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1 Mary Glackin, Assistant Administrator NOAA Program Planning and Integration Science Advisory Board November 3, 2004 NOAA Planning Update.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mary Glackin, Assistant Administrator NOAA Program Planning and Integration Science Advisory Board November 3, 2004 NOAA Planning Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mary Glackin, Assistant Administrator NOAA Program Planning and Integration Science Advisory Board November 3, 2004 NOAA Planning Update

2 2Outline NOAA Strategic Plan for 2005-2010 NOAA Strategic Plan for 2005-2010 NOAA Program Structure – linking Programs to the Strategic Plan NOAA Program Structure – linking Programs to the Strategic Plan Annual Guidance Memorandum Annual Guidance Memorandum Associated Planning Documents Associated Planning Documents NOAA’s Strategic Organization and PPBES NOAA’s Strategic Organization and PPBES FY08 Planning Process – A Look Ahead FY08 Planning Process – A Look Ahead

3 3 An informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts, and atmosphere in the global ecosystem to make the best social and economic decisions NOAA Strategic Plan for 2005 – 2010 NOAA Envisions…

4 4 To Meet the Challenges… NOAA’s Strategic Plan for 2005 – 2010 Vision An informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts, and atmosphere to make the best social and economic decisions Ecosystems Protect, restore & manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystems approach to management Climate Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond Weather and Water Serve society’s needs for weather and water information Commerce and Transportation Support the Nation’s commerce with info for safe, efficient & environmentally sound transportation Ensuring Sound, State-of-the-Art Research Promoting Environmental Literacy Drivers Leading International Activities Supporting NOAA’s Mission Provide Critical Support for NOAA’s Mission Developing, Valuing, and Sustaining a World-Class Workforce Mission To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet our Nation's economic, social, and environmental needs Strategic Goals Cross-Cutting Priorities Integrating Global Environmental Observation and Data Management

5 5 We’ve Set These Five NOAA Goals: Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystem approach to management Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystem approach to management Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond Serve society’s needs for weather and water information Serve society’s needs for weather and water information Support the nation’s commerce with information for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation Support the nation’s commerce with information for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation Provide critical support for NOAA’s mission Provide critical support for NOAA’s mission

6 6

7 7 Protect, Restore, and Manage the Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through an Ecosystem Approach to Management OUTCOMES 1. Healthy and productive coastal and marine ecosystems that benefit society 2. A well informed public That acts as a steward of coastal and marine ecosystems STRATEGIES 1.Engage and collaborate with our partners to achieve regional objectives 2.Manage uses of ecosystems by applying scientifically sound observations, assessments, and research findings 3.Improve resource management by advancing our understanding of ecosystems through better simulation and predictive models. 4.Develop coordinated regional and national outreach and education efforts 5.Engage in technological and scientific exchange with our domestic and international partners Ecosystem Observations Ecosystem Research HabitatCorals Coastal and Marine Resources Protected Species Fisheries Management EnforcementAquaculture Programs

8 8STRATEGIES 1.Improve the quality and quantity of climate observations, analyses, interpretation, and archiving 2.Improve the quantification and understanding of the forces bringing about climate change 3.Advance sub-seasonal to inter-annual climate predictions and climate change projections 4.Develop the ability to predict the consequences of climate change on ecosystems 5.Develop and contribute to routine state-of-the-science assessments of the climate system 6.Work with customers in order to deliver climate services and information products 7.Coordinate among NOAA Line Offices the transition from investigator-driven research projects to operational facilities, capabilities, and products 8.Support educational efforts to create a more climate- literate public Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society’s Ability to Plan and Respond OUTCOMES 1. A scientifically and observationally based understanding of the global climate system, with quantified uncertainties sufficient for making informed and reasoned decisions 2. A climate-literate public that recognizes the importance of the scientific basis for responding to climate change and variability 3. Enhanced public and private sector use of climate information, including predictions and projections, in planning and decision-making Climate Forcing Climate & Ecosystems Observations & Analysis Regional Decision Support Predictions & Projections Programs

9 9STRATEGIES 1.Improve the reliability, lead-time, and effectiveness of weather and water information and services that predict changes in environmental conditions 2.Integrate an information enterprise that incorporates all stages from research to delivery, seeks better coordination of employee skills and training, and engages customers. 3.Develop and infuse research results and new technologies more efficiently 4.Work with private industry, universities, and national and international agencies to create and leverage partnerships 5.Build a broad-based and coordinated education and outreach program 6.Employ scientific and emerging technological capabilities to advance decision support services and educate stakeholders Local Forecasts & Warnings Serve Society’s Needs for Weather and Water Information Serve Society’s Needs for Weather and Water Information OUTCOMES 1. Reduced injury, loss of life, and economic damage 2. Social and economic benefits from improvements and applications of information and services 3. Routine use of NOAA products and services in making social and policy decisions 4. Increased customer satisfaction with weather and water information and services 5. A public who understands the impact of weather and water on their lives, and can make informed decisions and take appropriate action Hydrology Air Quality Environmental Modeling Coasts, Estuaries, Ocean Science, Tech., & Infusion Space Weather Programs

10 10STRATEGIES 1. Expand and enhance advanced technology monitoring and observing systems to provide accurate, up-to-date information 2. Develop and apply new technologies, methods, and models to increase the capabilities, efficiencies, and accuracy of transportation-related products and services 3. Develop and implement sophisticated assessment and prediction techniques, products, and services to support decisions 4. Build public understanding of the science and technology involved and the role of the environment in commerce and transportation through outreach, education, and industry collaboration Marine Transp. Systems Commercial & Remote Sensing Licensing Geodesy Support the Nation’s Commerce with Information for Safe, Efficient, and Environmentally Sound Transportation OUTCOMES 1.Safe, secure, and seamless movement of goods and people in the U.S. transportation system 2.Environmentally sound development and use of the U.S. transportation system NOAA Emergency Response Surface WeatherMarine WeatherAviation Weather Programs

11 11 OUTCOMES 1.A safe operating environment with efficient and effective financial, administrative, and support services 2. Ship, aircraft, and satellite programs that ensure continuous observation 3. NOAA Homeland Security- related capabilities that are fully integrated 4. A sustainable and strategic facilities master planning process with a 5-10 year planning horizon 5. Secure, reliable, and robust information flow within NOAA and out to the public Supporting NOAA’s Mission SatellitesLeadershipMission SupportFleet Services STRATEGIES 1. Provide timely and effective acquisition and delivery of satellite-derived information 2. Use effective and efficient approaches to meet NOAA requirements for ship and aircraft support 3. Formulate and maintain policies, procedures, plans, and processes 4. Coordinate NOAA’s homeland security-related plans, programs, and policies 5. Plan for, construct, and maintain facilities 6. Lead agency-wide efforts in education and outreach, public affairs, legislative affairs, international affairs, and legal affairs 7. Develop and maintain an Information Technology Enterprise 8. Employ a planning, programming, budgeting, and execution system to enhance NOAA’s capabilities … Programs

12 12 FY07 Annual Guidance Memorandum The AGM The AGM –Guides the transformation of our plans into programs –Provides the means for setting fiscal priorities –Assists the decision-making as to where our resources are best spent to achieve our goals –Addresses significant capability gaps The AGM does not The AGM does not –Provide solutions to “fix” gaps –Provide assurance that critical gaps will be met –Provide specific programming direction –Provide fiscal guidance

13 13 AGM Future Directions Meeting our Priorities Through Effective Partnerships Taking the Pulse of the Planet – Integrate Global Observations Taking the Pulse of the Planet – Integrate Global Observations Advance NOAA’s Modeling Capability Advance NOAA’s Modeling Capability Provide Leadership for Our Oceans Provide Leadership for Our Oceans Increase Climate Information, Services, and Products Increase Climate Information, Services, and Products Provide Critical Information for Water Resources Provide Critical Information for Water Resources Support the US Transportation Systems Support the US Transportation Systems Enhance Environmental Literacy Enhance Environmental Literacy Deliver Effective, Efficient Decision-Support Information Deliver Effective, Efficient Decision-Support Information Link to More Detail Link to More Detail

14 14 AGM Enablers Meeting our Priorities Through Effective Partnerships Enhance Skills and Capabilities of NOAA’s Workforce Enhance Skills and Capabilities of NOAA’s Workforce Improve Administrative Programs Improve Administrative Programs Maintain and Provide Necessary Platforms Maintain and Provide Necessary Platforms Improve Critical Infrastructure and Services Improve Critical Infrastructure and Services Advance the Use of Technology Advance the Use of Technology

15 15 Strategic Plans DOC Strategic Plan NOAA Strategic Plan Council Strategic Plans Line & Staff Office Strategic Plans Goal 3: Observe, protect, and manage the Earth’s resources to promote environmental stewardship Goals and Strategies Cross-cut priorities Human Capital CouncilHuman Capital Council Observing Systems CouncilObserving Systems Council Research CouncilResearch Council Education CouncilEducation Council International Affairs CouncilInternational Affairs Council

16 16 NOAA’s Strategic Organization Research Weather Service Ocean Service Satellite & Information Service Fisheries Marine & Aviation Operations NOAA Headquarters Staff Offices Program Planning & Integration Outcomes Products & Services Climate Weather and Water Commerce & Transportation Supporting NOAA’s Mission Ecosystems Councils Policy & Procedure

17 17 PlanningProgrammingBudgetingExecutionCloseout Adjust goal & strategies as necessary Assess baseline compared to goals Set priorities NOAA Strategic Plan Annual Guidance Memorandum Determine optimal use of resources Request resources and adjust plan as necessary Execute, assess, adjust, and report Annual Review NOAA Program Plan NOAA Budget DOC Budget President’s Budget Appropriation Program Annual Operating Plans (AOPs) Line & Staff Office AOPs Employee Performance Plans Audit Business report Program reports Employee appraisals Functions Products PPBES 2.5 years prior to Execution Year

18 18 FY08 Planning – A Look Ahead Planning Phase to run March – August 2005 Planning Phase to run March – August 2005 Priorities for Planning: Priorities for Planning: –More effective coordination with external partners –More time for external review of AGM

19 19 Summary NOAA Planning Phase effectively linking through to Execution Phase NOAA Planning Phase effectively linking through to Execution Phase Draft Line Office Strategic Plans out for review until November 30 ( Draft Line Office Strategic Plans out for review until November 30 ( FY08 planning goal – target more partner participation FY08 planning goal – target more partner participation

20 Backup slides

21 21 FY07 Annual Guidance Memorandum: Future Directions Taking the pulse of the planet – Integrate Global Observations Provide leadership to develop and implement national interagency systemsProvide leadership to develop and implement national interagency systems Develop IOOS as a major component of the US contribution to GEOSSDevelop IOOS as a major component of the US contribution to GEOSS Focus on connecting and strengthening existing observations systemsFocus on connecting and strengthening existing observations systems Ensure continuity of observationsEnsure continuity of observations Develop new techniques and measurementsDevelop new techniques and measurements Use analysis capabilities to ensure collected data are optimalUse analysis capabilities to ensure collected data are optimal Employ consistent data management strategy that handle large data volumes expected from GEOSSEmploy consistent data management strategy that handle large data volumes expected from GEOSS Move proven systems into operationsMove proven systems into operations Direct resources and research toward exploring new technologiesDirect resources and research toward exploring new technologies Form ecosystem component of GEOSSForm ecosystem component of GEOSS Diversify observations to make efficient use of vessels and other platformsDiversify observations to make efficient use of vessels and other platforms Leverage platforms for multi-purpose observationsLeverage platforms for multi-purpose observations Implement an observing and data management system that ensures data flow to our customersImplement an observing and data management system that ensures data flow to our customers

22 22 FY07 Annual Guidance Memorandum: Future Directions Advance NOAA’s Modeling Capability Develop a world-class environmental modeling capability with required high-performance computing infrastructureDevelop a world-class environmental modeling capability with required high-performance computing infrastructure Support research to operationsSupport research to operations Develop and apply advance data assimilation techniquesDevelop and apply advance data assimilation techniques Adopt a modeling framework that supports estuaries, oceans, weather, and climate change and extends to ecosystems as the science maturesAdopt a modeling framework that supports estuaries, oceans, weather, and climate change and extends to ecosystems as the science matures Support increasing data inputs from GEOSSSupport increasing data inputs from GEOSS Enhance model resolutionEnhance model resolution

23 23 FY07 Annual Guidance Memorandum: Future Directions Provide Leadership for the Oceans Develop and implement an ecosystems approach to managementDevelop and implement an ecosystems approach to management Strengthen partnerships at local and regional levelsStrengthen partnerships at local and regional levels Improve existing regional coordination across NOAA and with other agenciesImprove existing regional coordination across NOAA and with other agencies Invest in research and development to understand ecosystem functionInvest in research and development to understand ecosystem function Continue to meet our mandates to rebuild and sustain fishery stocksContinue to meet our mandates to rebuild and sustain fishery stocks Continue lead role in monitoring, managing, and conservation of known population and protected areasContinue lead role in monitoring, managing, and conservation of known population and protected areas Strengthen recovery planning for protected speciesStrengthen recovery planning for protected species Conduct ecological and socioeconomic risk-benefit assessmentsConduct ecological and socioeconomic risk-benefit assessments Advance decision-support toolsAdvance decision-support tools Perform a systems analysis to guide our effortsPerform a systems analysis to guide our efforts Create environmental standards and evaluation protocols for aquacultureCreate environmental standards and evaluation protocols for aquaculture

24 24 FY07 Annual Guidance Memorandum: Future Directions Increase Climate Information, Services, and Products Support Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) synthesis product generationSupport Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) synthesis product generation Support the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessmentsSupport the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments Provide long-term and process oriented research to support CCSP and IPCCProvide long-term and process oriented research to support CCSP and IPCC Build on established climate prediction capabilities by focusing on specific regional and local servicesBuild on established climate prediction capabilities by focusing on specific regional and local services Deliver climate-relevant information, service, and products on long- and short-term scalesDeliver climate-relevant information, service, and products on long- and short-term scales Promote the transition of research findings to products and servicesPromote the transition of research findings to products and services Provide an early warning capability for climate extremesProvide an early warning capability for climate extremes Develop test-bed concept to support the transition of research into operationsDevelop test-bed concept to support the transition of research into operations Actively Participate in the International Polar YearActively Participate in the International Polar Year

25 25 FY07 Annual Guidance Memorandum: Future Directions Provide Critical Information for Water Resources Deliver observations and forecast products on the quality of water in the coastal zoneDeliver observations and forecast products on the quality of water in the coastal zone Provide leadership in order to develop a comprehensive framework for the delivery of water resource informationProvide leadership in order to develop a comprehensive framework for the delivery of water resource information Develop and implement a comprehensive framework for water resource information and prediction deliveryDevelop and implement a comprehensive framework for water resource information and prediction delivery Improve short-term stream flow and long-term water supply predictionsImprove short-term stream flow and long-term water supply predictions

26 26 FY07 Annual Guidance Memorandum: Future Directions Support the US Transportation Systems Identify valid user needs that cannot be met with existing informationIdentify valid user needs that cannot be met with existing information Increase and improve products and services that support transportation systemsIncrease and improve products and services that support transportation systems Work with partners to conduct research and development in weather and geo-positioningWork with partners to conduct research and development in weather and geo-positioning Improve the translation of research into operational valueImprove the translation of research into operational value

27 27 FY07 Annual Guidance Memorandum: Future Directions Enhance Environmental Literacy Develop sustainable education activitiesDevelop sustainable education activities Enhance partnerships with informal education entitiesEnhance partnerships with informal education entities Increase participation by underrepresented groupsIncrease participation by underrepresented groups Evaluate existing NOAA education materialsEvaluate existing NOAA education materials Expand teacher professional development effortsExpand teacher professional development efforts Increase learning opportunities for studentsIncrease learning opportunities for students Improve collaboration researchersImprove collaboration researchers Increase fellowship and internship opportunitiesIncrease fellowship and internship opportunities Increase coordination with other federal agenciesIncrease coordination with other federal agencies

28 28 FY07 Annual Guidance Memorandum: Future Directions Deliver Effective, Efficient Decision-Support Information Maximize the contribution of science and technologyMaximize the contribution of science and technology Investigate, develop, and expand use of new technologiesInvestigate, develop, and expand use of new technologies Integrate information across disciplines and organizational elements as driven by customer needsIntegrate information across disciplines and organizational elements as driven by customer needs Deliver effective products and services to support decision makersDeliver effective products and services to support decision makers Review operational concepts and identify opportunities for efficienciesReview operational concepts and identify opportunities for efficiencies Back to AGM Back to AGM

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