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Michael D. Smith Michael D Smith Director of Graduate Studies, SPS University of Kent September 2013 SPS Graduate School SEPnet GradNet acu Faculty Grad.

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Presentation on theme: "Michael D. Smith Michael D Smith Director of Graduate Studies, SPS University of Kent September 2013 SPS Graduate School SEPnet GradNet acu Faculty Grad."— Presentation transcript:


2 Michael D. Smith Michael D Smith Director of Graduate Studies, SPS University of Kent September 2013 SPS Graduate School SEPnet GradNet acu Faculty Grad School PGR Programme PGT Programme UKC GradSchool

3 Michael D. Smith ● Organisational Structure Your School UKGS University Graduate School Faculty Office

4 Michael D. Smith Physical Science Postgraduate Students are the Key People in maintaining this School’s Reputation and success. ● Our students progress into a wide variety ● of different careers and over the years have made a profound impact for the wider benefit of society. ●

5 Michael D. Smith How did you get here? ● It’s a long uncertain story…… ● Centuries: idea of swirling, turbulent gas as the origin of our solar system. ● Descartes, Kant, Laplace: vortices, nebular hypothesis: importance of angular momentum.

6 Michael D. Smith Books

7 Michael D. Smith Where are you? Humanities Social Sciences

8 Michael D. Smith The Schools Computing Pharmacy Engineering & Digital Arts Mathematical Sciences Biosciences Physical Sciences Sport Science

9 Michael D. Smith What are you doing here? Masters? PhD? What will you get? ……………a certificate? ……………a little prestige? ……………amore interesting job? ……………a deeper understanding? ……………a challenge? ……………satisfaction of contribution to knowledge ……………a Eureka moment What else? Training Training for what? What skills?

10 Michael D. Smith The transition year begins.......... Research students : Your success in graduate school depends on your active interaction with others in the community. The emphasis is as much on asking the right questions and engaging in enlightening discussion as it is on finding the answers. Although a basic knowledge of physics or chemistry is important, you will need to adopt approaches that are considerably different from those required to solve problem sets from a textbook. Sceptical thinking

11 Michael D. Smith The Ultimate Skills for the employer ……..more than just numerate and literate ……… You will be able to analyse critically, and use your initiative You will be teachable, educable Your vices will be curable You will be durable, have stamina You will be supervisable: capable of following advice. You will be endurable, especially in the face of boredom You will be able to persist at seemingly pointless tasks ……. What you do may not be relevant, but what you can do is.

12 Michael D. Smith Job prospects PhDs are needed :- Pipeline to lecturers Sustain University research Build careers Build knowledge economy Highly skilled HR to attract industry Royal Society: The Scientific Century, 2010 100% = all science PhD students

13 Michael D. Smith Skills Training: practical skills Research Training General Training Record: Milestones, PDP – Your Personal Development Plan This provides details for: CV and for Reference Letters

14 Michael D. Smith EBGS & Feedback Reps: SPS and Faculty? Student representation on committees Feedback: Milestone reports….. Problems encountered Illnesses ………..absences Data loss, equipment breakdown Supervision problem Time management & Demonstrating I am stuck Money Family

15 Michael D. Smith Help ● Supervisor. ● Research Group. ● Associate Supervisor. ● Director of Graduate Studies. ● Head of Department. ● PG Admin Team *** ● Fellow Students *** the ‘cohort’ ● SLAS – free advice and guidance

16 Michael D. Smith Action 1. Read Handbook 2. Bother your Supervisor 3. Define your project: Milestone M1 4. Determine your deadlines: Skills, M3, M4 4. See your Associate Supervisor 5. ?????? Courses...teaching...skills training... seminars....research...THESIS

17 Michael D. Smith Questions? 1. When can I take holidays? 2. Is my supervisor normal? 3. How hard should I work? 4. How do I do research? 5. How do I do a literature review?

18 Michael D. Smith Responsibilities? 1. Milestones 2. PDP 3. Fast communication 4. 5. /local/postgrad/index.html 6.

19 Michael D. Smith Responsibilities 1. Go to SDS 2. Monthly Meeting Forms: Record of Supervisory InteractionRecord of Supervisory Interaction 3. Students must complete a form and submit it on the last working day of every month. 4. RDA: attend an RDA workshop

20 Michael D. Smith Research Resources Travel funds Consumables Equipment Desk & Chair Computing Lab Space Library: electronic Journal access

21 Michael D. Smith Kent Queen Mary, London Sussex Southampton Solar System Radio Stars & Planets Portsmouth SEPnet-Astro Synergies Oxford Cosmology Galaxies 25a, 37r, 45s 16a, 8r, 15s 5a, 2r, 12s 10a, 10r, 25s 11a, 9r, 22s 11a, 13r, 16s ●RAL/Chilbolton

22 Michael D. Smith Key People – Supervisor(s) Mentors and guides for your project Providing or facilitating access to ● necessary resources Providing opportunities for networking Giving you general support in many ways ● A professional working relationship!

23 Michael D. Smith Key PG People Sarah Saunders (PGR) Sophie Godfrey (PGR) Russell Weeks (PGR) Kim Harty (PGT)

24 Michael D. Smith Key PGT info ● Contact Programme Director ● Establish/check the Modules ● Relevant Handbooks: ● ● ● Workshops, training, awards, …..

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