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Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Ubiquitous Computing J.I.Mathers Sept. 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Ubiquitous Computing J.I.Mathers Sept. 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Ubiquitous Computing J.I.Mathers Sept. 2002

2 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching What is Ubiquitous Computing? Oxford Dictionary – present everywhere or in several places IBM Thinkpad Laptop with wireless connectivity

3 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Agenda Laptop/wireless Case Study RGU Perspective Bluetooth PDA and GPRS Tablet PC

4 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Ubiquitous Computing All students have laptops. No student labs with PCs. Wireless networks across campus. Access provided from common rooms and open areas.

5 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching University of N. Carolina A public state funded university. 15,400 u/gs and 8,780 p/gs. 2,420 staff 1000 seats in student labs Facing renovation costs of £3.3m Annual PC replacement of £440,000 (3 yr cycle)

6 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching U of NC Starting Point Grant generating schools had resources. Grant challenged schools did not. 65% had access to own computer. Lowest common denominator was inadequate.

7 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching What did U of NC do? Set out to fill the 35% gap. Laptop a requirement for every student. Introduced a life cycling program for staff and students over 3 yrs. Student financial support in form of loan or grant. KEY - local wireless for open spaces and classrooms.

8 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching UK Universities Strathclyde Warwick Scottish Universities

9 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Benefits to RGU - 1 Potentially significant cost savings. Consider buy, rent or partly funded. Latest technology for all students and staff 24 x 7 availability Standardisation brings better service and more controlled costs

10 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Benefits to RGU - 2 Laptops can be used in home, library or lecture rooms. Removes the annual PC replacement debate. LCD is a laptop with access to the Intranet.

11 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching RGU Issues High percentage of students live at home. Funding of laptops Laptops in the classroom Security of laptops during the day Find a partner

12 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching IT Future Strategy Recognition that students will arrive with PDA and PC Want to connect on campus and at home Connect halls of residences VPN providing H drives Novell 6 provides full access remotely

13 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching IT Strategy - Issues Software licences Various PCs and PDAs Security of access Speed – at present 11 mbs vs 100 mbs

14 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Bluetooth? Nothing to do with the dentist Technology standard using short-range radio links replacing cables Aim is for one Bluetooth device to connect anywhere to any other in its proximity whatever manufacturer.

15 Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Other Devices PDA with wireless connection GPRS Tablet PC

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