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Chapter Four Qualitative Research

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1 Chapter Four Qualitative Research

2 Chapter Four Objectives
To define qualitative research. To explore the popularity of qualitative research. To learn about focus groups and their tremendous popularity. To gain insight into conducting and analyzing a focus group. To understand the controversy regarding online focus groups. To understand the growing popularity of Internet focus groups. To learn about other forms of qualitative research. Chapter Four

3 Nature of Qualitative Research
Research whose findings are not subject to quantification or quantitative analysis. Its research conclusions are not based on precisely, measurable statistics but on more subjective observations and analysis. Quantitative: Research that uses mathematical analysis. Typically research analysis is done using measurable, numeric standards. Chapter Four

4 Qualitative Research Vs. Quantitative Research
Chapter Four

5 Limitations of Qualitative Research
Things to Consider: 1. Attitudinal, perception, and belief differences revealed during qualitative research might not be easily measure. Quantitative research will more precisely measure these differences. 2. Qualitative research is often not statistically representative of the general population. Although qualitative results might give you a good idea about the population, they do not allow you to precisely gauge the populations’ responses based on the limited sample typical of qualitative research. 3. Anyone can purport to be an expert. Chapter Four

6 Qualitative Research Methods
Factors to Consider: Time and budget; How the research results will be used; Product and service tangibility; Research goals and objectives; Participant availability and willingness; Desired analysis sophistication; Whether quantitative research follows. Focus Groups Interviews Observation Concept Testing Perceptual Mapping Chapter Four

7 Growing Role of Focus Groups
Focus Group Defined: A group of eight to 12 participants who are led by a moderator in an in-depth discussion on one particular topic or concept. Interacting among people in a group. The moderator must manages this issue deftly. Group Dynamic Some Key Characteristics: Good for idea generation, brainstorming, and understanding customer vocabulary; Can be helpful in gaining insight to motives, attitudes, perceptions; Can reveal needs / likes & dislikes / prejudices driven by emotions. Chapter Four

8 Conducting a Focus Group
Decide on the key focus group objectives; Use secondary research to hone questions; Select focus group facility and participants; Begin recruiting after deciding on participant incentives; Select a moderator; Develop a moderator guide to chart flow of focus group; Conduct the focus group - generally about two hours; Review the videotape, your notes – and analyze the results; Prepare a written report. Moderator Analyses Results Focus Group Flow Chapter Four

9 Conducting a Focus Group
The Participants: Selection process: Potential opinion leaders are best Participants must be screened for relevance to the topic A focus group facility - A research facility consisting of a conference room or living room setting and a separate observation room with a one-way mirror or live audiovisual feed. A person hired by the client to lead the focus group; this person should have a background in psychology or sociology or, at least, marketing. Create moderator's guide to include: Timetable for each topic , clear goals/questions to be answered Strategy for keeping group on task / focused Managing the group dynamics is critical The Location: The Moderator: Chapter Four

10 The Moderator and the Focus Group
Building Rapport Some Helpful Techniques: Meet and greet the participants before the focus group; Ask personal questions during the warm-up; Reveal personal information about yourself; Ask for the participants assistance during the process; Use humor when appropriate; Dress a the same level as the respondents; Start the focus group session sitting down; Have a discussion guide to assist. A written outline of topics to be covered during a focus group discussion. Chapter Four

11 What Makes a Good Moderator? Some Typical Characteristics
Is genuinely interested in peoples’: behavior, emotions, lifestyles, passions, prejudices, and opinions Is accepting and appreciative of participant differences; Is objective and open minded; Has good listening skills; Has good observation skills - can pick-up on body language; Is interested in a wide array of subjects; Prepares for the topic at hand to enhance credibility; The Moderator's Role is Key Chapter Four

12 What Make a Good Moderator? Some Typical Characteristics
Has good oral, written, and organizational skills; Is able to deftly manage conversation flow; Is good at follow-up questioning and probing; Has good attention to detail and is precise; Should understand the clients business and industry; Should be able to provide strategic leadership to management; Should to be personably agreeable and easy to work with. Chapter Four

13 Benefits and Drawbacks of Focus Groups
Participants’ candor; Looks the customer “in the eye”; Generates fresh ideas / brainstorming; Allows client to observe & comment onsite; Can be executed quickly; Can enhance other data collection methods; Participants provide valuable information useable for the next research phase. Advantages: Expense & time; Expertise needed; Participation issues - “no shows”; Interpretation is subjective; Often misused as representative the general population. Disadvantages: Chapter Four

14 Online Focus Groups Advantages: Disadvantages:
Low costs & no geographic barriers; Can be executed quickly; Good for generating fresh ideas / brainstorming; Can enhance other data collection methods; Participants provide valuable information for the next research phase. Advantages: Loss of group, hands-on, dynamic; Interpretation is subjective; Projective techniques are less effective; Security - you don’t know who else might be at the computer; Non-verbal inputs will be generally / often missed; Attention to the topic - participants often drift; Loss of direct client observational involvement; Often misused as representative the general population; Exposure to external stimuli stymied; Role and skill of moderator not fully realized. Disadvantages: Chapter Four

15 Other Trends in Focus Group Research
Combining online and telephone focus groups; Videoconferencing; Viewing focus groups online. Chapter Four

16 Other Qualitative Methodologies
Depth Interviews One-on-one interviews that probe and elicit detailed answers to questions, often using non-directive techniques to uncover hidden motivations. Depth Interviews: Key Techniques: Laddering approach Hidden issue questioning Symbolic analysis approach Advantages & Disadvantages: Group pressure is eliminated; More costly than a focus group; More personalized attention given; Often geared towards getting underlying information; Interviewee becomes more sensitive to nonverbal clues; Respondent can be less forthright as the focus is on them; An interview lacks the advantage of group dynamics; Can result in limited ground getting covered; An interview can be conducted anywhere – you don’t need a “facility”. Chapter Four

17 Other Qualitative Methodologies
Projective Tests Technique tapping respondents’ deepest feelings by having them project those feelings into and unstructured situation. Projective Tests: Some Techniques: Underlying Information Use a Variety to Maximize Effect. Word Association; Cartoon Tests; Photo Sorts; Customer Drawings; Storytelling; Sentence and Story Completion; Third Person Technique. Chapter Four

18 Index Comparing Qualitative/Quantitative Depth Interviews
Evaluating / Limitations of Data Focus Groups Perceptual Mapping Index

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