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FIN 634: Financial Institutions and Markets

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1 FIN 634: Financial Institutions and Markets
Orientation to the Course Prof. Baral

2 Objectives The course aims to provide to the students about understanding on the working of the financial system money and capital market, commercial banks, non-bank thrift and other institutions Prof. Baral

3 Objectives The course aims to provide to the students about understanding on central banking and regulations to facilitate the saving and investment, maximizing yields, making payments, supplying credit accumulating and allocating wealth, generating liquidity, protecting against portfolio risk Prof. Baral

4 Objectives The course aims to provide to the students about understanding on consumers and business in financial markets future of financial system Prof. Baral

5 Course Structure Total Unit: 9 Total Lecture Hours: 100 Duration of Lecture: 1 hr. Prof. Baral

6 Course Content Unit 1: Introduction LH 12 Unit 2: Central banking, monetary policy, role of government in financial market LH 12 Unit 3: Commercial banking industry Unit 4: Non-bank thrifts and other institutions LH 12 Prof. Baral

7 Course Content Unit 5: Regulation of banks and financial institutions Unit 6: Money market instruments LH 10 Unit 7: Interest rate in financial system LH 12 Unit 8: Consumer and business in financial markets LH 12 Unit 9: Future of the financial system LH 8 Prof. Baral

8 Basic Text Saunder, Anthony and Cornett, Marica Millon, 5th ed. (2013). Financial markets and institutions. New York: McGra-Hill Irwin. Madurai, J. (2001). Financial markets and institutions. New Jersey: Thomson South-Western.

9 Basic Text Mishkin, F.S. (2003). Financial markets and institutions. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers. Rose, P.S and Marquis, M.H. (2005). Money and capital markets, financial institutions and instruments in a global marketplace. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

10 Pedagogy Lecture Class Work Self Reading Discussion and Presentation
Project Work

11 Evaluation and Question Pattern
Theoretical question Numerical Problems

12 Further Information Relative to other specialization course in finance, this course will give insight into the financial markets and institutions of Nepal. If students are ready to bear for extra cost, guest lectures from practitioners will be managed. This course will lay foundation for the competitive exam of financial institutions.

13 Further Information Most of the students majoring finance are pursuing their research on financial institutions and markets without the theoretical background. This course will lay theoretical foundation to carry out the research project for RCH 601: Thesis course.

14 Further Information Students are required to purchase prescribed text books and go through it and come with the text book and calculator if possible financial calculator. As you know, every financial institution uses financial calculator. You can download the software of financial calculator and install in you desktop, or lap top and use it, or instead you can use inbuilt function of Microsoft Excel.

15 Further Information I am talking all about these to develop the skill and theoretical foundation for your career in financial sector. I am not talking about not only to get through your final exam but also to get through your good future career by developing analytical brain and making you able to understand the international standard text on financial institutions and markets.

16 Further Information At first, you will feel a little bit difficult to understand me and inconvenient in my class, but later on you will feel very convenient and be interested in my lectures. Don't be discouraged and afraid of me. Be patient for few lectures to understand me, and my language and style of my teaching. But regularity is the must to understand me and chase my lectures.

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