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Greek Roots 1-25. Greek Root: a-, an- Root: a-, an- Meaning: without, not Visual Representation:Word List: Achromatic Amoral Anarchy.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Roots 1-25. Greek Root: a-, an- Root: a-, an- Meaning: without, not Visual Representation:Word List: Achromatic Amoral Anarchy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Roots 1-25

2 Greek Root: a-, an- Root: a-, an- Meaning: without, not Visual Representation:Word List: Achromatic Amoral Anarchy

3 Greek Root: amphi-, amph- Root: amphi-, amph- Meaning: both, around Visual Representation:Word List: Amphibious Amphitheater

4 Greek Root: anti-, ant- Root: anti-, ant- Meaning: against, counter Visual Representation:Word List: Antidote Antagonist Antacid

5 Greek Root 4: ec, ex Root: ec, ex Meaning: out Visual Representation:Word List: Except Exclude Eccentric

6 Greek Root 5: en Root: en Meaning: in Visual Representation:Word List: Enact Endear Encompass

7 Greek Root 6: hypo Root: hypo Meaning: under, below Visual Representation:Word List: Hypocrite Hypoglycemia Hypochondria Hypotenuse Hypothermia Hypothesis

8 Greek Root 7: hyper- Root: Hyper- Meaning: Over, above Visual:Word List: * hyperactive * hypercritical * hyperbole * hyperlink * hypersensitive * hyperventilate

9 Greek Root 8: peri- Root: Peri- Meaning: Around Visual:Word List: * perimeter * periscope * peripheral * perihelion * periodic * periodontal

10 Greek Root 9: pro- Root: Pro- Meaning: Before, in front of Visual:Word List: * profound * protect * program * prospects * prognosis *provision

11 Greek Root 10: syn, sym Root: syn, sym Meaning: together, with Visual:Word List: Symphony Symmetry Synonym Synchronize Symbol Sympathy Synthesize Synopsis Syndrome

12  Anthropic: of or pertaining to mankind.  Anthropogenesis: study of the development and origin of man,  Anthropolatry: the worship of man as god.  Anthropoglot: animal with a tongue like man.  Anthropomorphic: ascribing human form or attributes to a being or thing not human.

13 Greek Root 11: anthrop Root: anthrop Meaning: man, mankind Visual:Word List: Anthropology Philanthropist Anthropocentric Anthropogenic Anthropoid Anthropomorphism



16 Greek Root 12: phil Root: phil Meaning: love Visual:Word List: Philanthropist Philosophy Philanderer Philharmonic Philology

17 Mis/Miso- Hate Examples: 1.Misanthrope-a hater of mankind 2.Misogynist- a hater of women 3. Misopedia- a hatred of ones children 4. Misarchrist- a hatred of government or authority 5. Misocainia-The hatred of something new or strange

18 Greek Root 13: mis, miso Root: mis, miso Meaning: hate, bad Visual:Word List: Misanthrope Misogamy Misogyny Misology Misoneism Misadventure Misunderstanding

19 ROOT 14: PHON MEANING: sound o Phonetic- relating to speech o Phonograph- instrument that reproduces sound o Phoneme- smallest unit of speech o Phonics- the science of sound o Phonate- to produce vocal sound EXAMPLES

20 Greek Root 14: phon Root: phon Meaning: sound Visual:Word List: Phonics Phonetic Microphone Megaphone Phonograph

21 Root #15 Graph, Gram= write, draw, record Words 1.Graphology- The study of handwritings 2.Autograph- Written with one’s own hand 3.Seismograph- A machine noting strength and duration of earthquakes 4.Graphics- The art of drawing, especially in mathematics and engineering 5.Graphite- A very common mineral used to make pencil lead 6.Graphophone- A phonograph for recording and reproducing sounds on wax records 7.Grapheme- A minimal unit of a writing system

22 Greek Root 15: graph, gram Root: graph, gram Meaning: write, draw, record Visual:Word List: Graphic Biography Autograph Photograph Geography Choreograph Grammar Diagram

23 Irwin Carrasco

24 Greek Root 16: scop, scept Root: scop, scept Meaning: examine, look at Visual:Word List: Telescope Microscope Arthroscopic Skeptic Speculate

25 EU-GOOD/WELL Euphoria: feeling of well being. Euphemism: replacing an offensive word with a good one. Euphonious: having a pleasant sound. Eulogy: Words of praise for the dead. Eugenics: Breeding to improve a race. Eudaemony: a state of happiness/ well being.

26 Greek Root 17: eu Root: eu Meaning: good, well Visual:Word List: Euphoria Eulogy Euphemism Euthanasia

27 Caco-Bad Ricci Epperson

28 Root: caco meaning: bad or evil Cacodemon: an evil spirit or devil Cacodental: badly positioned teeth Cacodermia: bad skin Cacodorous: bad odor Cacoeptist : person with pad pronunciation of words

29 Greek Root 18: caco Root: caco Meaning: bad Visual:Word List: Cacophony Cacography Cacodemon Cacoepy

30 Greek Root 19 Root: Mega Meaning: Large Megahit- Unusally Successful Hit Megascopic- Visible To The Naked Eye Megapod- Ground Dwelling Birds Megalomania- Obsession With The Exercise Of Power Megalith- Large Stone That Forms A Prehistoric Monument Megadose- A Dose Many Times Larger Than The Usual

31 Greek Root 19: mega, megalo Root: mega, megalo Meaning: large Visual:Word List: Megaphone Megabyte Megalomania Megalith Megalopolis

32 Greek Root #20 Micro By Pedro Gonzalez

33 Micro  Micro = Small or Tiny  Microscope = optical instrument that lets you see tiny things  Microchip = small chip used in electronic devices  Microscopic = so small cant be seen with naked eye  Micrometer = a method or instrument for dealing with small quantities  Microsecond = very small amount of time (one millionth of a second)

34 Greek Root 20: micro Root: micro Meaning: small Visual:Word List: Microscope Microbe Micromanage Microphone Microcosm Microbiology

35 Tel, Tele, Telo = Far or Distant Finn Gullickson Telegraph- a signal sent over a long distance by making or breaking electrical connection Telephone - a device that transfers sound over long distances Telepathy- the supposed communication of thoughts Telogenesis- the process of erosion or oxidation that happens to sedimentary rocks Teleport- to be transported across space or distance instantly

36 Greek Root 21: tel, tele, telo Root: tel, tele, telo Meaning: far, distant Visual:Word List: Telephone Television Telescope Telecommunication Telepathy

37 Meaning: Rule, Govern Examples: 1. Anarchy- A state without government 2. Endarchy- Government from an inner center of control 3. Monarch- A single ruler such as a king 4. Antimonarchic- opposed to monarchial government. 5. Anarchize- To reduce to anarchy 6. Archimage- The rulers of fire

38 Greek Root 22: arch, archi Root: arch, archi Meaning: rule, govern, extreme Visual:Word List: Monarchy Anarchy Archrival Hierarchy Matriarch Patriarch Architect

39 Root: dem Meaning: people Democracy-People government Democrat-A person who believes in democracy Demagogue- a popular leader Demograph- a report of anthropology Endemic- a disease or condition found on people in certain areas.

40 Greek Root 23: dem Root: dem Meaning: people Visual:Word List: Democracy Demagogue Demography Demeanor


42 ROOT: GON MEANING - ANGLE Word list: Decagon - a polygon with 10 angles Diagonal - a slanting line running across a space Octagon - a geometrical figure with 8 angles Trigonometry - the branch of mathematics that deals with the relations between the sides and angles of plane or spherical triangles, and the calculations based on them. Goniometer - an instrument for measuring solid angles, as of crystals

43 Greek Root 24: gon Root: gon Meaning: angle Visual:Word List: Polygon Hexagon Pentagon Gondola


45 Greek Root 25: gyn Root: gyn Meaning: women Visual:Word List: Misogynist Gynecologist Gynarchy Gynephobia

46 Greek Root Log word, study, speech 1. Phraseology the manner in which something is expressed in words 2. Monologue Speech you make to yourself 3. Catalog Listing of words 4. Dialogue Words between people 5. Logo Words that describe a company’s product

47 Greek Root 26: log Root: log Meaning: study, speech, idea Visual:Word List: Logic Biology Psychology Analogy Anthology

48 Archaeology: the study of ancient human history and cultures Archaeozoologist: The study of animal remains Archaeastronomy: the investigation of the astronomical knowledge of prehistoric cultures Archaeopteryx: extinct primitive toothed bird of the Jurassic period Archaebotany: The study of plant fossils and remains

49 Greek Root 27: archae Root: archae Meaning: ancient Visual:Word List: Archaeology Archaic Archive Archetype

50 Caleb Olston

51 Greek Root 28: hetero Root: hetero Meaning: different, various Visual:Word List: Heterogeneous Heterosexual Heterochromatic Heterography Heteromorphic

52 Jairo Padilla-Romo

53 Greek Root 29: homo Root: homo Meaning: same, like Visual:Word List: Homogeneous Homosexual Homonym Homophobia

54 1)Polydactyl- Having more than the normal number of fingers or toes 2)Polynomial- A sum of two or more 3)Polymer- Many monomers bonded together into a long chain 4)Polygamist- Someone who is married to two or more people at the same time (act of polygamy) 5)Polygon- A shape with multiple straight sides 6)Polytheism- To believe in many gods #30 POLY- MANY

55 Greek Root 30: poly Root: poly Meaning: many Visual:Word List: Polygraph Polygamy Polytheist Polynomial

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