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How to Finance Your Sponsored New Church Plant By Tom Cheyney.

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2 How to Finance Your Sponsored New Church Plant By Tom Cheyney

3 How to Finance Your Sponsored New Church Plant Adapted from Sponsoring New Churches In a Postmodern Age: Starting Starbucks Churches In a Folgers’s World A Companion Teaching Resource

4 Financing Your Church Plant Vision

5 Arranging Your Financial Support  What Do I Need?  Start-up Budget $__________  Operational Budget $____________  Salary Support $_______________  Housing Support $____________  Insurance Protection $________

6 Arranging Your Salary Support  How much will it cost? It will cost more than you think!  It depends… On the size of your vision On the model of your plant On the type of launch On the people you are trying to reach On your S.H.A.P.E. as a planter

7 Arranging Your Salary Support Who will pay for it? The vision you write you must underwrite! The vision you write you must underwrite! People give to people Vision attracts resources Resources are in the harvest field You have not because you ask not People need a reason and an opportunity to give

8 Sources of Funds  Building networks  Talk their budget language  Soft needs or brick and mortar?  People give to vision, not need  Get a job!  Getting others involved  Talk their heart language  A hand-up, not a handout

9 Develop a Support Strategy: Twelve Steps  Step 1: Begin with the Home Church  Step 2: Determine to Whom I Will Go for Support  Step 3: Record and Catalog Prospects  Step 4: Mail the First Prayer Letter  Step 5: Make Appointments

10 Develop a Support Strategy: Twelve Steps  Step 6: Conduct the Visit  Step 7: Track Support  Step 8: Say Thank You  Step 9: Conduct a letter/Phone Strategy  Step 10: Expand Contacts

11 Develop a Support Strategy: Twelve Steps  Step 11: Cultivate Support  Step 12: Resolicit for Support

12 Financing Your Church Plant Vision By Tom Cheyney

13 Here are some options that are working for churches desiring to sponsor new works across the country!

14 Workable Options for Financing a New Work  Building a 49-week budget for your church! One way that many mission-minded churches have found that works quite easily for the mother church is to build its own budget in a 49-week budget and then use the three additional weeks throughout the year to give the entire offering to the new plant.

15 Workable Options for Financing a New Work  Put the sponsored church within your weekly budget

16 Workable Options for Financing a New Work  Use your staff minister of missions to start the new work! Another way that many mission-minded churches have found that works is to use their already supported staff member to get a new church up and going.

17 Workable Options for Financing a New Work  Have your church planter visit your church at least bimonthly to share the vision and successes of the new work and then take up a special offering.

18 Workable Options for Financing a New Work  Use your church’s missions efforts (such as mission trips) to help your sponsored church to grow!

19 Workable Options for Financing a New Work  Designate 3% of your weekly offerings to the new church plant. (This would be above your Cooperative Program giving, obviously!)

20 Workable Options for Financing a New Work  Build a cluster of at least three other churches all doing one or more of the previous ideas to support and finance the sponsored new work.

21 Funding the Vision: How, When, and Where to Raise Support (OR)

22 Show Me the MONEY!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$


24 HUSBANDS, REMEMBER  You often have the greatest sense of calling for the church plant.  Your wife has the call to “nest.”

25 WIVES, REMEMBER  God loves your children more than you.  God is not poor.  God can be trusted.  God is interested in conforming you to Christ.

26 WHY?  Technology costs.  Video projector  Sound system  Computer (laser quality printer)  Music ministry  Facilities cost.  Utilities, etc.  Ministry costs.

27 WHY?  Because it causes you to define and communicate the vision.

28 HOW?  Denomination  Sponsoring church.  Advantages could include:  Stability for plant.  Blessing for the sponsor.  Disadvantages could include:  Conflict of vision implementation.  If they liked your way of reaching the unchurched they would have done it themselves.  Pastoral leadership turnover.

29 HOW?  Denomination  Sponsoring church  Individuals and churches  Advantages could include:  Less “committee” red tape.  More personal involvement.  Disadvantages could include:  More time spent fundraising.  More vulnerable to personalities.

30 HOW?  Determine individuals, organizations, churches, etc., that you know well.  Do they believe in you and your calling?  Have they been used by God in your development?  Do they have the heart to be part of God’s plan?  If not, can they be developed?  Do they “control” or trust?

31 HOW?  Present the vision.  Make it compelling.  Make it concrete.  Make it concise.

32 Compelling  Why is it worthy?  70,000 people in such and such county  ONLY approximately 300 attend evangelical churches  90% are unchurched  10% churched count

33 Concrete  What can they do?  Not “needs” (Remember PTL)  “Needs” project the image of mooching.  Not guilt.  The hungry in China never cleaned my plate!  People don’t like guilt trips, but they respond to vision.  Visible- facilities, systems, technology  Have a timeline.

34 Concise  Know your needs. Ask, “How does this help implement the vision?”  Make it visible.  Make it BUDGETED.

35 Advantages of Budgeted Support  Allows for proactive planning.  Aids NAMB benefits determination.  Prevents “handout” mentality.

36 Remember  Value prayer more than cash.  Man is depraved. THAT MEANS YOU!  Abstain from all appearance of evil.  ACCOUNTABILITY

37 Yokefellows: Creating Partners in Ministry OR “Show Me the Manpower”

38 Why Develop Partnerships?  Church Planting is Labor Intensive  It Helps Create a Church Planting Movement  It Strengthens Both Parties

39 Partnership Church Roles  VBS, Backyard Bible Clubs, etc.  Survey teams  Servant evangelism  Construction  Vacation (not what you think!)

40 Church Plant Roles  Organization  Know what you need, when, where  Think of all possibilities, then prepare  Ministry  Send them away blessed and exhausted  Make it personal, involve your people

41 Benefits of Partnerships  Missions becomes personal  The newly churched learn about us--- “Southern Baptists”

42 Where to find partners  Seminary friends  Home churches  Your prayer support group  State partnerships

43 Guidelines  Communication  Your needs  Their expectations  Prepare  Do not waste their time  Build a long-term relationship

44 Enjoy the Relationship!

45 How to Finance Your Sponsored New Church Plant By Tom Cheyney

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