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1 Calculating & Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

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1 1 Calculating & Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions

2 2 Start with material gases and business types and then expand to the less material ones over time. Takes time to create a robust system… Sustainability Report (Online Version) CLP’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory  Approach References  The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (WRI & WBCSD)  decentralised approach  operational control  2006 IPCC Guidelines for national Greenhouse Gas Inventories (IPCC)  Scope  Started with Scope 1 on generation only  Now expanded to include Scope 2 as well for gas storage, t&d, and retail business  Greenhouse gases  Started with just CO2  Now expanded to include CH4, N2O and SF6  Incorporate HFCs and PFCs next year  Independent Verification  Statements by facility/plant

3 3 Some References for Carbon Disclosure  Government standards requirements (local and/or national)  Voluntary schemes (sector, national, international, etc.)  The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting & Reporting Standard (WRI & WBCSD)  Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Extensive survey  1-28 sections @ with 1-15 questions, numeric & text  Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Recommended indicators  EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight. (Core)  EN17 Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight. (Core)  EN18 Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achieved. (Additional) Choice of carbon disclosure should add value to your operations

4 4 Why Do We Report? Drive Performance Engage Stakeholders Reporting Reporting can drive both performance and stakeholder engagement and thus contribute to managing business-related risks, e.g. regulatory compliance and reputational risks

5 5 Made massive errors in reporting CO 2 emissions from Castle Peak (and other CLP facilities) “ So far, out of the 50,000 plants listed only one meaningful discrepancy has been identified: China Light and Power (CLP)… informed us that its massive Castle Peak power plant...emitted significantly less CO2 than the CARMA estimate... CLP presented audited records to support this assertion and the CARMA team quickly made adjustments.” Why Do We Report?  If you don’t report your emissions, sometimes someone else will guess your emissions…  e.g. CARMA Unfortunately, retractions are rare and damage already done..

6 6  CLP provides environmental performance metrics to a number of international surveys:  Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)  Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)  FTSE4Good  Reputex  Trucost  Hang Seng Sustainability Index  Etc. CLP’s Reporting External Surveys Since March 2009, listed on DJSI Asia Pacific and the only HK company on DJSI Asia Pacific 40

7 7 From high level graphics and explanations of trends to… Sustainability Report – In Essence (Print Version) CLP’s Reporting

8 8 From high level graphics and explanations of trends to… Sustainability Report (Online Version) CLP’s Reporting

9 9 …detailed data tables, as well as responses to… CLP’s Reporting

10 10 CLP Resources  CLP Group public website (  Related publications  CLP Group Annual Report  CLP Group Sustainability Report - In Essence  CLP Climate Vision 2050  Beyond Copenhagen CLP’s Reporting

11 11 Online Sustainability Report  CLP Group public website (  Online Sustainability Report CLP’s Reporting

12 12 None of us can defeat the threat of global warming on our own – but together we can cool the climate and realise our Climate Vision 2050.

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