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Manatee County Manatee County Greenhouse Gas Inventory.

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1 Manatee County Manatee County Greenhouse Gas Inventory

2 Formula Grants The purpose of the EECBG Program is to assist eligible entities in creating and implementing strategies to: ► Reduce fossil fuel emissions ► Reduce total energy use of the eligible entities ► Improve energy efficiency in the building sector, the transportation sector, and other appropriate sectors Funding Opportunity DE-FOA-0000013 Pg. 5

3 ICLEI International Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis The Climate Registry Local Government Operations Protocol

4 Guiding Principles ►R►R►R►Relevance ~ Include emission sources under government’s control ►C►C►C►Completeness ~ All emissions within a government’s operational boundary ►C►C►C►Consistency ~ Identifying boundaries, analysis of data, and quantification are all consistent year-over-year ►T►T►T►Transparency ~ Must have a well-documented audit trail ►A►A►A►Accuracy ~ Integrity of the information is vital

5 Major Greenhouse Gases ►C►C►C►Carbon Dioxide ►M►M►M►Methane ►N►N►N►Nitrous Oxide ►H►H►H►Hydroflourocarbons ►P►P►P►Perflourocarbons ►S►S►S►Sulfur hexaflouride

6 Base Year ► Kyoto Protocol suggests 1990 ► Key factors in the decision ~  Reliable documentation  Records availability

7 Organizational Boundary ► Operational Control Highly recommended for local governments Highly recommended for local governments ► Financial Control

8 Government Sectors Buildings and other facilities Vehicle Fleet Streetlighting and Traffic Signals Water & Wastewater Treatment, Collection & Distribution Waste Port Facilities Airport Facilities

9 Operational Boundaries ► Scope 1 ~ Direct emissions  Stationary combustion  Mobile combustion ► Scope 2 ~ Indirect emissions  Electricity purchases ► Scope 3 ~ Indirect emissions  Employee commute, outsourced activities (especially those normally performed by a local government)

10 Quantifying Emissions ► Calculation-Based Methodology  Activity Data X Emissions Factor = Emissions ► Measurement-Based Methodology  Usually CEMS (continuous emissions measurement systems)

11 Sample Calculations ► Municipal Building 1,250,000 KWh annually Gas Emission Factor* (lbs./MWh) Total Pounds 1,250 MWh CO21318.571,648,213 CH40.0459257 N2O0.0169421 *Source EPA eGRID 2005 data set

12 eGRID Subregion Representational Map

13 TotalPounds Convert to Metric Tons (Total/2204.62) GWPCO2e 1,648,213747.621747.62 570.02585210.54 210.009533102.95 Total Tons 751.11

14 “On May 8, 2007, Governor Crist executed the multi-state compact… “…establish a set of common protocols and support a common reporting system. The Climate Registry will ensure consistency and transparency between climate programs implemented by states and tribes as well as establish a high level of environmental integrity in emissions accounting, reporting, and verification.”

15 Thank you

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