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PROVINCIA DI PRATO Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” Rome, December 18th 2006 PROVINCIA DI PRATO Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” Rome, December 18th 2006.

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1 PROVINCIA DI PRATO Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” Rome, December 18th 2006 PROVINCIA DI PRATO Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” Rome, December 18th 2006

2 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 For the Province of Prato and the other partners, the NexTex 2006 Project represents an operative intervention strategy aiming at the strengthening of the social dialogue among the textiles clusters both at European and Mediterranean level, in order to facilitate the technological transfer and the trans- regional cooperation among the economic actors and the social counterparts of the territories concerned. MAIN OBJECTIVE

3 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 The co-financing was required to the European Commission - DG for Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities Call for proposals VP/2006/001 Budget line Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue Sub-program n. I “Support for European social dialogue” CO-FINANCING

4 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 To set up a networking platform through the social dialogue in order to promote and experiment new strategies for the development of the textile sector and for the qualification of workers and the innovation of the production models To create the conditions to promote a bottom-up innovation in the textile clusters by combining technological innovation, cooperation among territories, new methods for the regulation of the industrial relationships and a renewed impulse to the strategies for investments’ attractions To realize a document contributing to the definition of the European Employment Strategy (EES) that promotes the social dialogue as an essential instrument for the promotion of an innovative and sustainable competitiveness. Main goals

5 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 ==> Kick-off meeting (December 2006); ==> First workshop (February 2007) ==> Research and analysis activity (to be carried out during all the project duration) ==> Second workshop (September 2007) ==> Drafting of the guide lines of the document ==> Final Conference (November 2007) ==> Drafting of the Final Report (December 2007) Phases of the project activities:

6 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 KICK-OFF MEETING KICK-OFF MEETING Benchmarking document Benchmarking document 1 st Workshop 1 st Workshop RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS 2 nd Workshop 2 nd Workshop FINAL REPORT FINAL REPORT Final Conference Final Conference Follow up Follow up GUIDE LINES AND OUTCOMES GUIDE LINES AND OUTCOMES Collection and elaboration of data Collection and elaboration of data Possible prosecution Possible prosecution Strategy Definition Strategy Definition Analysis of the impacts on the labor market Analysis of the impacts on the labor market Phases of the project activities:

7 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 Filtea CGIL (Italy), European Textile Union Federation (Belgium), Associacao de Municipios Vale do Ave (AMAVE – Portugal) Croatian Chamber of economy - Varazdin County Chamber (Croatia) University of Lodz - Poland) Community (UK) Hacuitex – CFDT (France), FITEQA CC.OO. (Spain) CGIL Camera del lavoro di Prato (Italy), UIL Segreteria Provinciale Prato (Italy) I Partner CISL Prato (Italy), PIN PIN -Polo Universitario Prato (Italy) Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy) Comune di Carpi (Italy) Provincia di Como (Italy) Comune di Prato (Italy), Camera di Commercio di Prato (Italy), Unione CNA Federmoda (Italy) Unione degli Industriali Pratese (Italy) Confartigianato (Italy)

8 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 Activities : I. REAEARCH AND ANALYSIS III. CONFRONTATION AND DISSEMINATION II. NETWORKING

9 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 I. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS ACTIVITYREFERENTSMETHODSTIMING I.1 Definition of the research objectives on suggestions of the other partners - PIN - UniMoRe With the collaboration of all partners and the coordination of the Province of Prato During the Kick-off meeting – round table Dec 06 I.2 Definition of the methodology (grill of analysis) (grill of analysis) - PIN - UniMoRe Collaboration between the partners responsible of the activity Dec 06- Feb 07 I.3 Presentation and explanation of the methodology - PIN - UniMoRe During the I st WorkshopFeb 07 I.4 Selection of the junior researchers dealing with the data collection 1 Italian University, 1 AMAVE 1 Lodz, 1 Varazdin, 1 ETUF Made directly by the partners. Communication to the coordinators Feb 07

10 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 I. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS ACTIVITYREFERENTSMETHODSTIMING I.5 Collection, analysis and elaboration of data on the basis of the grill realized by the research coordinators (Italian Universities) 1 Italian University, 1 AMAVE 1 Lodz, 1 Varazdin, 1 ETUF With the collaboration of all partners Activities to be realized in the territories of the partners. Feb - Jul 07 I.6 Coordination of the research activity - PIN - UniMoRe Desk activity On-line networking Feb - Jul 07 I.7 Presentation of the case- studies. Follow up of the research activity (variations whether needed) 1 Italian University, 1 AMAVE 1 Lodz, 1 Varazdin, 1 ETUF With the coordination of the Italian Universities During the II nd WorkshopSept 07 I. 8 End of the research 1 Italian University, 1 AMAVE 1 Lodz, 1 Varazdin, 1 ETUF On the basis of the input out lined during the II nd Workshop Sept - Oct 07

11 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 I. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS ACTIVITYREFERENTSMETHODSTIMING I. 9 Drafting of the Final Document - PIN - UniMoRe Realization of a compared analysis containing operative proposals for the policy makers Nov 07 I. 10 Presentation of the Final Document - PIN - UniMoRe During the International Conference (and in case to the European Commission) Dec 07

12 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 II. NETWORKING ACTIVITY ACTIVITYREFERENTSMETHODSTIMING II.1 Setting up of the Steering Committee (1 member for each country) to coordinate the implementation of the activities and to guarantee a common management of the project 1 Italian University, 1 AMAVE 1 Lodz, 1 Varazdin, 1 ETUF During the kick-off meeting Dec 06 II.2 Setting up of the Technical Committee ALL PARTNERS With the coordination of the Province of Prato During the kick-off meeting Dec 06 II.3 Presentation of the web site and of the newsletter Province of Prato During the kick-off meeting Dec 06 II.4 Realization and implementation of the web site, creation and distribution of accounts Province of PratoImmediately after the I st Workshop Jan 07 II.5 Realization of the articles for the newsletter Province of PratoDuring the whole project duration Jan -Dec 07

13 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 III. CONFRONTATION AND DISSEMINATION ACTIVITYREFERENTSMETHODSTIMING III.1 Kick-off Meeting ALL PARTNERS Rome: first operative meeting Dec 06 III.2 I st Workshop ALL PARTNERS Prato: setting out of the compared analysis Feb 07 III.3 II nd Workshop ALL PARTNERS Brussels: first assessment of the compared analysis results Sept 07 III.4 International Conference ALL PARTNERS Prato : presentation of the Finale Document Dec 07 III.5 Printing of brochures, invitations etc. Province of Prato In correspondence to the scheduled events Feb 07/ Dec 07 III.6 Publication of the compared analysis and of the Conference papers Province of Prato After the International Conference Dec 07

14 Kick-off Meeting “Nextex 2006” - December 18th 2006 CONTACTS : Provincia di Prato Area Programmazione, Governance e Marketing Territoriale Via Ricasoli 25, 59100 Prato Phone : 0574/534607-565-572; Fax:0574/534281 E-mail:

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