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Bell Work 8/22/14 Pick 4 expressions and evaluate those expressions.

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2 Bell Work 8/22/14 Pick 4 expressions and evaluate those expressions.

3 Yesterday’s Homework 1.Any questions? 2.Please pass your homework to the front. Make sure the correct heading is on your paper. Is your NAME on your paper? Make sure the homework is 100% complete. Incomplete work will NOT be accepted.

4 What Do Notes Look Like? Heading Date Section # and Title Notes You do not have to copy the text in blue! Homework

5 Adding and Subtracting Real Numbers (subtract) TSWBAT: subtract real numbers. 10/17/2015 Heading Students understand and use such operations as taking the opposite, finding the reciprocal, taking a root, and raising to a fractional power. They understand and use the rules of exponents.

6 Notes Rules for Subtraction - To subtract b from a, add the opposite of b to a. - Leave, change, change. When subtracting two numbers, leave the first number, change the subtraction sign to addition, and change the second number to its opposite. Leave! Change!

7 Notes Leave! Change! Ex. Evaluate the expression. Now you try. Leave! Change! Ex. Leave! Change! Ex. Leave! Change! Ex.

8 Notes Now you try. Ex. Evaluate the expression.

9 Notes Now you try. Ex. Evaluate the expression. Ex.

10 Notes Ex. Now you try. Evaluate the expression. Ex.

11 Summary Subtracting real numbers is just another way of adding. All you have to do is “Leave, _______, Change.” This will make the subtraction problem an ________ problem. Now just follow the rules of addition. Change addition

12 Today’s Homework 1.Pencil ONLY. 2.Must attempt EVERY problem. 3.Always check your answers. Rules for Homework

13 Class Work Evaluate the expression.

14 Complete the Ticket Out the Door without talking!!!!! Talking = time after the bell! Ticket Out the Door Put your NAME on the paper. When finished, turn your paper face DOWN. Evaluate the expression.

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