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Normal distribution and intro to continuous probability density functions...

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1 Normal distribution and intro to continuous probability density functions...




5 Discrete Distribution Mean = np = 10 x 0.5 = 5

6 As a Histogram (Area of rectangle = probability)

7 Decrease interval size...

8 Decrease interval size more…. Almost a nice continuous curve

9 Continuous probability density functions The curve describes probability of getting any range of values, say P(X > 60), P(X<30), P(20 < X < 50) Area under the curve = probability Area under whole curve = 1 Probability of getting specific number is 0, e.g. P(X=60) = 0

10 Characteristics of normal distribution Symmetric, bell-shaped curve. Shape of curve depends on population mean  and variance  2. Center of distribution is . Spread is determined by . Most values fall around the mean, but some values are smaller and some are larger. Probabilities are from area under the curve

11 The Normal Distribution WRITTEN : … which means the continuous random variable X is normally distributed with mean  and variance  2

12 Examples of normal random variables

13 Properties of Normal Distribution


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