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1 Closing Session ETD 2008: 11 th Int. Symp. on ETDs Aberdeen, Scotland Edward A. Fox Executive Director, NDLTD, Virginia Tech,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Closing Session ETD 2008: 11 th Int. Symp. on ETDs Aberdeen, Scotland Edward A. Fox Executive Director, NDLTD, Virginia Tech,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Closing Session ETD 2008: 11 th Int. Symp. on ETDs Aberdeen, Scotland Edward A. Fox Executive Director, NDLTD, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA, Mobile: +1-540-230-6266

2 Outline Acknowledgements Straw Polls, Discussion Summary, Conclusions Exciting news: ETD Guide now in wikibooks –

3 Acknowledgements All those working with ETDs NDLTD, including Board, Committees, and Members ETD 2008 Conference Team Sponsors Presenters, Attendees

4 4 Board of Directors Suzie Allard (ETD 2004, U. Kentucky) Denise A. D. Bedford (World Bank) Julia C. Blixrud (ARL, SPARC) Tony Cargnelutti Vinod Chachra (VTLS) William Clark (Ohio State U.) Bruce Cochrane (Miami U. Ohio) Susan Copeland (RGU, UK) Jude Edminster (Bowling Green St. U.) Edward A. Fox (Executive Director, Virginia Tech) John H. Hagen (West Virginia U.) Thomas B. Hickey (OCLC) Christine Jewell (U. Waterloo, Canada) Joan K. Lippincott (CNI) Austin McLean (Treasurer, Proquest) Gail McMillan (Secretary, Virginia Tech) Eva M ü ller (U. Uppsala, Sweden) Ana Pavani (PUC Rio, Brazil) Max Read (U. British Columbia) Sharon Reeves (Library and Archives of Canada) Peter Schirmbacher (ETD 2003, Humboldt) Samson Soong (Hong Kong U. Science & Technology) Hussein Suleman (U.Cape Town, S. Africa) Shalini R. Urs (U. Mysore, India) Eric F. Van de Velde (ETD 2001, Caltech) Ellen Wagner (Adobe) Xiaolin Zhang (National Science Library, China)

5 5 NDLTD Committees (Chairs) Awards (John Hagen -> Christine Jewell) Conferences (Sharon Reeves) Development (Suzie Allard, John Hagen) Executive (Ed Fox) Finance (Austin McLean) Implementation (John Hagen) Membership (Eric Van de Velde) Nominating (Christine Jewell) Public Relations (Suzie Allard) Services & Standards (Ana Pavani, Thom Hickey)

6 Outline Acknowledgements Straw Polls, Discussion Summary, Conclusions

7 7 Straw Poll 1 Please vote by raising your right hand for no more than 2 of the following. Then please help discuss this to guide NDLTD. Which part of the world would you like to visit for ETD 2010? 1.Latin America 2.Caribbean 3.North America 4.Eastern Europe 5.Africa 6.India 7.Asia - Pacific

8 8 Straw Poll 2 Please vote by raising your right hand for no more than 1 of the following. Then please help discuss this to guide NDLTD. Where in the world should a smaller regional ETD conference be held? 1.Latin America 2.Caribbean 3.North America 4.Eastern Europe 5.Africa 6.India 7.Asia - Pacific

9 9 Straw Poll 3 Please vote by raising your right hand for no more than 2 of the following. Then please help discuss this to guide NDLTD. Which focus do you have in your ETD-related activities/interests? 1.Graduate education 2.Library / information science / practice 3.University administration 4.Policy and planning 5.Electronic publishing 6.Digital libraries 7.Technology/science/development 8.Other – please explain

10 10 Straw Poll 4 Please vote by raising your right hand for no more than 2 of the following. Then please help discuss this to guide NDLTD. Which of the following systems is most interesting to you? 1.Acrobat 2.BEpress 3.DSpace 4.Eprints 5.ETD-db 6.Fedora 7.Other – please explain

11 11 Straw Poll 5 Please vote by raising your right hand for no more than 1 of the following. Then please help discuss this to guide NDLTD. Which of the following DL-related areas is of most interest? 1.Overview – General information 2.Digital objects 3.Collection development 4.Information / knowledge organization 5.Architecture (of DL systems)

12 12 Straw Poll 6 Please vote by raising your right hand for no more than 1 of the following. Then please help discuss this to guide NDLTD. Which of the following DL-related areas is of most interest? 1.User behavior / interactions 2.Services 3.Preservation 4.Management and evaluation 5.DL education / research

13 13 Straw Poll 7 Please vote by raising your right hand for no more than 1 of the following. Then please help discuss this to guide NDLTD. Which of the following DL-related sub-areas is of most interest? 1.Conceptual frameworks, theories, definitions about DL 2.File formats, transformation, migration 3.Digitization 4.Document and e-publishing / presentation, markup 5.Metadata

14 14 Straw Poll 8 Please vote by raising your right hand for no more than 1 of the following. Then please help discuss this to guide NDLTD. Which of the following DL-related sub-areas is of most interest? 1.Subject description, vocabulary control, thesauri, terminologies 2.Identifiers, handles, DOI, PURL 3.Online information seeking behaviors and search strategies 4.Web publishing: wiki, RSS, blogs 5.ETD DL case studies 6.Intellectual property / copyright

15 15 Straw Poll 9 Please vote by raising your right hand for no more than 2 of the following. Then please help discuss this to guide NDLTD. Which type of online community support would you use re ETDs? 1.Facebook 2.Listserv 3.Myspace 4.Second Life 5.Other – please explain

16 16 Straw Poll 10 Please propose some other straw poll, or bring up another topic of interest, related to any or all of: ETD conferences and workshops Online NDLTD community –Second Life? … Support services Technology / systems developments Other …

17 Review, Wrapup Acknowledgements Straw Polls, Discussion Summary, Conclusions –Activities, Challenges –Spirit of NDLTD

18 18 Activities, Challenges Build Collection –Promote richer use of ETDs –Enhance services for students (incl. ugrad) –Integrate with: institutional repositories, e- portfolios, e-publishing, e-science, … Build Community: local, national, regional

19 19 Spirit of NDLTD Help make a better (smaller) world Win-win-win (everyone can benefit) Have fun helping others Helpers/teachers learn more than those they work with Build on standards ETDs are preservable, popular, expressive, better Doable, feasible, learnable, affordable, sharable Please join/support NDLTD!

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