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DireDate Final Seminar Direct and indirect data needs linked to farms for Agri-Environmental Indicators Oene Oenema Wageningen University Alterra The Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "DireDate Final Seminar Direct and indirect data needs linked to farms for Agri-Environmental Indicators Oene Oenema Wageningen University Alterra The Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 DireDate Final Seminar Direct and indirect data needs linked to farms for Agri-Environmental Indicators Oene Oenema Wageningen University Alterra The Netherlands

2 Outline What is DireDate? What are agriculture – environmental interactions? Brief overview of DireDate Tasks Summary and main Recommendations

3 What is “DireDate”? Service Contract Project, commissioned by the European Commission, DG EUROSTAT; Deals with data & information about the ‘Agro-Environment’, about AEIs; Duration: 16 months (27-11-2009 until....) Consortium: 5 institutions

4 CONSORTIUM DLO-Alterra, Wageningen UR, NL (consortium leader) Department of Agro-ecology and Environment, University of Aarhus, Denmark Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, ITP/IMUZ, Falenty, Poland Department of Sustainable Agricultural Systems, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Wien, Austria, ADAS, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

5 General objective “to create a framework for setting up a sustainable system for collecting a set of data from farmers and other sources that will serve primarily European and national statisticians for creating the agreed 28 agri-environmental indicators and thus serve policy makers, but as well agricultural and environmental researchers, observers of climate change and other environmental issues linked to agriculture”. Data collectionData processingData reporting

6 28 (32) agreed AEIs Source: COM (2006) 508 First set of AEIs Second set of AEIs

7 Agriculture Resources Food, fiber Services Emissions to air Emissions to water UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol UNECE-CLRTAP Gothenburg Protocol EU National Emissions Ceilings Directive EU IPPC EU CAP + cross compliance EU Rural Development Program EU Water Framework Directive EU Nitrates Directive EU Directive on Pesticides EU Strategy for Sustainable Development EU Birds & Habitat Directives EU Soils StrategyEU Groundwater Directive EU Animal Welfare EU Food Quality Regulation EU Biofuel Directive

8 Overview of the 9 tasks of DireDate 1: Analyse the AEI for data requirements, availability, gaps 2: Analyse other reporting needs related to AEI (EU legislations) 3: Analyse methods for GHG & NH3 emissions and N & P balances 4: Summarise data needs and identify potentials for harmonisation 5: Analyse needs for data combination 6: Characterise Member State data collection & reporting systems 7: Organise expert meetings, 8: Submit a technical document summarising tasks 1 to 7 9: Discuss the results of tasks 1 to 8 at a workshop

9 Task 3 Analysis of NH3 & GHG emissions & NP balances.  Methodologies and data requirements described  Recommendations for data collection:  For NH3, CH4 and N2O a tiered approach  For N and P balances different systems descriptions  Strong ‘institutionalization’ for NH3, CH4 & N2O emissions  Conventions, protocols, guidance documents: uniform reporting

10 Summary of preliminary recommendations (1) 1.Harmonization of policy reporting requirements needed 2.‘Institutionalization’ of AE data needed: protocols, formats, QC&QA, responsibilities 3.Harmonization of data processing: ‘building block concept’ 4.Coordinated structure and procedures for data collection per MS

11 Summary main recommendations (2) 5.Harmonization of data collection procedures 1.According Regulation 1166/2008: FSS ( farm structure surveys ) + SAPM ( survey on agricultural production methods) + additional surveys 2.Revised FSS (once in 2/3 yrs) + revised SAPM (once in ~5yrs)

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