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Natural Resources of Our World

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1 Natural Resources of Our World

2 Natural resource- any material in nature that people use and value.
Some examples of natural resources would be air, water, sun, trees, plants, soil, rocks, minerals, oil and coal.

3 Renewable Resource Non-renewable Resource
We group natural resources into two types: those that we can replace and those we cannot Renewable Resource A natural resource that can be replenished in a short period of time. Earth replaces these resources naturally. Non-renewable Resource A natural resource that cannot be re-made or re-grown at a scale comparable to its consumption.

4 Renewable Resources If used wisely, these resources could last forever
Water Soil Trees Plants Animals

5 We also have Renewable Energy Resources
Renewable energy resources will not run out and they are generally better for the environment: Hydroelectric Power Solar Power Wind Power Geothermal Energy Biomass Energy So, why don’t we use them all of the time?

6 Hydroelectric Power This is the production of electricity from waterpower. We obtain energy from moving water by damming rivers. The dams harness the power of moving water to generate electricity.

7 Solar Power We can use solar power, or power from the sun, to heat water and homes. Using special solar panels, we turn solar energy into electricity.

8 Wind Power We use wind to power wind turbines, a type of modern windmill. At wind farms, hundreds of turbines create electricity in windy places.

9 Geothermal Energy We can also use geothermal energy, or heat within Earth. Geothermal power plants use steam and hot water located within the Earth to create electricity.

10 Biomass Energy Biomass is a renewable energy source from living or recently living plant and animal materials which can be used as fuel. Examples are wood and agricultural waste.

11 Non-renewable Resources
These are the resources than cannot be replaced and will run out one day. Minerals like diamonds, silver and gold are non-renewable resources. Metals and salt are also in limited supply. Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy resources. They are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals. The most important fossil fuels are coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

12 Coal Coal has long been a reliable energy source for heat. However, burning coal causes some problems. It pollutes the air and can harm the land. For these reasons, people have used coal less as other fuel options become available.

13 Petroleum Petroleum, or oil, is a dark liquid used to make fuels and other products. It is used to make gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel. Oil is also used to make petro-chemicals, which are processed to make products such as plastics and cosmetics. Burning oil-based fuels can pollute the air and land. We are very dependent on oil.

14 Natural Gas The cleanest-burning fossil fuel is natural gas. We use it mainly for heating and cooking. For example, your kitchen stove may use natural gas. Some vehicles run on natural gas as well. These vehicles cause less pollution than those that run on gasoline, but they are not commonplace yet.

15 Nuclear Energy A final energy source is nuclear energy. We obtain this energy by splitting atoms, small particles of matter. This process uses metal uranium, so some people consider nuclear energy a non-renewable resource. Nuclear power does not pollute the air, but it does produce dangerous wastes that must be stored for thousands of years before they are safe.

16 United States Energy Use 2010

17 Resources and Daily Life
Natural resources vary from place to place. The resources available in a region can shape life and wealth for the people there. The many natural resources available in the United States have helped it become one of the world’s wealthiest countries. In contrast, countries with few natural resources often have weak economies.

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