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Faculty of Health & Social Care. Our Schools: School of Applied Social Studies School of Health Sciences School of Nursing and Midwifery School of Pharmacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty of Health & Social Care. Our Schools: School of Applied Social Studies School of Health Sciences School of Nursing and Midwifery School of Pharmacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty of Health & Social Care

2 Our Schools: School of Applied Social Studies School of Health Sciences School of Nursing and Midwifery School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences* * School of Life Sciences and School of Pharmacy merged this academic year to create one School. No change to course provision.

3 School of Health Sciences The BSc (Hons) Sports and Exercise Science course will be offering a degree link progression route to students with a relevant HND qualification providing entry into Year 3 from 2008/09.

4 School of Applied Social Studies BA (Hons) Social Work – School leavers are now actively encouraged to apply to this course as life experience is no longer a requirement. It is helpful if applicants have completed some "pastoral work" during their time at School (e.g. peer support, buddy support or some other caring activity). The course is now a 4 year honours degree and students complete 3 placements in a social work practice setting.

5 School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences NEW for 2008/09 - BSc (Hons) Biosciences with Biomedical Sciences. This degree link course allows entry into year 2 for students with a relevant HNC qualification and entry into Year 3 for students with a relevant HND qualification.

6 FORENSIC SCIENCE First destination statistics for one cohort of Forensic Science graduates: Laboratory Scientist7 Police2 Mud Engineer1 Administration (HR, Oil, BAA)4 Other Employment5 Further Study (MSc, PGDE, PhD, LLB)8

7 In conclusion As a Faculty we are happy to visit Schools to talk about health and social care careers / courses with your students We look forward to working with you, as guidance teachers, in the future.

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