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Aberdeen Labour Market Website Promoting economic strength and lifelong learning through better access to information.

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Presentation on theme: "Aberdeen Labour Market Website Promoting economic strength and lifelong learning through better access to information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aberdeen Labour Market Website Promoting economic strength and lifelong learning through better access to information.

2 Project Background The north east economy continues to be one of the most dynamic in the UK measured by unemployment rates. Within this context the project responds to two needs: 1. The need to address skills shortages/gaps 2. The need to support learning amongst people least likely to participate

3 The Steering Group Aberdeen City Council Scottish Enterprise – Digital Champion Aberdeen Chambers of Commerce Job Centre Plus Careers Scotland Great Northern Partnership

4 Aims and Objectives This project will widen access to learning and employment through providing people in Aberdeen (and during the final stage more widely in Grampian/NE Scotland) with access to information/support they require to make informed labour market choices and follow these through to participation in learning

5 Aims and Objectives Develop a web-based information resource to provide a one stop shop(?) for people seeking LMI and learning information Increase participation in the local labour market Increase social capital and community empowerment

6 Key functions of website Supporting Local Initiatives: Provide a means to encourage communication and participation between LMI practitioners. Serve as a portal for other LMI providers to increase effectiveness of all local projects. Provide meaningful points of contact, relevant to people in the North-east

7 Key functions of website Information for work-seekers: Employment vacancies Growth/declining sectors in the North East Industry profiles Details of local initiatives Targeted help to specific interest groups Information presented in Plain English not overly technical or jargonistic.

8 Key functions of website Information for learning-seekers: Information on local learning initiatives such as the Adult Literacy programme and the Great Northern Partnership Details of local learning institutions such as RGU, Aberdeen University, Aberdeen college Information about lifelong learning and community learning

9 Key functions of website Information for economically disadvantaged groups: Women returning from maternity leave People with a criminal conviction Older members of the workforce People with mental health problems or physical disabilities

10 Key functions of website Information for employers: LMI and workforce development advice for locally-based businesses to encourage a culture of learning within organisations in the North East

11 Example sites

12 Progress to Date Individual meetings with stakeholders Project work area set up on virtual campus Functional Benchmarking study Review of local LMI websites Academic research on methodology of using web-based information resources for LMI

13 Project Plan MilestoneActionsTimescale Milestone IEstablish and Agree purpose and value Consult Stakeholders Develop Steering Group Establish means of internal and external communication/ Identify audience PR Functional Benchmarking Academic support Mid-November Milestone IIAudience Needs- Focus Groups/Citizens Panel Survey Current Provision- determine suitability for web Begin Data collection and review of content 3-4 months Milestone IIIPresent Design Brief Develop together with RGU web team Story Board Content Data Narrative Navigation Milestone IVPR Launch

14 The Project Group RGU Team David Gibbons-Wood- Project Leader Allan Scott- IT Consultant/ Specialist Elizabeth Tait- Research Assistant

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