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Working Group II Thematic Area Opportunities for IFAD further focus and engagement in agriculture in the face of emerging challenges in Bangladesh (Demographic,

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Presentation on theme: "Working Group II Thematic Area Opportunities for IFAD further focus and engagement in agriculture in the face of emerging challenges in Bangladesh (Demographic,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Group II Thematic Area Opportunities for IFAD further focus and engagement in agriculture in the face of emerging challenges in Bangladesh (Demographic, Spatial and Environment)

2 1.Post harvest handing, storage facilities and processing is to be created in Rural areas; Cool Chain management, warehouse development support to rural entrepreneur 2.Introduction of good agricultural practices to ensure safe food for domestic and export market. Support to SPS measures 3.Quality control laboratory can be development and strengthened -equipment and HRD 4.Development of Water Use Efficiency through different technologies and delivery systems 5.Stress Tolerance Technology development for enhancing adaptation in Agriculture 6.Capacity building in the form of higher studies, training for scientist, extension provider, teacher and farmer 7. Piloting of Agriculture Insurance for vulnerable producers 8.Agriculture Diversification and intensification

3 9.Promotion of green Growth agriculture (IPM,ICM, Botanical pesticide, Rainwater harvesting, compost and vermiculture technology, solar energy etc. ) consistent to Climate Change 10.Support to quality seed, semen, fishfry production with the help of IFAD investment 11.Natural Resource management like land, water and biodiversity 12.Marketing facilities development through infrastructure development, transportation facility dvelopment ensuring proper price of goods to ensure proper price 13.Support to gender friendly technology for the rural woman in the area s of homestead gardening, massroom culture,seed preservation and post harvest activities for income genration and economic empowerment.

4 14.Rural entrepreneurs development support 15.Employment generation in agriculture sector to accommodate new generation labour force or HR 16.Safe food development through good agriculture practices 17.Support to the Rural Small agro entrepreneurs 18.Access to Capital 19.Renovation and facilities development for regional agriculture research sub station 20.Institutional Development in the areas of good infrastructure development including testing laboratory and HRD 21.Farmers portal development (ICT) in all possible level 22.Diversification of food for proper nutrition


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