drafted while SmackDown became the exclusive home for the Tag Team Championship and the Cruiserweight Championship

18 History of WWE - 2002–2012: Brand extension 1 This lasted until 2012, when the rosters were merged and the Brand Extension was quietly phased out..

19 WWE SmackDown - Brand Extension (2002–2005) 1 The brand extension was publicly announced during a telecast of Raw on March 18, 2002, initiated with the first-ever draft a week later on the March 25, 2002 edition of Raw and became official the following week on the April 1, 2002 edition of Raw.

20 WWE SmackDown - Brand Extension (2002–2005) 1 As a result of the Brand Extension, an annual WWE Draft|draft lottery was instituted to exchange members of each roster and generally refresh the lineups.

21 - Brand extension 1 On May 26, 2006, WWE announced the relaunch of Extreme Championship Wrestling as a WWE Brand Extension|WWE brand

22 - Brand extension 1 Championships previously exclusive to one show or the other were available for wrestlers from any show to compete for; the Supershow format would mark the end of the brand extension, as all programming and live events since the initial announcement was made have featured the full WWE roster.

23 For More Information, Visit: m/the-brand-extension- toolkit.html m/the-brand-extension- toolkit.html The Art of Service

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