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Astronomy & Astrophysics Division Research Programmes - IR/Optical IS Matter & Star Formation Active Galaxies Sun; Solar Wind; Comets Quasars & Pulsars.

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Presentation on theme: "Astronomy & Astrophysics Division Research Programmes - IR/Optical IS Matter & Star Formation Active Galaxies Sun; Solar Wind; Comets Quasars & Pulsars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomy & Astrophysics Division Research Programmes - IR/Optical IS Matter & Star Formation Active Galaxies Sun; Solar Wind; Comets Quasars & Pulsars Research Programmes - Radio Comets Stellar Evolution Milky Way

2 Observing facility 1.2 m Infrared Telescope at Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu Instrumentation NICMOS Imager/ Spectrometer 2 Channel Infrared Photometer Fabry-Perot Spectrometer Optical Polarimeter Fibre Linked Grating Spectrograph CCD Camera Imager Astronomy and Astrophysics Division

3 Mt.Abu Infrared Observatory - Outside View

4 Mt.Abu Infrared Observatory - Inside View of the 1.2 m telescope

5 Fibre-linked Grating Spectrograph Imaging Fabry-Perot Spectrometer NICMOS Imager/Spectrometer 2 - Channel IR Photometer Polarimeter Aluminising Plant at Mt. Abu Observatory CCD Camera Focal Plane Instruments for 1.2m IR Telescope At Mt. Abu Infrared Observatory Mirror Aluminisation

6 Infrared studies of Novae Novae belong to a Class of Eruptive variable stars called Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) Cataclysmic Variables are stars that have occasional outbursts caused by thermonuclear processes or accretion induced processes. Different classes of CVs 1. Classical Novae 2. Dwarf Novae 3. Recurrent Novae 4. Nova like variables 5. Magnetic CVs

7 Brackett Series lines from 11 to 22 Hydrogen lines generally seen in Novae Recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi (H band) NSgr 2001 (J band) MNRAS, 2006, in press

8 Infrared Spectra of V445 Puppis Near Infrared Spectra from Mt. Abu Observatory Hydrogen deficiency confirmed : Unusually rich in CI lines FIRST OBSERVED HELIUM NOVA (2003, A&A, 409, 1007)

9 Helium lines in V445 Pup HeI line at 2.0581 microns. V445 Pup is the red object. The redness is because of dust formation after outburst.

10 From 2003, Ap.J(L), 598, L31 2004, Ap.J(L), 604, L57 2004, Ap.J(L), 610, L29 2004, Ap.J(L), 615, L53 AlO Bands in IR Optical spectrum - unusually strong KI, NaI resonance lines Water ice at 50K at 3 microns Ro-vibrational spectrum of CO fundamental band V4332 Sgr Some results

11 Infrared water lines in V838 Mon - A rare eruptive variable with a light echo Mt. Abu spectra from 2002-2004and Model fits to the water lines 2005, ApJL, 627, L141 V838 Mon erupted in 2002 and is now surrounded by a cool water shell at 800K. Detection of water lines is in general rare in celes- tial objects and have not been seen earlier in a nova-like object.

12 Study of Starburst Galaxies Prodigious starformation rate as compared to normal galaxies Light dominated by HII regions- ionized by young stars Aim: To study the morphology and origin of starburst phenomena Optically selected sample of 19 galaxies from Markarian catalog Includes all Hubble types BVRI, H  and near IR imaging 1999 A&AS, 139, 105 1999 A&A, 352, 112 2001 JApA, 22, 155


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