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CarboEurope: Future - Annette Freibauer MPI for Biogeochemistry, Jena.

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Presentation on theme: "CarboEurope: Future - Annette Freibauer MPI for Biogeochemistry, Jena."— Presentation transcript:

1 CarboEurope: Future - Annette Freibauer MPI for Biogeochemistry, Jena

2 CarboEurope: FutureA. Freibauer Future of CarboEurope –Lobbying for calls - experiences –Meeting with Commission on 5 Oct. 2007 –Future research lines CarboEurope-IP-2 Funding environment

3 CarboEurope: FutureA. Freibauer Lobbying

4 CarboEurope: FutureA. Freibauer Meeting at Brussels, 5 Oct 07 –Discussions with Commission in progress: funding situation and format unclear –Funding gap of 3-9 months likely –Backup strategy: highest priorities

5 CarboEurope: FutureA. Freibauer CarboEurope-II Budgets, land management CA: COCOS Synthesis observations Specific projects CA: Terrestrial synthesis & modeling Backbone land – ocean observations ICOS (prep phase!) Observation infrastructure Ocean Nitrogen Specific projects Joint WPs?

6 CarboEurope: FutureA. Freibauer CarboEurope-II Budgets, land management NitroEurope Full N budget, reactive N CarboOcean CA: COCOS Synthesis observations ICOS (prep phase!) Observation infrastructure CarboEurope-IP Terrestrial C Budget ICOS Observation infrastructure CA: Synthesis & modeling Interannual variability Soil C Structuring Infrastructures for the Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems” (ANAEE) CarboAfrica CarboNorth Backbone land – ocean observations 200720082009 2010 2011201220132014 IMECC

7 CarboEurope: FutureA. Freibauer European funding lines European Commission –DG ENV: C & climate –DG ENV: observations –DG ENV: adaptation/mitigation –Transfer of knowledge –MOBILITY/Marie Curie –other non-thematic areas!!! European Research Council: ideas! Networking –European Science Foundation –COST

8 CarboEurope: FutureA. Freibauer Discussed future focus of CarboEurope-IP-2 Attribution of regional changes in the carbon budget from 1990 to 2012 to human and natural drivers Research should quantify, using ecosystem, atmospheric and ancillary observations, the annual to decadal trends carbon and GHG budget of Europe from 1990 to 2012 driven by trends in climate and atmospheric composition, fossil fuel emissions, land use and land use.

9 CarboEurope: FutureA. Freibauer Leadership and lobbying –Leadership –Challenges: 3rd call (summer 2008) go beyond 7 M€ –Lobbying: Nov 07: Draft call text for CarboEurope-IP-2 to European Commission and national programme committees Keep regular contact with national programme committees – keep them actively positive! – mechanism yet unclear

10 CarboEurope: FutureA. Freibauer Maintaining integration of our research community –Maintain common Protocols Data sharing platform Meetings Activities Exciting science questions!

11 CarboEurope: FutureA. Freibauer Überschrift Text

12 CarboEurope: FutureA. Freibauer Discussed future focus of CarboEurope-IP-2 Attribution of regional changes in the carbon budget from 1990 to 2012 to human and natural drivers Research should quantify, using ecosystem, atmospheric and ancillary observations, the annual to decadal trends carbon and GHG budget of Europe from 1990 to 2012 driven by trends in climate and atmospheric composition, fossil fuel emissions, land use and land use. Observations should be expanded to undersampled regions and to cover CO2, CH4, N2O, albedo and lateral C fluxes from local to continental scale. Emphasis should be laid on the European continent as a whole and on critical European regions with rapid socio- economic or climate-driven changes. Data assimilation systems and advanced biosphere and earth system models need to be further developed to include more realism in land use and management. Methods need to be improved to quantify and verify patterns and changes in anthropogenic GHG emissions. New methods need to developed to improve the spatial and temporal match between observations and models.

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