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February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Bob Lambiase R&D ERL Power Supplies Bob Lambiase February 17-18, 2010 Power Supplies.

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1 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Bob Lambiase R&D ERL Power Supplies Bob Lambiase February 17-18, 2010 Power Supplies

2 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Bob Lambiase Magnet Power Supply Overview 2 All of the magnet power supply requirements for ERL can be satisfied by five different models. The capsule specifications and quantities are shown in the table below. Model Voltage, Volts Current, Amps Precision, ppm Quantity UD320A35V, IE Power353201001 Shim Amplifier 892, Danfysik151010034 BOP 50-20GL, Kepco50201005 MCOR12 / 2A, BiRa252100032 MCOR12 / 6A, BiRa25610006 With the exception of the UD320A35V unit, all models are bipolar, even though not all loads require bipolar operation. But, by using standard off-the-shelf units, development costs were minimized. The total AC power requirements for all of these units are estimated at 13.2 KVA of 480 VAC, 3 phase and 25.3 KVA of 208 VAC, 3 phase.

3 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Bob Lambiase Main Dipole and Magnet String Supplies 3 Powers all six main dipoles in series. IE Power UD320A35V Rated I = 320 Amps, Rated V = 35 Volts, Precision = 100 ppm, Qty 1. Control is by standard BNL Power Supply Interface and Power Supply Controller (PSI /PSC) connected by fiber optic cables Shown as left cabinet in photo. Main Dipole Power Supply Powers series strings of solenoids or chicane dipoles. Kepco BOP 50-20GL Rated I = 20 Amps, Rated V = 50 Volts, Precision = 100 ppm, Qty 5. Control is digital via RS-232 All five units shown installed into right cabinet in photo. Magnet String Supplies

4 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Bob Lambiase Shim Power Supplies 4 Powers all 23 main quadrupoles individually, as well as individual small dipoles and solenoids. Danfysik Shim Amplifier 892 Rated I = 10 Amps, Rated V = 15 Volts, Precision = 100 ppm, Qty 34. Six regulators packaged in each 19 inch rack, along with a common bulk supply. There are three racks per cabinet. The two cabinets with 36 regulators is shown in the photo on the right. Control is digital via RS-485 A single controller, shown below, is capable of manually controlling up to 256 regulators.

5 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Bob Lambiase Back Leg and Corrector Power Supplies 5 Powers the six main dipole back leg windings individually. These are used as horizontal correction elements. BiRa MCOR12 / 6A Rated I = 6 Amps, Rated V = 25 Volts, Precision = 1000 ppm, Qty 6. Analog control via VME DAC / ADC All six units, in one rack, shown installed into right cabinet in photo. Back Leg Power Supply Powers all corrector windings individually. BiRa MCOR12 / 2A Rated I = 2 Amps, Rated V = 25 Volts, Precision = 1000 ppm, Qty 32. Analog control via VME DAC / ADC All 32 units, in two racks, shown installed into left cabinet in photo. Corrector Power Supplies

6 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Bob Lambiase Equipment Layout 6 Three standard 30” deep cabinets house the Danfysik Shim PSs and the Kepco BOPs. One 30”cabinet is available as a spare. Two 23” racks are used for the BiRa correctors and dipole back leg windings. They are located very close to the Power Supply Controls cabinet. Power Supply Controls are housed in a cabinet next to the vacuum system cabinets.

7 February 17-18, 2010 R&D ERL Bob Lambiase Construction and Commissioning 7 All of the magnet power supplies have been delivered, and are nearly fully installed mechanically. Work will continue with installing cables for AC power to the equipment, DC cables from the equipment to the magnets, and control cables from the control system to the power supplies. This work should be completed by June 2010. Construction Status All of the power supplies have been tested at the factory, and there are no technical complexities to commissioning these supplies. The control interface design will be tested prior to the actual magnet loads being connected and the final system testing will proceed as the magnet loads are connected. Commissioning Plans

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