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A Value Chain on Linseed: Processing and Value Addition for Profitability NAIP component II NAIP II Annual Workshop March 2013 CPICentre Mr. Ramesh RawalBAIF,

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Presentation on theme: "A Value Chain on Linseed: Processing and Value Addition for Profitability NAIP component II NAIP II Annual Workshop March 2013 CPICentre Mr. Ramesh RawalBAIF,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Value Chain on Linseed: Processing and Value Addition for Profitability NAIP component II NAIP II Annual Workshop March 2013 CPICentre Mr. Ramesh RawalBAIF, Pune Dr. BodhankarBVU, Pune Ms. ManapurePDKV, Akola Industrial Partner Mr. Madhu NairEnsigns Diet Care Pvt. Ltd. Pune

2 Starting Date: June 10, 2009 Completion date: June 30, 2012 Extension up to: June 2013 Sanctioned Budget: 345 Lakh Project details Partners Sanctioned budget Funds Released Funds Utilized Sanctioned budget Funds Released Funds Utilized Dec 2012 2012-13Cumulative BAIF 62.61 14.35 12.47 155.89 105.12 89.24 PDKV 19.02 4.27 7.34 116.96 146.11 98.24 BVU 14.06 1.46 5.44 72.37 59.96 59.27 Total 95.69 20.07 25.25 345.22 311.19 246.75

3 Objectives 1.Identification and introduction of high yielding and resistant varieties of linseed crop 2.Processing of linseed crop for Omega 3 oil and omega-3 by-products. 3.Recovery of lignan from linseed cake for pharma application Objectives Website:

4 Technical Progress Output DeliverablesPlanAchievements Introduction of high yield varieties of Linseed – NL 97 and NL 260 300 Acre 325 acres So far 600 farmers directly benefited Seed production80 farmers 80 farmers – 750 qt seed produced in Rabi 2011-12 Revenue Generation from sale of seed: Rs. 1.38 lakh Before Intervention After Intervention

5 Technical Progress Output DeliverablesPlanAchievements Screening of Linseed varieties for Omega-3 & SDG 50 varieties51 varieties No. Varieties with highest % of Omega 3 Omega-3 (%) 1.EC-54122166.13 2.EC-54119960.49 3.EC-54120859.26 4.EC-54120959.59 5.EC-54121959.92 6.PKV-NL-26055.50

6 Technical Progress Output DeliverablesTargetsAchievements Linseed processing for Omega 3 products Omega-3 byproducts  Alphalite Omega-3 Soft Gel  Flax Forte Biscuits  Alphalite Flax Seed Oil  Mega + Egg  Mega + egg powder  Omega-3 chicken Products Commercialized by Ensigns Diet Care Ltd Omega-3 soft gel capsules Omega-3 Oil

7 Revenue Generation NoProductTotal Revenue Rs. (Lakh) 1Omega 3 Flax seed oil4.90 2Omega 3 Eggs103.88 3Eggs Powder1.00 4Omega 3 Fortifier1.70 5Alpha Lite 500mg Soft gel10.66 6Alpha Liteflax seed0.70 Total122.84

8 Impact-Improved package of linseed Farmers : Now preferring over wheat and gram in Rabi in Vidarbha ParametersTraditional PracticeImproved Practice Productivity235Kg/ha820 Kg/ha Income (Rs.)Rs.8,930/-Rs.31,160/- Work-days 80/ha 80 + 90/ha (Seed production)

9 Benefits of Omega 3 fortified food products Chicken feed (Layer)Incorporates over 250 mg Omega 3 per egg Omega 3 eggsBetter consumer acceptability : HEALTHY EGGS Omega 3 Oil and Soft gelProvides 55-60% vegetarian Omega 3 Omega 3 biscuitsProvides Omega 3 and SDG for health beyond 40 Chicken feed (Broiler)Enriches chicken over 150 mg Omega 3 per 100 g Omega 3 ChickenHealthy Chicken with Better texture, tenderness, Juiciness

10 Market Access/Status of innovation progress Products in offing Omega 3 enriched chicken feed Incorporates over 250 mg Omega 3 per egg. Successful lab and field trials for omega 3 chicken - scored better on texture, tenderness and juiciness Omega 3 chicken SDG - Secoisolaricinol diglucoside (Product from linseed cake) Very highly purified SDG with potent anti-atherosclerotic, anti-metastatic (breast cancer activity) has been isolated from Linseed cake (H) (Further research in progress) Omega-3 chicken feed Omega-3 Chicken

11 Capacity building of the farmers for seed production of linseed: Sufficient quantity of certified seed of improved variety PKV NL- 260 to ensure high productivity and production potential. Revenue from Seed sale for seed production for sustainability of Rs. 1.38/- (2009 – 2013) will be used as sustainability fund. Quality control (QC) and Quality assurance (QA) of omega 3 oil and omega 3 products Advertising of Omega-3 products for public to create awareness among potential consumers Ensure buyback guarantee with 5% more than market price Steps for Sustainability


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