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The Technical Side John Gordon. John Gordon - RAL Outline  How will we manage the techncal side of the project?  Formal Structure  Pragmatic Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "The Technical Side John Gordon. John Gordon - RAL Outline  How will we manage the techncal side of the project?  Formal Structure  Pragmatic Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Technical Side John Gordon

2 John Gordon - RAL Outline  How will we manage the techncal side of the project?  Formal Structure  Pragmatic Structure  Tasks to be done  MegaTasks  Important Tasks  Immediate Future

3 John Gordon - RAL Experiments Board

4 John Gordon - RAL A BIG Board Chair Deputy Chair Chairs of each Working Group Co-ordinator of the EU DataGrid 2 CERN contacts Co-ordinators of Tier-1 and all Tier-2 centres 2 cross-members from the Experiments Board From the proposal 11111252----- 23 23

5 John Gordon - RAL Too Big?  A board of this size can bring a wide range of technical knowledge to the project  Useful in steering the technical work and reviewing progress.... .....but not nimble enough to push the direct day-to- day work forward  Reduce its size  Or introduce yet another body

6 John Gordon - RAL First Consider Workgroups  Have we got the right number?  covering the right areas?  With the right expertise?

7 John Gordon - RAL Information Flow

8 John Gordon - RAL Dissemination/ Collaborations (Roger Jones) Software ExperimentsTestbed Support (Nick Brook)(Dave Newbold) (Andrew McNab) Information ServicesMonitoring Mass Storage Workload and Services and Management Data Management (Robin Middleton) Fabric Management (Dave Colling) (Alex Martin) (Themis Bowcock) SecurityNetworking (Dave Kelsey) (Pete Clarke) CERN (Les Robertson) GridPP Team

9 John Gordon - RAL Dissemination/ Collaborations (Roger Jones) Software ExperimentsTestbed Support (Nick Brook)(Dave Newbold) (Andrew McNab) Information ServicesMonitoring Mass Storage Workload and Services and Management Data Management (Robin Middleton) Fabric Management (Dave Colling) (Alex Martin) (Themis Bowcock) SecurityNetworking (Dave Kelsey) (Pete Clarke) CERN (Les Robertson) GridPP Team

10 John Gordon - RAL Dissemination/ Collaborations (Roger Jones) Software ExperimentsTestbed Support (Nick Brook)(Dave Newbold) (Andrew McNab) Information ServicesMonitoring Mass Storage Workload and Services and Management Data Management (Robin Middleton) Fabric Management (Dave Colling) (Alex Martin) (Themis Bowcock) SecurityNetworking (Dave Kelsey) (Pete Clarke) CERN (Les Robertson) GridPP Team

11 John Gordon - RAL What have we learned from EU-DataGrid?  They missed whole areas of work (security)  Topics were spread across WP (information service)  Topics were duplicated across WP (information service)  and needed rationalising  WPs didn’t understand what the others were doing  WPs didn’t understand what they were doing!  Some topics required meetings/workshops with most other WPs  lots of bi- and tri-lateral meetings required  more WPs = more meetings UK

12 John Gordon - RAL What have we learned from EU-DataGrid?  PTB too big to be effective  A small body of techies (ATF) can make progress  Need to expose work to experiments regularly  but not every experimenter  Regular lightweight meetings that don’t go into detail but just action the relevant people to progress outside meeting have proven effective (executive group) UK

13 John Gordon - RAL Proposal Submitted  11 workgroups (9 UK technical + CERN + Dessemination)

14 John Gordon - RAL Dissemination/ Collaborations (Roger Jones) Software ExperimentsTestbed Support (Nick Brook)(Dave Newbold) (Andrew McNab) Information ServicesMonitoring Mass Storage Workload and Services and Management Data Management (Robin Middleton) Fabric Management (Dave Colling) (Alex Martin) (Themis Bowcock) SecurityNetworking (Dave Kelsey) (Pete Clarke) CERN (Les Robertson) GridPP Team

15 John Gordon - RAL Fewer Workgroups? Experiments “Middleware” Workload Management Data Management Information Services Monitoring Services Fabric Management Mass Storage “Testbed” Prototype Grid, Software Support Networking Security, Networking

16 John Gordon - RAL Fewer Workgroups? Experiments Networking Security, Networking “Site Management” Fabric Management Mass Storage “Grid Management” Workload Management Data Management Information Services Monitoring Services “Testbed” Prototype Grid, Software Support

17 John Gordon - RAL Do we cover everything?  Other groups?  ATF?  Cross-group themes

18 John Gordon - RAL Still A BIG Board Chair Deputy Chair Chairs of each Working Group Co-ordinator of the EU DataGrid 2 CERN contacts Co-ordinators of Tier-1 and all Tier-2 centres 2 cross-members from the Experiments Board Reducing to 3 workgroups 1131252----- 15 15

19 John Gordon - RAL Compromise  No ideal  Too many groups, too many interfaces  Too few groups, too big a job to lead them

20 John Gordon - RAL How to work?  Keep proposed Technical Board reflecting any changes agreed to groups  Workgroups work themselves to produce their deliverables  Small team to interface workgroups, reconcile overall plan and deal with problems  Small team to meet weekly/monthly by phone/video  Representatives of the 3/4 supergroups plus TB chair and PM  improve the way we use:-  video  email  web

21 John Gordon - RAL Proposal Deliverables  Prototype IMar 2002Performance and scalability testing of components of the computing fabric (clusters, disk storage, mass storage system, system installation, system monitoring) using straightforward physics applications. Testing of the job scheduling and data replication software from the first DataGrid release.  Prototype IIMar 2003Prototyping of the integrated local computing fabric, with emphasis on scaling, reliability and resilience to errors. Performance testing of LHC applications. Distributed HEP and other science application models using the second DataGrid release.  Prototype IIIMar 2004Full scale testing of the LHC computing model with fabric management and Grid management software for Tier-0 and Tier-1 centres, with some Tier-2 components. This is the prototype system that will be used to define the parameters for the acquisition of the initial LHC production system. This will use the software from the final DataGrid release.

22 John Gordon - RAL 158 Workgroup Deliverables  WGName APlanning and Management AInstallation and test job submission via scheduler ADevelop JCL/JDL BDevelop Project Plan, Coord. + Mange BSchema Repository BReleases A CRelease for Testbed-1 CRelease for Testbed-2 CRelease for Testbed-3 CEvaluation Report DDevelop project plan DCOTS systems development B DIntegration of existing fabric DFabric benchmarking/evaluation DUser Portals DFabric demonstrator(s) DEvaluation and API Design DPrototype API DFurther Refinement and testing of API DDefinition of Metadata DPrototype Metadata DMetadata refinement and testing EGather requirements ESurvey and track technology EDesign, implement and test EIntegrate with other WG/Grids EManagement of WG EDataGrid Security FNet-1-A FNet-1-B FNet-2-A FNet-2-B FNet-4-A FNet-4-B GGRID IS GNetwork ops GTier-1 centre ops GManagement HDeployment tools HGlobus support HTestbed team HManagement JBegin foundational package A KSupport prototypes KExtension of Castor for LHC capacity, performance KFabric network management, and resilience KSupport fabric prototypes KHigh bandwidth WAN – file transfer/access performance KWAN traffic instrumentation & monitoring KGrid authentication – PKI KAuthorisation infrastructure for Grid applications – PMI KBase technology for collaborative tools KSupport for grid prototypes KEvaluation of emerging object relational technology AInstallation and test job submission via scheduler BQuery Optimsation and Data Mining A CTechnology Evaluation CEvaluation Report DImplementation of Production API DImplementation of production metadata EProduction phase FNet-2-C FNet-2-D FNet-2-G FNet-3-A GSecurity operations GGRID IS GTier-1 centre ops HUpper middleware/application support JFocus and engage A KLAN performance KHigh bandwidth firewall/defences AModify SAM AFurther testing and refinement AProfiling HEP jobs and scheduler optimisation ASuper scheduler development BDirectory Services BDistributed SQL Development BData Replication BQuery Optimsation and Data Mining B BReleases B B Liason CArchitecture & Design CTechnology Evaluation CRelease for Testbed-2 CRelease for Testbed-3 DFabric Management Model DEstablish ICT-industry leader partnerships DCOTS systems development A DProprietary systems development DFM information dissemination DEvaluation Report DTape Exchange evaluation & design DDesign Refinement DTape Exchange Prototype Version DTape Exchange Production Version EArchitecture ESecurity development EDataGrid Security development FNet-2-E FNet-2-F FNet-3-B HGlobus development HS/w development support HUpper middleware/application support JBegin production phase A JQCDGrid – full Grid access of lattice datasets KScalable fabric error and performance monitoring system KAutomated, scalable installation system KAutomated software maintenance system KScalable, automated (re-)configuration system KAutomated, self-diagnosing and repair system KImplement grid-standard APIs, meta-data formats KData replication and synchronisation KPerformance and monitoring of wide area data transfer KIntegration of LAN and Grid-level monitoring KAdaptation of databases to Grid replication and caching KPreparation of training courses, material KAdaptation of application – science A KAdaptation of application – science B IATLAS ICMS ILHCb IALICE IBaBar IUKDMC IH1 ICDF ID0 KProvision of basic physics environment for prototypes KSupport of grid testbeds KAdaptation of physics core software to the grid environment KExploitation of the grid environment by physics applications KSupport for testbeds KMiddleware support for other sciences KBibliographic metadata IATLAS ICMS ILHCb IBaBar ICDF ID0 JBegin foundational package B JFocus and engage B JBegin production phase B JBegin exploitation phase JExpand exploitation JValue added through Comp. Sci. A KLambda switching prototypes KSecurity monitoring in a Grid environment KPortal prototyping KIntegration of & performance issues with mass storage management at different testbed sites KSupport of the simulation framework KDevelopment of the simulation framework KAdaptation to and exploitation of grid environment KDevelopment of portal components KDevelopment of the base framework KMiddleware packaging for other sciences

23 John Gordon - RAL Deliverables  GridPP  DataGrid  UK PP Grid (non-DataGrid)  US  LEP/HERA?  Other HEP  non PP grid (other RC, industry)

24 John Gordon - RAL Priority Deliverables Not in order, and not necessarily independent  EU DataGrid  Prototype Grid  Tier1  Running US experiments  BaBar, CDF, D0 all have feasible grid demonstrators that will be of long-term use to them  GridPP must foster this work  UK e-science demonstrators  Show Hey, Halliday, Taylor, CS & industry that we can deliver.  Vital for continued funding, spending review

25 John Gordon - RAL Delivery  Experiment Board and Technical Boards need to work together to get workgroups delivering these, whatever they are, as soon as possible.

26 John Gordon - RAL  Discuss

27 John Gordon - RAL Technical collaborations  People have asked about technical collaborations  Contacts can be made at political levels but collaborations need to be between technical groups  Coordination or just information exchange between technical groups can reduce duplication  The more contacts, the more meetings, the less work  A definite tension exists

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