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A quick run around some progress, some issues and a LASSeO update Mick Davies Chair LASSeO.

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Presentation on theme: "A quick run around some progress, some issues and a LASSeO update Mick Davies Chair LASSeO."— Presentation transcript:

1 A quick run around some progress, some issues and a LASSeO update Mick Davies Chair LASSeO

2 LASSeO update ► LASSEO, the Local Authority smartmedia standards e-organisation, is a not for profit company and now has a formal board of directors:  The Earl of Errol  John Gill  Geoff Doggett  Mick Davies  But we are still have room for a couple more  We need a director from local government  And one from another area such as transport or Central Government

3 LASSeO update ► LASSeO also has a very active strategy/technical group representing the areas of:  card suppliers  Consultancies  Software providers  Service providers  Card bureaux  The voluntary sector  Local government  With occasional input from central government ► It is these folk that have developed the DESFire spec for us all.

4 Why not get involved? ► LASSeO punches well above its weight because of the input it gets from the industry but we are always looking to increase our LA input ► All are welcome to attend the bi-monthly meetings that work on technical and strategic issues in a non-challenging way ► A revitalised web site will be available very shortly but in the meantime LASSeO specifications are available on the SCNF site ► LASSeO also owns the IPR for the SNAPI product ► We really need to know what local government wants from us so that we can try to deliver it

5 Tender green shoots ► Things seem to be beginning to stir  EYP schemes are up and running and are showing how popular such schemes can be if we are prepared to be inventive  The Scots are continuing to develop and extend their card schemes  London Councils has commissioned a London Card scheme feasibility study to be completed by the end of October  TfL carried out a pilot in Wimbledon encouraging kids to walk to school and to use cards to earn incentives  People are looking at card schemes in support of Direct Payments and personal bank accounts

6 But we are beginning to feel a bit of an icy blast ► Councils are losing funding and need to reduce costs  Pressure on local services  Pressure on concessions  Pressure on local transport services  They are having to sell off the family silver ► More citizens needs help  Increased pressure on all of us  The poorest and weakest will suffer most  We need increased services ► The environment needs help  Reducing bus services won’t do much for our carbon footprints  We need to deal more on the internet ► This needs better, safer, easier, and more widespread access  We need more not less remote working ► So we need ways to prove who we are ► Our technologies can help here but we need to use our imagination

7 And in the transport space ► ITSO schemes have started to switch their card base – most are choosing DESFire but other products are now beginning to come to market ► LASSeO specs are available for the Data and Services, for Mifare 1k & 4k, for DESFire, and are under development for Javacards so anyone getting their ENCTS cards re-issued should point their suppliers at these ► AIDC has testing facilities for the LASSeO card specs and is working on developing a product for DESFire ► London is gearing up for its own ENCTS roll-out which will issue over 1 million freedom passes holding an Oyster concession pass and an ITSO shell ► DWP are expressing a real interest in adding further functions for elderly people and those with disabilities onto the ENCTS card base ► DfT is supporting a working group looking at the issues arising from joining citizen functions with transport functions ► DfT has a major smart ticketing consultation underway

8 DfT consultation ► ► Local integration, with city-wide/regional, multi-modal smart ticketing schemes supporting integrated transport networks. ► ► Local authorities will work with operators to provide integrated tickets including innovative products such as pre-pay and so on with an ongoing need to cater for those without bank accounts. ► ► Smart ticketing can link public transport with wider service delivery. ► ► Local authorities will offer multi-function ‘citizens cards’ as proof of entitlement to benefits and services allowing targeted and innovative offers, such as free travel to activities for certain groups or ‘credits’ which allow the person rather, than the authority, to choose their own benefits. ► ► E-money transport products could be valid for use in shops in stations and for cycle hire schemes, parking, taxis and car clubs. Reward points could be issued for choosing modes of transport with lower carbon footprints, while operators will be able to run their own loyalty schemes and increasingly tailor their ticketing offer to individual customers’ needs.

9 DWP: Building a society for all ages ► “The Government believes that public services need to make responding to older people part of the mainstream of services and we will also work with local authorities to increase participation in later life by using smartcard technology to provide all-in-one cards giving access to a range of local opportunities. Smart card technology is already used in bus passes; these have the potential to also be used in leisure centres, libraries, sports clubs and other services. We will work with local authorities to test an all in one smart card that provides both central and local government entitlements.”

10 What does this tell us? That we need to look outside our individual spheres to see what opportunities there are. These things can help to improve the business case and make it possible for you to put your services on a card that your citizens already have There are people in central government that will be prepared to encourage you There are people like LASSeO and the SCNF who are keen to help you Band wagons are ecologically friendly…and are made to be joined!

11 and finally… ► Don’t forget to look at the DfT consultation exercise on smart and integrated ticketing (a massive 134 pages!) ► Have a look at the DWP consultation that is working on the same stuff ► But don’t waste too much time wondering what might happen to the ID card scheme! ► Don’t forget to get involved in the organisations that are around to help you ► Contacts:  LASSeO:  SCNF:  AIDC:

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