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© IPC, 2008 IPC Initiative of Future of Mail by Air – Executive Meeting 4 th March 20081 Current CARDIT-RESDIT (M18-M20); in context Post-Post EDI Origin.

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Presentation on theme: "© IPC, 2008 IPC Initiative of Future of Mail by Air – Executive Meeting 4 th March 20081 Current CARDIT-RESDIT (M18-M20); in context Post-Post EDI Origin."— Presentation transcript:

1 © IPC, 2008 IPC Initiative of Future of Mail by Air – Executive Meeting 4 th March 20081 Current CARDIT-RESDIT (M18-M20); in context Post-Post EDI Origin PostDestination Post Carrier(s) 1. PREDES 6. RESDES 5. RESCON 3. PRECON 2. CARDIT 4. RESDIT PREDES; dispatch pre-advice, based on receptacle registration data at time of labelling; triggered by dispatch closure; message preparation directly after closure; transmission at least 4 times per day; PREDES received at least 4 times per day by receiving Post CARDIT; consignment pre-advice to Airline, includes receptacle IDs registered in dispatches. Flights are planned at dispatch level and receptacles from dispatch included in consignment for a flight / or receptacle IDs included in consignment based on scans loading carts/ULDs for a flight; Message preparation and transmission on consignment closure, Airline receives CARDIT within 15-20 minutes after closure and before physical handover to the Airline RESDIT 74; based on positive data capturing receptacle ID, message preparation triggered by the scan of last receptacle in the batch handed over, RESDIT 74 transmission on completion of a full consignment registered but not later than 8 hours after the last scan of a batch of receptacles taken in possession. PRECON; consignment pre-advice, includes receptacle IDs registered in dispatches. Flights are planned at dispatch level and receptacles from dispatch included in consignment for a flight / or receptacle IDs included in consignment based on scans loading carts/ULDs for a flight; Message preparation on consignment closure; transmission at least 4 times per day, receiving Post receives PRECON at least 4 times per day (normally simultaneous with CARDIT) RESDIT 24; based on load scan and deducted by positive data capturing of receptacle IDs not uplifted; RESDIT 24 data to be processed within 30 minutes after the event and transmitted latest 8 hours after flight departure RESDIT 21; based on positive data capturing of receptacle IDs on delivery at destination, triggered by last scan of receptacle of the batch handed over for delivery, data transmission delivery data & message preparation within 8 hours after delivery; RESDIT 21 received by sending Post within 8 hours after delivery at destination. RESCON; based on positive data capturing of receptacle IDs at the start of the processing of the mail delivery at the Airmail Unit/OE at destination, triggered by completion of scanning incoming consignment and not later than 8 hours after expected handover; RESCON received by sending Post within 8 hours after planned handover at destination. RESDES; based on positive data capturing of receptacle IDs at the start of the processing of the mail dispatch / opening area at the Airmail Unit/OE at destination, triggered by completion of scanning incoming dispatch and at least once per day at a fixed time; RESDES received by sending Post at least once per day

2 © IPC, 2008 IPC Initiative of Future of Mail by Air – Executive Meeting 4 th March 20082 Origin PostDestination Post Carrier(s) 1. PREDES 8. RESDES 7. RESCON 6. PRECON 2. Update CARDIT 4. RESDIT Original and Update CARDIT are pre-consignment closure messages that pre-advice to the Airline the receptacles physically handed over before consignment closure. The Update CARDIT adds receptacles to the list of receptacles specified in the Original CARDIT. The Airline receives the “pre”-CARDIT 15 minutes before physical handover to the Airline RESDIT without CARDIT; is an exceptional event message sent to notify an event for receptacle IDs for which no pre-advice was received. For each applicable event (received, received in transit or uplifted) the message is sent soonest after data capturing of the last receptacle and the latest time will be respected as specified for the applicable event reported. PRECON; consignment pre-advice, includes receptacle IDs assigned to the Airline by Final CARDIT, and corrected if needed by Confirmation CARDIT. Message preparation and transmission one hour after (first leg) flight departure and not later than one hour before (first leg) flight arrival CARDIT-RESDIT M39, Update CARDIT, correction of CARDIT, RESDIT without CARDIT and PRECON based on RESDIT RESDIT 74, 24 & 21 shall be sent to report the events applicable for the receptacle IDs reported by CARDIT. The RESDIT 74 shall be prepared and transmitted on completion of scanning the full consignment or any part consignment batch scanned, not later than the flight departure time; RESDIT 24 not later than one hour before flight arrival; RESDIT 21 not later than 4 hours after delivery Final CARDIT is the consignment pre-advice following consignment closure. The Final CARDIT ends the build up phase of the consignment and confirms to Airlines that no more receptacles are to be expected for this consignment. The message is sent not later than 15 minutes after consignment closure. Confirmation CARDIT is the pre-advice message that corrects the consignment information in case of obvious mistakes established by positive data capturing of receptacle IDs. Confirmation CARDIT will be sent to add or deduct receptacles from the Original/Final CARDIT as applicable. The Confirmation CARDIT will be sent within 30 minutes of receipt of RESDIT without CARDIT and or after completion of the scanning of receptacles returned or left behind at the Post. 3. Final CARDIT5. Confm. CARDIT RESCON, prepared and transmitted within 30 minutes after the last scan of a batch of receptacles handed over, and at least every 4 hours (if receptacles scanned in that period) PREDES, prepared and transmitted latest 30 minutes after dispatch closure - RESDES, prepared and transmitted within 30 minutes after the last scan of a batch of receptacles processed for inbound registration, transmitted at least every 4 hours

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