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Evaluating Educational Technology Initiatives: How Do You Know It’s Working?

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating Educational Technology Initiatives: How Do You Know It’s Working?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating Educational Technology Initiatives: How Do You Know It’s Working?

2 Introduction zLearn about – and get the tools for – conducting a successful evaluation zSet appropriate expectations for instructional technology evaluation zReflect on the value that such a process can bring to your district’s efforts.

3 zSun Associates yWho we are yWhat we do yWhat’s on your USB drive zYou?

4 Framing the task for Program Evaluation zDeconstructing “Working” yDefined by the goals of your project yDefined by intent zEvaluation = A structured process for examining the relationship between intent/actions and outcomes

5 zVery focused projects zWhole district technology plans zThe basic process is the same zToday, we’re focusing on a whole district technology plan – aka, technology audit.

6 The Sun Associates Process zAn “open-source” approach to technology program evaluation yYou can modify components of the process as necessary/if desired zA process for examining outcomes as measured by intent yThe process allows you to reflect on your intent and the anticipated outcomes related to that intent

7 Sun Associates’ Process

8 zMixed Methods yQualitative and quantitative zStakeholder-based yFocused on unique needs/situations zOpen Source yAllows for incorporation of existing measures/metrics zGenerative of reflection yExcellent for both on-going-improvement, formative work, and planning work. zProduces “answers” for those who need those

9 Sun Associates’ Process


11 Working an Example Together zTake a look at the tools… yIndicator/question matrix yUniverse of data zFinding references in the data yQuantitative and Qualitative zWhat do we think the data says? yThat’s a finding!

12 Now You Do It z4 teams yTeams will model the data review and analysis process for a single indicator yToday, 2 teams per indicator yIn “real life” your committee would need to do this for all FOUR indicators zReview your team’s indicator, questions, and data zDevelop basic findings z40 minutes!

13 Pair-Share zFind the other team that worked on your indicator z15 minutes to pair-share what you found yWhat are the findings you developed for your indicator?


15 Expanding the Process zModifying the Indicators yConnecting the indicators to your specific project outcomes zUsing different/additional questions ySun Associates’ Question Bank zWeaving-in existing tools and data

16 Wrap-up zFor additional assistance… ySun Associates’ evaluation support website yWhat’s coming there next zJeff Sun – y978-251-1600 ext. 204

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