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Sub-Contracting Request Demo 1.Role of Unit Maker 1.Preparation of Sub-Contracting RequestPreparation of Sub-Contracting Request 2.Submission of Sub-Contracting.

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Presentation on theme: "Sub-Contracting Request Demo 1.Role of Unit Maker 1.Preparation of Sub-Contracting RequestPreparation of Sub-Contracting Request 2.Submission of Sub-Contracting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sub-Contracting Request Demo 1.Role of Unit Maker 1.Preparation of Sub-Contracting RequestPreparation of Sub-Contracting Request 2.Submission of Sub-Contracting Request to Unit ApproverSubmission of Sub-Contracting Request to Unit Approver 3.Printing of Challan for submission to Authorised OfficerPrinting of Challan for submission to Authorised Officer 2.Role of Unit Approver 1.Submission of Sub-Contracting Request to Custom AssessorSubmission of Sub-Contracting Request to Custom Assessor 2.Handling Query raised by Custom Assessor / Authorised OfficerHandling Query raised by Custom Assessor / Authorised Officer 3.Procedure for bringing the goods back to the SEZProcedure for bringing the goods back to the SEZ 4.Duty demanded by Custom OfficialDuty demanded by Custom Official 3. Role of Assessing Officer 1.Approval of Sub-Contracting Request while taking the goods out of the ZoneApproval of Sub-Contracting Request while taking the goods out of the Zone

2 Preparation of Sub-Contracting Form by Unit Maker

3 Preparation of Sub-Contracting by Unit Maker For subcontracting, SEZ units need to obtain permission from the Office of DC Customs. The permission Reference No. & Date are to be entered SEZ Unit Details are auto populated Click on Sub- Contracting Form Details of the entity where goods are being sent are to be entered Select the Type of Receiving Unit Package details of goods which are being sent OUT are to be entered

4 If bank guarantee is applicable, check-box to be ticked & Bank details to be mentioned Click on SAVE Preparation of Sub-Contracting by Unit Maker Continuation of General tab

5 On saving the details for the first time, a unique Request id is generated On saving General Details tab a message is displayed as ‘Details saved successfully’

6 Details of Items which are being sent out of the zone for subcontracting are to be entered in this tab Click on ADD button to add Invoice details Click on SAVE Invoice Details are to be entered here Preparation of Sub-Contracting by Unit Maker

7 Invoice details entered are displayed in a tabular form Multiple invoices can be added by clicking on ADD button Details of Item being sent out for sub contracting are to be provided in this section Preparation of Sub-Contracting by Unit Maker Click on ADD to add Item details

8 Enter Item Details User can search for RITC/ITCHS Code of the item by clicking here User can enter the 1 st four digit of RITC Code and click on Search User can select the Code Click on SELECT Preparation of Sub-Contracting by Unit Maker

9 Based on the selection, either Bill of Entry or DTA Procurement document details have to be provided Preparation of Sub-Contracting by Unit Maker The source of receipt of the item into the Zone has to be selected either as Bill of Entry or DTA Procurement User can search for RITC/ITCHS Code of the item by clicking here Enter Item Details

10 Item details entered are displayed in a tabular form Multiple items can be added by clicking on ADD button Details of items which are expected to be received back after sub contracting have to be entered here. Details entered here will be populated in ‘Goods IN’ tab of the request when goods are to be brought back to SEZ & will not be editable. Thus it is essential to declare the details accurately.Goods IN

11 Items added are displayed in a tabular form Multiple items can be added by clicking on ADD button Preparation of Sub-Contracting by Unit Maker

12 Submission of Sub-Contracting by Unit Maker to Unit Approver

13 Click here to submit the request to Unit Approver After preparing Sub-Contracting, Unit Maker may submit the request to Unit Approver Submission of Sub-Contracting Request by Unit Maker to Unit Approver

14 After clicking on SUBMIT button, Confirmation screen appears Submission of Sub-Contracting Request by Unit Maker to Unit Approver

15 Submission of Sub-Contracting Request by Unit Approver to Custom Assessor

16 Unit Approver’s Inbox As Unit Maker user submits the request, it comes to Unit Approver’s Inbox Click here to open the request Submission of Sub-Contracting Request by Unit Approver to Authorised Officer

17 Unit Approver can view & edit the entire Sub-Contracting form Submission of Sub-Contracting Request by Unit Approver to Authorised Officer

18 Unit Approver may 1. Send back the request to user who has prepared it OR 2. Submit the request to Authorized Officer OR 3. Cancelled These are the Action options available to Unit Approver After selecting Request Status, click on SUBMIT Continuation of General Details tab Submission of Sub-Contracting Request by Unit Approver to Authorised Officer

19 Printing of Challan for submission to Custom Assessor / Authorised Officer

20 Printing of Challan To print, search for the request through ’Search Request’ link & Open it by clicking on Request id Print of Challan can be obtained by Unit maker / Unit Approver

21 Select the no. of copies of Challan required for submission to Authorised Officer Click here to print Challan Printing of Challan

22 On submission of the Request by Unit Approver to Custom Assessor Officer, Challan no. is generated by the system in DC Code/SEZ Code/ Unit code/TR/Running Serial no. format.

23 Approval by Customs while taking the goods out of the Zone for Sub Contracting As Unit Approver submits the Request, Custom Assessor will be able to view it. Custom Assessor will be able to access the Request only after receipt of physical copies of Challan obtained from SEZ Online System along with supporting documents. Custom Assessor will approve the Request & update status in SEZ Online System & also affix his signature & stamp on physical copies of Challan. On Approval by Custom Assessor, the request moves to Authorised officer, who may after necessary verification, permit removal of goods from the Zone by updating the status of the request in SEZ Online System as ‘Passed out’. On approval by Authorized officer, goods can be removed from the zone & first lag of the transaction is completed. Unit Maker Unit Approver Preparation Custom Assessor Submission Print Challan Passed Out Authorised Officer Approved

24 Procedure for bringing the goods back to the SEZ As the Authorized Officer allows the unit to take the goods out of Zone, the request moves back to Unit Approver for intimation of arrival of goods. At this stage the unit will have three Action options. However, in any case, the request returns to the Authorised Officer for his Approval Authorized officerUnit Approver Passed out Close request or Request Extension or Request Re-Entry Action Option To be selected ifDetails to be provided by Unit in the request On Approval of the request by Authorised Officer Close Request Goods are being received back in FULL Quantity of items being received back in SEZ The Request gets closed Request Re- Entry Goods are being received back in PARTIAL quantities Quantity of items being received back in SEZ The request returns to the Unit Approver for remaining Goods In Request Extension Goods are not expected to be received within 120 days & permission for extension is sought The reason for requesting Extension & the proposed period of extension The request returns to the Unit Approver for remaining Goods In

25 If Authorised Officer marks the request as ‘Passed out’, the request will come to unit Approver’s Inbox Unit Approver’s Inbox Click here to open the request The status of the request will be ‘Authorised Officer Passed Out’ Procedure for bringing goods back to SEZ

26 At this stage, the ‘General ‘ & ‘Item Out Details’ sections are un editable. An additional section ‘Item Re-entry details’ will be available for entering details of items that are being back to SEZ Procedure for bringing goods back to SEZ

27 Click here to enter the details Goods may be brought back either in ‘FULL’ or ‘PARTIAL’ quantity. The Quantity of item being brought in has to be entered here Details entered earlier (while submission of ‘Goods Out’ request ), in the section ‘Declaration of Goods IN’ are populated in this section.Declaration of Goods IN Procedure for bringing goods back to SEZ The total quantity of the item returned earlier will be populated in ‘Returned Quantity’ The balance quantity which is to be brought into the SEZ will be populated in ‘Remaining Quantity’.

28 If User selects “Complete” as type of Re-entry & the returned quantity is less than current returned quantity, then the User needs to enter the Reason for Shortfall Procedure for bringing goods back to SEZ

29 Remaining quantity is displayed These are the Action options available to Unit Approver after Passed Out Unit Approver may 1.Extend the period if required by selecting ‘Request Extension OR 2.Close the request, on receipt of complete goods OR 3.Re-enter the receipt of partial or complete details of goods Procedure for bringing goods back to SEZ

30 Enter the Extension details, if the User selects status as ‘Request Extension’ Procedure for bringing goods back to SEZ

31 Handling Query raised by Authorised Officer at the time of goods sent out If the Authorised Officer finds a discrepancy or needs a clarification with respect to the Sub-Contracting Request, he may raise a ‘Query’. If Authorised Officer raises a query, the Sub-Contracting Request will go back to Unit Approver. Unit Approver can view the Sub-Contracting Request from his Inbox & respond to the ‘Query’. The unit will also be able to edit the Request. Unit Approver Authorised Officer 1.Submit 2.Raise Query 3.Query Response

32 Unit Approver’s Inbox Click here to open the request The status of the request will be ‘Authorised Officer After Submission Raise Query’ If Authorised Officer raises a query, the request will come to unit Approver’s Inbox Handling Query raised by Authorised Officer

33 Remarks entered by Authorised Officer giving details of the Query After opening the request, Click here (Remarks history Link) to view the Query raised by Authorised Officer Handling Query raised by Authorised Officer

34 Unit Approver may 1.Forward the Query to user who had prepared the Temporary Removal request OR 2.Reply to the Query These are the Action options available to Unit Approver Handling Query raised by Authorised Officer

35 After Reentry, if Authorised Officer marks the request as Raise Query, the request will come to Unit Approver’s Inbox Unit Approver may 1.Forward the Query to user who had prepared the Temporary Removal request or 2.Reply to the Query

36 Duty demanded by Custom Official

37 When the Custom Assessor demands duty, the request comes in Unit Approver’s inbox Duty demanded by Custom Official

38 Unit Approver gets an additional tab to fill Challan details These are the Action options available to Unit Approver after the duty is demanded Unit Approver may 1.Forward to user who had prepared the Temporary Removal request or 2.Pay Duty Duty demanded by Custom Official

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