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1 Practical Jupiter and Sattelites Akiya Miyamoto KEK 1-Oct-2004 Based on works done by ACFA-SIM (-J) members.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Practical Jupiter and Sattelites Akiya Miyamoto KEK 1-Oct-2004 Based on works done by ACFA-SIM (-J) members."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Practical Jupiter and Sattelites Akiya Miyamoto KEK 1-Oct-2004 Based on works done by ACFA-SIM (-J) members

2 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 2 Contents Introduction – Concepts Jupiter Satellites ML and Web.

3 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 3 Design Concept Components related to the full simulator Requirements Modularized structure For simultaneous developmen by sub-groups For easy modifications of detector configuration To help implementation of detailed structure with minimum effort Framework Unified class design in order to minimize user-written code Unified class interfaces

4 Jupiter

5 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 5 Jupiter Features:  Modular structure for easy update, install/uninstall of sub- detectors  Powerful base classes that provide unified interface to  facilitate easy (un)installation of components by methods such as InstallIn, Assemble, Cabling  Help implementation of detailed hierarchiral structures. This helps to save memory size.  Minimize user-written source code by –Automatic naming system & material management –B-field compositions for accelerators  Input : HEPEVT, CAIN (ASCII) or generators in JSF.  Output –Output class allows extrnal methods. Using this mechanism, it can output ASCII flat file and JSF/ROOT fie. Core developper: K.Hoshina and K.Fujii : Geant4 based Full Detector Simulator

6 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 6 Standard Geometry of Jupiter Super Conducting Solenoid (SOL) Calorimeter(HCAL) Calorimeter(ECAL) Central Tracker(CDC) Intermediate Tracker(IT) Vertex Detector(VTX) Beam Line component not shown Work on muon is in progress.

7 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 7 Documents Jupiter in general:  Jupiter.pdf : “JUPITER”, the latest manual (June 6, 2004, in Japanese ), by K.Hoshina  Hoshina-appi2002.pdf : “Simulator status of Jupiter and Satelliets”, The proceedings of APPI2002, by K.Hoshina Stereo Geometry for CDC  J4TwistedTubs.pdf: K.H, K.F and O.N., CPC 153 (2003)373-391,  Hoshina-appi2003.pdf: “Status of Jupiter and Satellites”, the proceedings of APPI2003 by K.Hoshina Thesis  Hoshina-D.pdf: Doctor Thesis by K.Hoshina (in Japanese)  Nakashima-M.pdf: Master Theses by Y.Nakashima (in Japanese) About Kalman Filter Track Fitting package Documents are available at

8 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 8 Meetings & ML Since last July,  We had two Jupiter developers workshop  Each about ~ 1 week  Participants : A.Miyamoto, K.Fujii (KEK), and students from Kobe, Niigata, Tsukuba, GUAS  Regular TV meetings in Tuesday afternoon  Create a mailing list,  To discuss technical details ( in Japanese )

9 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 9 Sources The host system for developments is  CVS Master repository : jlclogin:/proj/soft/CVSMASTER Note: CVS repository of Jupiter and Satellites are updated very frequently  A set of libs/execs : jlclogin:/proj/soft/Release/x.xx ( x.xx=1.00 as of June 1, new set will be created soon ) For a remote user,  Daily snap shots of CVS repository:  The Web interface to CVS,  Remote access to the CVS repository  CVS access is out of order, due to a security problem. We will restart after the system update, if there is a request.  Or use CVSup ( see )

10 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 10 Jupiter Directory Structure Jupiter bindocincludeconfiglibmacrosscriptssourcestmp bdcalcd c tpc ct it vtx ir srcinclude kernlcexpsolmain Sub-Detector files Linux-g++ Jupiter Readme common.gmk Sample G4 scripts Detector components to use are switched by CPP flags in or parameters in JSFJ4

11 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 11 Detector Configuration in Jupiter 370 160 185 J4CAL J4SOL 265 430 530 360 425 150mrad 206 40 200mrad 157 44 400 Dimensoins in red: GLC-3T (Jupiter default) Dimensions in black: GLD_V1 model Unit: cm GLC_V1 model is used when compiled with __GLD_V1__ flag is TRUE in config/common.gmk Parameters can be changed through a modification of J4XXXParameter class be careful ! Muon – in preparation

12 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 12 Global region

13 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 13 Parameters for IR-BD geometry As is defined in Used by T.Aso san for BG study at LCWS2004 IRConeZLength IRZMax=8m IRZMid=5m IRSupport InnerRadius 38 or 40cm IRZBox (Box of 4m x 4m x 4m) IRThMax=200 / 150 mrad BPIPZLength IRDrumFaceZPosition IRDrumZLength IRConeZPosition IRBoxZPosition IRDrumZPosition BPRadiusLarge=7.3cm BPALThick=0.2cm WSiCal IP QC1 LowZ mask Cal & Return Yoke IRThMax =200mrad (GLC_3T) =150mrad(GLD_V1)

14 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 14 Sample background event In-coherent e+e- pair, 20mrad QC1 WSiCal CAL Return Yoke Low Z mask by T.Aso (TCMT)

15 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 15 Calorimeter in Jupiter An accuracy of simulated results depends on precision of Calorimeter geometry. In the currenet version, we are implementing an ideal geometry to know ultimate performance  pointing tower structure, no crack between towers  > 100 layes of absorbers and sensors  Mini-tower can be defined within tower to small cell structure. Simulate with a small cell structure and merge cell signals appropriately at later analysis stage to save CPU and storage space.  Tower geometry, materials and granularity can be modified easily. Current status:  Geometry are implemented.  Studying performances such as CPU time, Output data size, Energy response, etc Tower structure EM HD

16 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 16 How to build and run Jupiter You will need,  ROOT, JSF, Geant4, CLHEP, …(?) Get JUPITER source from CVS Set environment parameters, such as JUPITERROOT  See jlclogin:/proj/soft/Release/x.xx/setup.bash for example Then do “make” at the Jupiter top director. To run, type $ Jupiter … prompt> /run/beamOn 100 Read and hit information is written in a file, hit.dat

17 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 17 Status of Jupiter We have spent ~two months to implement fine structures of Calorimeter. Status  CAL tower of ~170 layers of 4cmx4cm tower  ~9000sec to generate 100 ZH events at 350 GeV  Output data size exceeds 2G Bytes at ~0.5K events –Need to reduce output data size or JSF update to support multiple-file output –Without output, run more than 5000 events  1cmx1cm tower  Takes 2 hour for geometry initialization  ECAL energy resolution  ~19%/Sqrt(E), if this is due to large cut-off, CPU time may be increased in order to get reasonable resolution

18 Satellites

19 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 19 Sattelites: IO, Metis, Leda Sattelites are event reconstruction module for simulated data. IO – Input / Output module set  Convert Jupiter output to ROOT object  Though ASCII file  JSFJ4 ( Run Jupiter in JSF frame work and convert) METIS – Monte Calro Exact hit To Intermediate Simulated Output  Module set for simulated data reconstruction  Includes –HitMaker : Exact hit to smeared hit –TrackMaker : Track reconstruction –ClusterMaker: Cal. Cluster reconstruction –PartcleFlowObjectMaker : Make Particle Flow Object Leda – Library Extension for Data Analyis  Library for reconstruction  Includes –Kalman filter package, etc. IO METIS Leda

20 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 20 …. cd c vtx Satellites Directory Structure Satellites bin src lib include test io ledageomlib jsfj4 mctruth kern examples Run Jupiter in JSF to create a ROOT file cal S4xxxExactHit class = J4xxxHit class kallib kaltracklib utils metis Libraries for data analysis

21 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 21 cal metis tpchitmaker trackmaker hybthybtmaker hitmaker (JSF’s) Modules for MC data analysis make smeared TPC hits from exact hit make tracks from TPC make hybrid tracks ( TPC+IT+VTX) make smeared/merged CAL hits from exact hit clustermaker make cluster from CAL hits pfo pfomaker make Particle Flow Objects Metis Directory Structure

22 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 22 Status of Metis Current aim is to prepare a minimum set of Metis module for studies of Particle Flow Algorithm. Novice users will be able to do physics analysis using information of PFO classes. As a first step, a cheated track fitter and cluster maker, etc are in preparation in order to know an ultimate performance. We are developing basic classes now. Each modules are independent, thus shall be easy to implement different reconstruction algorithm according to interests

23 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 23 Mailing list for our study (proposal) (lcdds=Linear Collider Detector Design Study )  Initial members : jlcexp + senior-exp on If you are not sure or know others to add, please let me know immediately.  Subscription page ( under construction at )   Mail archive is created. No password protection !

24 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 24 Web page for our study is prepared  What will be put on the web ?  Mail archive and member list  Detector parameter lists ( or link to them )  Meeting schedules …  Who is “US” ? –Members of Large Detector Concepts working group for the costing document (?) –Do we include activities on hard-ware/detector components R&D ? Or just link to their page ? –Do we organize sub-groups ?  Who wants to be page editors ? –No technical problem for KEK members. –If not at KEK, you will need a VPN connection. Or better to have a local server at your site and make links to ilcphys. –Let me know your pages to share information.

25 A.Miyamoto at HDCMeeting (1-Oct-2004) 25 Conclusion That’s it for today I’m sorry that I have no conclusion

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