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CAPE Centre for Aid & Public Expenditure Beyond the country level 1. Dynamics of global aid system 2... and how they affect country level 3. Scaling up:

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Presentation on theme: "CAPE Centre for Aid & Public Expenditure Beyond the country level 1. Dynamics of global aid system 2... and how they affect country level 3. Scaling up:"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAPE Centre for Aid & Public Expenditure Beyond the country level 1. Dynamics of global aid system 2... and how they affect country level 3. Scaling up: opportunities and risks 4. Possible new carrots and sticks 5. International coordination forums 6. Aid management strategies

2 CAPE Centre for Aid & Public Expenditure Features of global aid system Multiple players, motives Limited user choice/info No external regulator, monitors Some self-regulation Independent supply-driven allocations Short commitment horizons

3 CAPE Centre for Aid & Public Expenditure How might this affect MA? Aid envelope set independently of PRS Donor orphans and darlings No functioning sanctions for donors Some herd instincts, fragility

4 CAPE Centre for Aid & Public Expenditure Scaling up of aid ($80b.-130b.)  Risks:  Major sources NOT like-minded, slow  Real money versus phantom aid  Traditional channels bypassed  +++New initiatives Opportunities: + recipient power could help donor orphans Could lead to pools with better rules Donors on record

5 CAPE Centre for Aid & Public Expenditure Possible new carrots and sticks  Sector budget support, overt and covert  Variants of selective challenge funds e.g. MCA.  Innovative finance mechanisms: rule- based, mixed governance, flexible, possible elements of recipient choice, longterm commitment basis

6 CAPE Centre for Aid & Public Expenditure International support for MA International support for MA Contractual partnerships: EU model Regional monitoring forums DAC future role, DAC-WB tandem UN options South-South: mutual cartelisation Common ratings standards

7 CAPE Centre for Aid & Public Expenditure Some aid management strategies Establish nonnegotiable rules Diversify approach to big new donors Court midsized, independent friends Plan longterm graduation by type of donor, creditor. Prepare for worst-case exit scenarios Keep capital/recurrent cost mix in view

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