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LO: TO EXPLORE WHAT EVANGELISM IS AND WHAT MISSIONARY WORK INVOLVES Starter: These are pictures representing Christian views of other religions, who can.

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Presentation on theme: "LO: TO EXPLORE WHAT EVANGELISM IS AND WHAT MISSIONARY WORK INVOLVES Starter: These are pictures representing Christian views of other religions, who can."— Presentation transcript:

1 LO: TO EXPLORE WHAT EVANGELISM IS AND WHAT MISSIONARY WORK INVOLVES Starter: These are pictures representing Christian views of other religions, who can explain them?

2  What do you think this quote means? Think about what view about other religions it goes best with from last week. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)  They feel it’s their duty to teach others and convert them to Christianity so they can also go to heaven. This is called evangelism.  Many Christians choose to do missionary work where they go on a religious or charitable mission to try and help others, sometimes in their own country and sometimes abroad. Some of the missionaries are going on a mission to evangelise people to the Christian faith. LO: To explore what evangelism is and what missionary work involves

3  What is meant by the word ‘evangelism’?  What is meant by the words ‘missionary work’?  At the moment there are lots of campaigns for missionaries to convert people to Christianity  Do you agree with people trying to convert others to a different religion?  Write a definition for the words ‘missionary work’ and ‘evangelism’.  Add an example to both of these. LO: To explore what evangelism is and what missionary work involves

4  Pope Francis recently told Roman Catholics to go do more missionary work and he used this Bible quote “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19)  How might this Bible verse encourage evangelism?  Why might some Christians not approve or decide to not evangelise?  They might believe religion is a personal choice formed from a personal relationship with God.  Don’t want to push their religion onto other people.  God decides who will be in his Book of Life so it’s not up to people to convert others. LO: To explore what evangelism is and what missionary work involves

5  Read through the Mache Masembola sheet.  Divide a new page into four sections  1) Manche  2) Mache’s mother  3) Father Augustine Moeka  4) Missionary Work – Good and Bad  In the first three boxes, write down how you think each of the characters felt about Manche being evangelised. In the last box write down 2 ways that missionary work can be bad and two ways it can be good. LO: To explore what evangelism is and what missionary work involves

6  Plenary: Your Choice!  Write down three things you have learnt this lesson.  Write down five words that you think have been really important in today’s lesson and justify your choice.  Think of three questions to ask another person who has been in today’s lesson about what we have learnt. LO: To explore what evangelism is and what missionary work involves

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