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Nigel Hayward.  HMP Swaleside is a Cat B training Prison holding 1100 offenders.  The Gymnasium has 10 PE Staff and a PPL of 61%.  The Gymnasium has.

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1 Nigel Hayward

2  HMP Swaleside is a Cat B training Prison holding 1100 offenders.  The Gymnasium has 10 PE Staff and a PPL of 61%.  The Gymnasium has excellent partnership links with the Education, Healthcare, RAPT – drug/alcohol rehabilitation and the Pathways unit.  The PE Officers deliver a range of Health and Fitness qualifications from level 1 Awards to level 3 NVQ’s.

3  Learners on PE Vocational courses did not possess sufficient Functional Skills.  Learners wanting to complete PE Vocational qualifications but refusing to engage with Education department.  PE staff understanding learning difficulties, barriers to learning and motivation.

4  We published and implemented a Gym learning pathway.  We liaised with the Education department and agreed a joint working protocol.  These set out clear guidelines to prisoners and staff what was required to deliver “Discrete Education” in the Gymnasium.

5  We invited the P.E.T. to attend HMP Swaleside for a prisoner and staff well being day.well being day.  Nina Champion (Head of Policy) visited and spoke to prisoners about their “learning journey” through the discrete education delivery.  Her findings impressed and we were invited to film a short documentary “embedded learning” to be shown at the P.E.T. conference this year.embedded learning

6  Identify candidates  Establish pathways and joint working protocols  Resources  Encourage progression  Reward achievement

7  Nine tenths of education is encouragement. Anatole France  An Investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin  Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. George Washington Carver



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