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All Oracle Features in Action Mobiltel Mediation Platform Georgi Hristov Integration & Service Enabling Department.

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Presentation on theme: "All Oracle Features in Action Mobiltel Mediation Platform Georgi Hristov Integration & Service Enabling Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 All Oracle Features in Action Mobiltel Mediation Platform Georgi Hristov Integration & Service Enabling Department

2 25.10.2008Page 2 What is Mediation?  Files transfers  Decodes data that has been encoded by the ASN.1 into the internal standard format.  Validate, formatting and conversion data by mapping rule.  Aggregates partial CDR belonging to the same session by the CDR type.  Correlates different CDRs belonging to the same session.  Filters CDRs and their fields according to the systems that need charging data.  Create flexible and wide CDR for Business System Software NE 1NE 2NE n... Mediation Validation Formatting & Conversion Aggregation Correlation Filtering Create custom CDR Business Systems BS 1BS 2BS n... ftp Network Elements ASN.1 Parser

3 25.10.2008Page 3 What is CDR? IMSI284011234567890 CALLINGNUMBER359888654321 CALLINGIMEI3561270129573530 TIMEDATE25/10/2008 00:00:23 CALLDURATION16 CALLEDNUMBER359888123456 SEQUENCENUMBER819391 LOCATION284-01-21900-51991

4 25.10.2008Page 4 Old Mediation ■ CDR Files ■ No Database ■ Perl scripts ■ Hard to make statistics ■ Hard to make new features ■ Slow flexibility

5 25.10.2008Page 5 Mediation Needs  Flexibility  Performance  Real-time processing  Searching  Statistics  Archive  Guiding

6 25.10.2008Page 6 Mediation Platform

7 25.10.2008Page 7 Mediation Platform in Numbers  60M Input CDRs per Day  120M Output CDRs per Day  More than 5M subscribers  More than 200 interfaces  45 days History  More than 600GB Table space Call Durations and Call Count

8 25.10.2008Page 8 Mediation Platform  Indexing  Partitions  Statistics  Compression  Fast access  REG_EXP  Logic Into Database  Oracle GRID Control Monitoring  Oracle GRID Control Managing  Oracle Clustering Mediation MNP SWAT

9 25.10.2008Page 9 CDR Database  Storage  Indexing  Partitions  Compression  Processing CDR Repository 64 Billion records; All CDRs since 1998 15 TB uncompressed 4.3 TB compresses 65% speedup < 1 sec to find a call

10 25.10.2008Page 10 Box Services (HomeBox VoiceBox OfficeBox)  Guiding  Processing  Fraud Preventing

11 25.10.2008Page 11 HomeBox Architecture

12 25.10.2008Page 12 Home Fraud

13 25.10.2008Page 13 SWAT is not Subscribers Wild Attribute Transformations  Real-Time Processing  Subscribers information  Real-Time Guiding  Always in Memory *Oracle Coherence, Oracle TimesTen

14 25.10.2008Page 14 Oracle Standard useful features used in Mediation Platform  Lag SELECT last_name, hire_date, salary,LAG(salary, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY hire_date) AS PREV_SAL FROM employees  Partition by SELECT manager_id, last_name, salary, MAX(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY manager_id) AS rmax_sal FROM employees  XML object  Nested tables  Partition Management  Interval Partitioning

15 25.10.2008Page 15 Example (1) select imschargingidentifier, accountingrecordtype calltype,eventtimestamp, LAG(eventtimestamp) OVER (Partition by imschargingidentifier ORDER BY eventtimestamp) b_time,LAG(call_type) OVER (Partition by imschargingidentifier ORDER BY eventtimestamp) call_type, max(calledpartyoriginaladdress) OVER (Partition by imschargingidentifier) calledpartyoriginaladdress, max(subscriptioniddata) OVER (Partition by imschargingidentifier) subscriptioniddata from (select * from ( select i.eventtimestamp,i.imschargingidentifier,i.accountingrecordtype, case when (instr(sdpmedianame,'m=video')>0) then 'V' when (instr(sdpmedianame,'m=audio')>0) then 'A' else '_' end call_type, i.causecode,i.calledpartyoriginaladdress,i.originhost,i.serverpartyipaddress, i.callingpartyaddress,i.subscriptioniddata,i.destinationrealm FROM ims_table_records I WHERE FILE_ID = 7 AND ((i.accountingrecordtype = 2 and i.roleofnode = 0) or (i.accountingrecordtype in (3,4) and (i.roleofnode =0 or i.roleofnode is null))) and imschargingidentifier in (select imschargingidentifier from ( select count(imschargingidentifier),imschargingidentifier from ims_table_records where FILE_ID = 7 group by imschargingidentifier having count(imschargingidentifier) >1 )) )x where not (accountingrecordtype =3 and call_type = '_')) SCHARGINGIDENTIFIERcallEVENTTIMESTAMPB_TIMEcallCalledNumberCallingNumber 1"3f07db0902fbd60866df283952556"22008-04-18 12:37:12 sip:pesho@sip.mtel.bg359885623924 2"3f07db0902fbd60866df283952556"42008-04-18 12:37:552008-04-18 12:37:12Asip:pesho@sip.mtel.bg359885623924 3"47af208f0335200866de8c7350dc4"22008-04-18 12:26:36 sip:0888123456@ 4"47af208f0335200866de8c7350dc4"42008-04-18 12:27:192008-04-18 12:26:36Asip:0888123456@

16 25.10.2008Page 16 Example (2) select a.chargingID,a.servedIMSI,a.servedMSISDN, a.AccessPointNameNI,a.recordOpeningTime start_rectime,nvl(extractValue(value(s1), '/ContentTypeIDSequence/ContentTypeID'),'102') ContentTypeID,nvl(extractValue(value(s1), '/ContentTypeIDSequence/UplinkCount'), gx.dataVolumeGPRSUplink) Up,nvl(extractValue(value(s1), '/ContentTypeIDSequence/DownlinkCount'),gx.dataVolumeGPRSDownlink) Down,file_id,a.localsequencenumber,min(mn.column_value) over (partition by a.localsequencenumber) sgsnaddress from ipc_table_ggsn a,table(XMLSequence( extract(a.RECORDEXTENSIONS, '/ExtensionXML/ExtensionSequence/informationSequence/ContainerSequence/ContentTypeIDSequence')))(+) s1,table(a.listoftrafficvolumes) gx,table(a.sgsnaddress) mn

17 25.10.2008Page 17 What’s New HP Oracle Exadata Storage Server

18 25.10.2008Page 18 A Q &

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