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D AY FOUR A CES T EACHERS G OOD M ORNING. So You Have To Teach Math: Sound Advice for K-6 Teachers Chapter 5 Using Manipulative Materials.

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2 So You Have To Teach Math: Sound Advice for K-6 Teachers Chapter 5 Using Manipulative Materials

3 What will you tell parents about the purpose of the use of manipulatives in the classroom?

4 Benefits of Using Manipulatives MANIPULATIVE MATERIALS : – give students a way to make abstract ideas concrete. – lift math off textbook pages and give students a way to get their hands on ideas. – build students mathematical confidence by giving them a way to test and confirm their reasoning. – are useful tools for solving problems. – make learning math interesting and enjoyable.

5 Guidelines for Using Manipulatives Discuss the purpose Let students explore: – Discuss what they noticed – What math concepts will they be learning with it? Revisit the purpose every time you use them.

6 Set Ground Rules Discuss similarities and differences between using math manipulatives in class and playing with toys at home. Explain that just like they take care of their property at home we will take care of our materials here at school. Encourage students to make new discoveries.

7 Pattern Blocks can be used for counting, addition, subtraction, word problems, measurement, geometry, and comparing area and perimeter with the linear shape various polygons. 1 Cuisenaire rods help students develop a sense of quantity through measuring and comparing as opposed to merely counting, older students learn about fractions measuring functions and more. 2 Color tiles are one inch squares that can be used as counters as well as for investigations for geometry, measurement and data, patterns, multiplications and more. 3 Use of Manipulatives

8 Calculators

9 3+3=6 6+3=9

10 Time Spent Teaching Get Familiar Achieve Mastery Working Toward Mastery Get Experienced

11 Doing Your Best Work Working from home Working offsite Technology requirements

12 Case Study Jeremy – His first day – Mistakes made – Successes achieved – The moral of the story

13 Reflect on Your Lesson Lesson Reflection Questions: – Was the assignment accessible to all students? – Was it also an appropriate challenge for the more able students? – Would I assign it to another class? – Were there common misconceptions? – What might subsequent lessons offer?

14 Resources National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Gheens Academy Webpage Homework Help Elementary RTI Math Strategy Mats


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