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Microsoft Word Word Processing End of Unit Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Word Word Processing End of Unit Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Word Word Processing End of Unit Review

2 Directions Read the question Think of the correct answer Say the correct answer out loud “Click” to see the correct answer

3 Reflect Did you get the correct answer? If YES, go to the next slide If NO, go to Word and LEARN Go through the PowerPoint again!

4 Repeat Until you KNOW the information!

5 What line alignment was used in the example below? Right Alignment

6 To create a letter, memo, or report which program should you use?

7 A possible spelling error is indicated by: a.Wavy green line b.Wavy blue line c.Wavy red line d.Heavy border

8 Where does text go when it’s copied electronically?

9 You can choose to align text: a.Left, Right, Center only b.Only left and right c.Vertically d.Left, Right, Center, Justified

10 Word 2010 default alignment is:

11 Word 2010 default line spacing is:

12 Information that repeats at the top of each page is called a:

13 The white space around the outside edges of the text are called:

14 The indentation for sources on a Works Cited page are called:

15 The numbered scale at the top of the document window is called:

16 If you need to move info around in your document or to another document you can use: and

17 When a green line appears under text it means: U R making grammar errors

18 Words are sometimes used incorrectly such as “two” when you meant “too”. Because of this you should always:

19 Which tool might be used to suggest words that have the same meaning to replace other words?

20 What does “Default” mean?

21 What alignment was used in the paragraph below?



24 What line spacing was used in the example below?

25 The following is an example of which type of page orientation?

26 In this example, what word has bold been applied to it? a.This b.Example c.Word d.Bold

27 In this example what word has had italic applied to it? a. This b.Example c.What d.Italic

28 Documents that are pre-formatted so all you have to do is add your own personal information are called:

29 The box item below is an example of: DateLastFirst 12-25-13DynamiteNapoleon 12-31-13Glamour shotDeb

30 The list on the right is an example of what type of list:

31 Which fraction are font sizes based on? a.1/12 b.1/50 c.1/60 d.1/72 In typography, a point is the smallest whole unit of measure, being a subdivision of the larger pica. It is commonly abbreviated as pt. The point has long been the usual unit for measuring font size and leading and other minute items on a printed page. The defined length of a point varied over time and location until the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the traditional point was supplanted by the desktop publishing point (also called the PostScript point), which was defined as 1⁄72 of an inch (about 0.35 mm). In either system, there are 12 points to the pica. pica1 [pahy-kuh] the depth of this type size as a unit of linear measurement for pages containing type. 12-point type, widely used for typewriters, having 10 characters to the inch.

32 Simply clicking on “Save As” and doing nothing more will move your file to a new folder or drive on your computer? True False Select the folder Select the subfolder

33 What is the highlighted portion of the table called? DateNamePhone Number 10-25-12Marco Polo801-555-POLO 10-28-13Betty White208-555-1234 Columns

34 What is the highlighted portion of the table called? DateNamePhone Number 10-25-12Marco Polo801-555-POLO 10-28-13Betty White208-555-1234 Rows Girls Rule

35 Play Again Play this show again and again until you have the answers memorized!

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