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Lesson40:Body Language 冀教版八年级下册 刘娇莉. Teaching procedure step1 Lead -in Now let’s play a game Work in groups,one student acts out a kind of body language.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson40:Body Language 冀教版八年级下册 刘娇莉. Teaching procedure step1 Lead -in Now let’s play a game Work in groups,one student acts out a kind of body language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson40:Body Language 冀教版八年级下册 刘娇莉

2 Teaching procedure step1 Lead -in Now let’s play a game Work in groups,one student acts out a kind of body language while the others guess the meaning.) T:What do you know about body language? Ss:… T:Do you use body language?When and where? Ss:… T:Today we are going to learn lesson40: Body Language.

3 Step2 : Pre-reading Listen to the radio and do exercise1:Read the lessong and write true (T) or false(F). 1.In some European countries,people like to kiss each other to show friendship and love.( ) 2.Nodding your head means“yes”and shaking your head means“no”everywhere in the world.( ) 3.A thumbs-up means “well done”in Germany.( ) 4. When Americans wave goodbye,it looks like “no”in some European countries.( ) T F F T

4 Step3 while-reading 3.1.Skimming Read the passage and get the main idea of the pasage. Main idea:Body language is not the same in all cultures 3.2.Scanning Gestures MeaningsCountries Shake hands Greeting,friendship and trust In China Friendship and lovein some European countries Nod one’s head yesIn most places In India shake one’s head yes noIn most places Thumbs-upOkay and well doneIn many countries Not polite FiveIn Japan one Kiss each other no In India In Australia In Germany

5 3.3Post-reading (studengts retell the passage and follow the phrases given by the teacher ) Body language is not the same in all cultrues. In China friends to show friendship and trust.In some European Countries,people on both cheeks to show love And friendship.In most places,people point to things with their fingers,but in some places,people point with their lips.They think it’s point with a finger.One body language Is the same all around the world:a smile.Try it,and you will see! shake hands kiss each other rude to

6 Homework: Collect some signs,draw at least five traffic signs and give a short explaination of eachsigns.

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