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Basic Awareness Training for all Staff

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1 Basic Awareness Training for all Staff
Area Classification Basic Awareness Training for all Staff

2 Explosion! * Flammable Material * plus * Oxygen Oxygen Ignition
* Source of Ignition Oxygen Ignition Flammable Material

3 Properties of Materials
*Flash Point * Auto Ignition Temperature * Flammable Range - % Volume * Gas / Vapour Density - Air = 1 * Source of Ignition Oxygen Ignition Flammable Material

* A Zone in which an explosive atmosphere is continuously present, or present for long periods. (> 1000 hours per year) * Zone 1 * A Zone in which an explosive atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operation. (10 to 1000 hours per year)

* A Zone in which an explosive atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation, and if it occurs it will only exist for a short time. * (1 to 10 hours per year) * NON-HAZARDOUS AREA * An area in which an explosive gas/air mixture is not expected to be present in quantities such as to require special precautions for the construction, use and maintenance of electrical equipment.

6 ZONE LOCATIONS * Zone 0 * Inside a solvent tank or solventbased manufacturing vessel * Zone 1 * Solventbased paint production areas, around mixers, filling machines, dispersers, etc.. Up to 1.5 to 2m from the floor (vapours are heavier than air) . * Zone 2 * Drum park, warehouse, upper part of production areas, generally around and beyond zone 1, lab benches and floors to 0.5m high.

* A Zone in which an explosive atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation, and if it occurs it will only exist for a short time. * (1 to 10 hours per year) * NON-HAZARDOUS AREA * An area in which an explosive gas/air mixture is not expected to be present in quantities such as to require special precautions for the construction, use and maintenance of electrical equipment.

8 Electrical Equipment Register
Registration. A Register of all electrical equipment in hazardous areas will be held in the Engineering Department by the Site Responsible Engineer or Responsible Engineer. Each electrical system shall carry a unique reference number. Up to date listings are to be maintained. Any new electrical system must be identified and recorded on the Register in order to ensure that it is regularly inspected.

* Use of electrical items * Avoidance of static electricity - USE EARTHING LEADS * Control of visitors / equipment (hot work certificate) * Maintenance work on electrical items. (hot work certification) * Modification of electrical items * Damage to electrical items * Fastening / enclosure of electrical items * Vehicles (hot work certificate)

10 Area Classification Drawings
Show the location and vertical and horizontal extent of the zone 0, 1 and 2 areas. Where is your area classification drawing? Make sure it is up-to-date, and consulted by people issuing permits to work.

11 Labelling of Equipment
E = European Standard Ex = this equipment has some form of hazardous area protection ia, ib, d, e, n, etc.. = type of protection Iia, Iib, Iic = gas group T1, 2, etc = temperature rating Certificate number Certifying body

12 Electrical Equipment * Zone 0 - Ex ia Exs * Zone 1
- Exa Exib Exp Exe Exs Exd * Zone 2 - Ex N Ex o Ex q

13 EEx i Intrinsic Safety Instrumentation Non Haz Hazardous

14 EEx i Intrinsic Safety Non Haz Hazardous Incapable of causing
an explosion Inductance and capacitance are limited Specific fault conditions Non Haz Hazardous

15 EExd Flameproof Enclosure
Gas Inside Internal Explosion Withstands Pressure No flame or heat transmission to outside Strength must not be reduced L W

16 Eexd Flameproof Enclosure
Switchgear Motors Light Fittings Pushbuttons Ammeters w

17 EExd Flameproof Enclosure
Bolt sizes and length Covers Glands Flange Integrity Surfaces - Clean- Cooling w

18 EEx e Increased Safety Enclosure
By Design No excess temperatures No Arcs or sparks w

19 EEx e Increased Safety Enclosure
Terminal and connection boxes Outer boxes of devices with other protection eg. EEx ed Lights Motors - Germany w

20 EEx q Powder Filling Enclosure
Transformers, Capacitors, Electronic Assemblies, ie. Laboratory Balances

21 EEx q Powder Filling Enclosure
Potentially sparking equipment under finely granulated material. No explosion generated even though there may be a spark

22 EEx p Pressurised Apparatus
Fresh air, inert gas or other suitable gas Higher pressure than surrounds Initial purge then maintain the pressure

23 Eex p Pressurised Apparatus
Switch rooms Control Panels Fork Lift Trucks Some individual Instruments Some Motors

24 Eex o Oil Immersion Enclosure
Potentially sparking parts immersed in oil The explosive atmosphere cannot reach the incendive parts Transformers-rarely used now

25 Ex m Moulding Potentially sparking parts are enclosed in Resin
No explosion due to sparking or heating within the resin

26 Ex m Moulding Only small capacity switch gear, control
gear, indicating equipment sensors

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