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Refresher Quiz RCd Refresher Quiz For each question slide, click on the mouse to reveal the correct answer(s) or click through the slides using the forward.

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Presentation on theme: "Refresher Quiz RCd Refresher Quiz For each question slide, click on the mouse to reveal the correct answer(s) or click through the slides using the forward."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refresher Quiz RCd Refresher Quiz For each question slide, click on the mouse to reveal the correct answer(s) or click through the slides using the forward buttons to see all of the questions without revealing the answers.

2 Refresher Quiz RCd 1 What is formed when sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide dissolve in the moisture in the air? acid rain

3 Refresher Quiz RCd 2 Which will be damaged more quickly by acid rain – limestone or granite? limestone

4 Refresher Quiz RCd 3 This is one of the gases that is released when we burn fossil fuels, but most of this gas is released by living things. carbon dioxide

5 Refresher Quiz RCd 4 This gas is released when we burn fossil fuels; it is not released by living things. sulphur dioxide

6 Refresher Quiz RCd 5 CFCs can damage the ozone layer. Name one of the elements in CFCs. carbon, fluorine or chlorine

7 Refresher Quiz RCd 6 True or false? Some rocks contain metal carbonates which react slowly with acid rain leaving holes in rocks. true

8 Refresher Quiz RCd 7 Which of these is the approximate percentage of carbon dioxide in the air: 0.9%, 0.04% or 21%? 0.04%

9 Refresher Quiz RCd 8 Which gas forms the greatest part of the atmosphere? nitrogen

10 Refresher Quiz RCd 9 Name three gases that come out of volcanoes. Three from: ammonia nitrogen methane sulphur dioxide water vapour carbon dioxide

11 Refresher Quiz RCd 10 The percentage of which gas in the air varies the most from place to place? water vapour

12 Refresher Quiz RCd 11 Why did the level of carbon dioxide in the air drop about 3800 million years ago? photosynthesis of algae

13 Refresher Quiz RCd 12 Name two greenhouse gases. Two from: carbon dioxide methane CFCs

14 Refresher Quiz RCd 13 What worldwide event is caused by increasing levels of greenhouse gases? global warming

15 Refresher Quiz RCd 14 Suggest two reasons why the levels of carbon dioxide in the air are rising. burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests

16 Refresher Quiz RCd 15 Name one process that takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. photosynthesis

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