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Montana K-12 Content Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Text Complexity.

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Presentation on theme: "Montana K-12 Content Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Text Complexity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Montana K-12 Content Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Text Complexity

2 Text Complexity “The Common Core Standards hinge on students encountering appropriately complex texts at each grade level in order to develop the mature language skills and the conceptual knowledge they need for success in school and life” (p. 3).

3 Grade 1 Grade 6Grade 12 With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6–8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at the high end of the grades 11– CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently. With prompting and support read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6–8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 11– CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently. Reading Literary and Informational Texts Standard #10

4 Guiding Questions 4 Range and Complexity of Text Comparison 1st K K 2nd 4th 6th 8th 10th 12th 5th 7th 9th 11th K K 2 nd 3rd 8th 10th 12th 6th 4th 11th 9th 7th 5th 1 st Year of College Lexile “Stretch” Bands (Common Core) 11 th – CCR 1215 – 1355 9 th – 1 0 th 1080 – 1305 6 th – 8 th 955 – 1155 4 th – 5 th 770 – 980 2 nd – 3 rd 450 – 790 Lexile “Stretch” Bands (Common Core) 11 th – CCR 1215 – 1355 9 th – 1 0 th 1080 – 1305 6 th – 8 th 955 – 1155 4 th – 5 th 770 – 980 2 nd – 3 rd 450 – 790 Lexile Bands (Existing Core) 11 th – CCR 1070 – 1220 9 th – 1 0 th 960 – 1115 6 th – 8 th 860 – 1010 4 th – 5 th 645 – 845 2 nd – 3 rd 450 – 725 Lexile Bands (Existing Core) 11 th – CCR 1070 – 1220 9 th – 1 0 th 960 – 1115 6 th – 8 th 860 – 1010 4 th – 5 th 645 – 845 2 nd – 3 rd 450 – 725

5 5Source: Overview of Text Complexity Text complexity is defined by: Qualitative 2.Qualitative measures – levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands often best measured by an attentive human reader. Quantitative 1.Quantitative measures – readability and other scores of text complexity often best measured by computer software. Reader and Task 3.Reader and Task considerations – background knowledge of reader, motivation, interests, and complexity generated by tasks assigned often best made by educators employing their professional judgment.

6 Text Complexity Grade Bands Suggested Lexile Range Suggested ATOS Book Level Range** K-1N/A1.0 – 2.5 2-3450L – 790L2.0 – 4.0 4-5770L – 980L3.0 – 5.7 6-8955L – 1155L4.0 – 8.0 9-101080L – 1305L4.6 – 10.0 11-CCR1215L – 1355L4.8 – 12.0 Quantitative Measures Ranges for Text Complexity Grade Bands ** Taken from Accelerated Reader and the Common Core State Standards, available at the following URL:

7 Where do we find texts in the appropriate text complexity band? Choose an excerpt of text from Appendix B: 7 We could…. or… Use available resources to determine the text complexity of other materials on our own.

8 A Four-step Process: Determining Text Complexity 8 Quantitative Qualitative Reader and Task 4.Recommend placement in the appropriate text complexity band. 3.Reflect upon the reader and task considerations. 2.Analyze the qualitative measures of the text. 1.Determine the quantitative measures of the text.

9 9 Measures such as: Word length Word frequency Word difficulty Sentence length Text length Text cohesion Step 1: Quantitative Measures

10 10 The Quantitative Measures Ranges for Text Complexity : This document outlines the suggested ranges for each of the text complexity bands using: 1.Lexile Text Measures ---or--- 2.ATOS Book Levels (Accelerated Reader)

11 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 11 Let’s imagine we want to see where a text falls on the quantitative measures “leg” of the text complexity triangle, using either the Lexile text measures or the ATOS book level (or both). For illustrative purposes, let’s choose Harper Lee’s 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

12 Finding a Lexile Measure for Text: / / Step 1: Quantitative Measures 12

13 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 13

14 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 14

15 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 15 For texts not in the Lexile database, consider using the Lexile Analyzer: Registration is required (free) Allows user to receive an “estimated” Lexile score Accommodates texts up to 1000 words in length Texts of any length can be evaluated using the Professional Lexile Analyzer—educators can upgrade to this tool for free by requesting access

16 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 16 Additional Resources for Lexile Measures: Overview video “What Does the Lexile Measure Mean?” “Lexile Measures and the Common Core State Standards” KSDE Lexile Resource Page Kansas Lexile Map

17 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 17 Finding a ATOS Book Level for Text:

18 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 18

19 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 19

20 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 20 For texts not in the AR Bookfinder database, consider using The ATOS Analyzer: No registration is required (however, you must provide an email address to receive results) Three methods of analysis are available: 1.ATOS for Books – for submitting complete text of a book 2.ATOS for Books with Estimated Word Count – does not require full text, just three 150-word passages 3.ATOS for Text– works well for short, full-text submissions (short stories, magazine/newspaper articles, etc.)

21 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 21 Additional Resources for ATOS Book Level Measures: Accelerated Reader Website “Accelerated Reader and the Common Core State Standards” Kansas All Books Connect Website

22 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 22 Lexile Text Measure: ATOS Book Level: 870L 5.6 In which of the text complexity bands would this novel fall?

23 Text Complexity Grade Bands Suggested Lexile Range Suggested ATOS Book Level Range** K-1N/A1.0 – 2.5 2-3450L – 790L2.0 – 4.0 4-5770L – 980L3.0 – 5.7 6-8955L – 1155L4.0 – 8.0 9-101080L – 1305L4.6 – 10.0 11-CCR1215L – 1355L4.8 – 12.0 Quantitative Measures Ranges for Text Complexity Grade Bands ** Taken from Accelerated Reader and the Common Core State Standards, available at the following URL:

24 Step 1: Quantitative Measures 24 Remember, however, that the quantitative measures is only the first of three “legs” of the text complexity triangle. Our final recommendation may be validated, influenced, or even over-ruled by our examination of qualitative measures and the reader and task considerations.

25 25 Step 2: Qualitative Measures Measures such as: Levels of meaning Levels of purpose Structure Organization Language conventionality Language clarity Prior knowledge demands

26 Step 2: Qualitative Measures 26 The Qualitative Measures Rubrics for Literary and Informational Text : The rubric for literary text and the rubric for informational text allow educators to evaluate the important elements of text that are often missed by computer software that tends to focus on more easily measured factors.

27 Step 2: Qualitative Measures 27 Because the factors for literary texts are different from information texts, these two rubrics contain different content. However, the formatting of each document is exactly the same. And because these factors represent continua rather than discrete stages or levels, numeric values are not associated with these rubrics. Instead, four points along each continuum are identified: high, middle high, middle low, and low.

28 Step 2: Qualitative Measures 28 So… How is the rubric used? And how would To Kill a Mockingbird fair when analyzed through the lens of the Literary Text Rubric?

29 Step 2: Qualitative Measures 29

30 Step 2: Qualitative Measures 30 Lexile Text Measure: ATOS Book Level: 870L 5.6 From examining the quantitative measures, we knew: But after reflecting upon the qualitative measures, we believed:

31 Step 2: Qualitative Measures 31 Quantitative Qualitative Reader and Task Our initial placement of To Kill a Mockingbird into a text complexity band changed when we examined the qualitative measures. Remember, however, that we have completed only the first two legs of the text complexity triangle. The reader and task considerations still remain.

32 32 Step 3: Reader and Task Considerations such as: Motivation Knowledge and experience Purpose for reading Complexity of task assigned regarding text Complexity of questions asked regarding text

33 Step 3:Reader and Task Considerations 33 Questions for Professional Reflection on Reader and Task Considerations : The questions provided in this resource are meant to spur teacher thought and reflection upon the text, students, and any tasks associated with the text.

34 Step 3:Reader and Task Considerations 34 The questions included here are largely open-ended questions without single, correct answers, but help educators to think through the implications of using a particular text in the classroom.

35 Step 3: Reader and Task Considerations 35 Based upon our examination of the Reader and Task Considerations, we have completed the third leg of the text complexity model and are now ready to recommend a final placement within a text complexity band.

36 Step 4: Recommended Placement 36 Step 4: Recommended Placement After reflecting upon all three legs of the text complexity model we can make a final recommendation of placement within a text and begin to document our thinking for future reference.

37 Step 4: Recommended Placement 37 Lexile Text Measure: ATOS Book Level: 870L 5.6

38 Step 4: Recommended Placement 38 Based upon all the information—all three legs of the model—the final recommendation for To Kill a Mockingbird is….

39 Step 4: Recommended Placement 39 In this instance, Appendix B confirms our evaluation of the novel. To Kill a Mockingbird is placed within the grade 9-10 text complexity band.

40 Step 4: Recommended Placement 40 Template for Text Complexity Analysis and Recommended Placement Form : The one-page template provides an opportunity to record the thinking involved in recommending the placement of a specific text into a text complexity band. Keeping a record of such analysis and thinking might be useful documentation in the case that any questions arise in the future.

41 Step 4: Recommended Placement 41


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