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GENE EXPRESSION AND MUTATION. GENE EXPRESSION IN PROKARYOTES - A gene is being “expressed” or “activated” when a protein is being made -Some are expressed.

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2 GENE EXPRESSION IN PROKARYOTES - A gene is being “expressed” or “activated” when a protein is being made -Some are expressed for a time and then turned off How does a cell know how and when to turn on and off certain genes?

3 Discovery of Gene Expression 1961: Francois Jacob & Jacques Monod - studied bacteria e. coli (normal flora in intestines) - bacteria will break down lactose (into glucose + galactose) from dairy products in intestine to use as energy source (will only do so in presence of lactose) - three enzymes needed to do this (each has a different gene) - allows bacteria to conserve energy when gene is off - lac operon: cluster of genes that enables e. coli to build proteins needed for lactose metabolism when lactose is present

4 The “Players” in Prokaryotic Gene Expression -Operon: promoter, operator, structural (functional) genes -Promoter: control sequence, site where replication starts - Operator: DNA sequence between promoter and enzyme genes, acts as on/off switch for genes -Functional genes: coding sections - Inducer: protein that initiates gene expression, must be present

5 The default mode for the operon is the “off” position Gene expression occurs only when the cell needs specific proteins to be made Operon RNA polymerase cannot attach to promoter

6 Steps of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes I.Turning on the lac operon A.RNA polymerase attaches to promoter region near the genes “START HERE” B.RNA polymerase moves along chromosome to genes C.Once it hits genes, it produces m RNA (transcription) D.mRNA instructs ribosomes to make enzymes (translation) The lac operon in “on” mode Lactose present Enzymes for lactose utilization DNA mRNA Protein Inactive repressor Lactose Operon turned on (repressor inactivated by lactose) RNA polymerase bound to promoter

7 II. Turning off the lac operon **repressor – protein that inhibits gene from being expressed A. repressor attaches to operator and sits between promoter and the genes B. repressor blocks access of RNA polymerase to genes C. protein stops being made The lac operon in “off” mode Operon turned off (default state when no lactose is present) Lactose absent Operon Regulatory gene Promoter Lactose-utilization genes DNA mRNA Protein Active repressor RNA polymerase cannot attach to promoter Operator

8 III.Reactivation of lac operon ***if cell needs more enzyme*** A. when inducer enters cell it binds to the repressor B. repressor changes shape and cant bend to operator any longer C. repressor falls off operator D. RNA polymerase binds to promoter and again forms m RNA which will instruct ribosome to again make enzyme E. when inducer runs out- - repressor binds to operator again, changes shape & falls off - operon is turned off *SYSTEM IS AUTOMATIC AND SELF-REGULATING* Lac operon animation

9 GENE EXPRESSION IN EUKARYOTES -more complex than prokaryotes -nuclear envelope physically separates transcription from translation, more opportunities for regulation of gene expression -eukaryotes have DNA on many chromosomes not one circular DNA -many different cell types make many different proteins

10 Controlling Onset of Transcription - Gene regulation controls onset of transcription (when RNA polymerase binds to beginning of gene) -Requires transcription factors (extra regulatory proteins) - help arrange RNA polymerases in correct position on promoter

11 Proofreading -remember that before mRNA goes into cytoplasm to start protein synthesis, RNA polymerase proofreads strand -1976: Philip Sharp & Susan Berget -discovered that m RNA not exactly complementary to strand of DNA Introns: non coding, non functional DNA, “junk DNA” Exons: – coding functional sections of DNA (1.5%)


13 RNA splicing animation Steps 1. RNA polymerase moves along gene and transcribes entire gene 2. pre mRNA is produced 3. A. RNA splicing occurs – introns are removed and exons are spliced back together B. chemical cap and tail are attached to RNA C. pre mRNA now called mRNA 4. molecular “gatekeeper” only allows processed mRNA to leave and go to cytoplasm to ribosome to make protein

14 Differences in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Gene Expression

15 Prokaryotes Transcription in cytoplasm Uses operons as functional units Regulatory gene causes inhibitor to make repressor which binds to operator No proofreading- mRNA goes directly to make proteins Eukaryotes Transcription in nucleus No operons Regulatory gene recognizes RNA polymerase and starts transcription Proofreading occurs (prevents mutations) DNA Pre mRNA mRNA

16 Gene Expression Theories: -Introns have some type of function, but we are not sure what they are. -The more complex the organism, the more introns it has. -It doesn’t make sense for DNA to have introns if there is no function because it goes to so much work to keep them and remove them. -Study done where they spliced out introns of a plant leaf and crossed it: the resulting leaf was very different than original leaf. - It is thought that introns add evolutionary flexibility.

17 Gene Expression during Development During zygote development: - genes expressed only when specific proteins are needed -cell differentiation: development of different cells with specialized functions - forms tissues and organs -morphogenesis: development of form in an organism

18 enhancer: non-coding control sequence of DNA that facilitates transcription - located 1000’s of nucleotides away from promoter - loop can bring enhancer and promoter together - transcription factors bound to RNA polymerase and enhancers activate transcription factors bound to promoter and allow transcription to begin

19 Homeotic Genes Homeotic genes: regulatory genes that determine where certain anatomical structures will develop in an organism during morphogenesis - master genes for development of body organization - regulate gene expression by turning genes on and off - increases or decreases cell division rates in areas of developing organism every cell in an organism carries, within its DNA, all of the information necessary to build the entire organism

20 Homeobox Sequences DNA sequences of many genes that control body pattern contain a common stretch of about 180 nucleotides within its sequence - homeobox: specific common DNA sequence, codes for proteins that regulate patterns of development - only a portion of each gene - homeotic genes: contain the homeobox - ex: if the words below were homeotic genes, the capital letters would represent the homeobox togeTHEr THEoretical gaTHEring boTHEr

21 MUTATIONS Mutation: any sudden chemical change in genes or chromosomes (mistake) - most mutations are recessive - can occur in any cell - NOT normal occurrence like recombination - germ mutation: affect reproductive or germ cells (inherited) - somatic mutation: affect body cells (not inherited)

22 Somatic vs Germ Mutation

23 Mutant: organism that has a mutation and shows a completely different trait than its parents - can also carry 1 recessive gene and not express mutation - can occur at the level of the chromosome or gene

24 Chromosome mutation: chemical alteration in segments of chrom, whole chrom., or sets of chrom. 1.deletion – piece of chrom. is broken off and information is lost 2.duplication - segment of chrom. is repeated 3. inversion – pieces breaks from chrom and reattaches to same chrom. in reverse order 4. translocation – broken piece of one chrom. breaks off and attaches itself to another non- homologous (replicated) chromosome

25 Gene Mutation: any chemical change in the base code of DNA molecule - can affect 1 or many nucleotides 1. point mutation - single nucleotide is affected - substitution AUG methionine AUA isoleucine 2. frameshift mutation – insertion or deletion of a single base - shifts groupings of codons following mutation **very serious- will completely change protein made by a single gene**

26 Cancer Tumor: abnormal proliferation of cell that results from uncontrolled, abnormal cell division Benign: non cancerous, cells stay within the mass Malignant: uncontrolled dividing cells invade and destroy healthy tissues in body Metastasis: spread of cancer cells beyond original site

27 Kinds of Cancer Carcinomas: grow in skin and tissues that line organs of the body Sarcomas: grow in bone and muscle tissue Lymphomas: solid tumors that grow in tissues that form blood cells - cause leukemia

28 Genetics of Cancer Oncogenes: genes that cause cancer or other uncontrolled cell proliferation - proto-oncogene: normal form of oncogene that controls cells growth and proliferation - mutation in proto oncongene causes uncontrolled growth leading to cancer

29 - tumor suppressor gene: codes for proteins that prevent uncontrolled cell division - we have two copies (both must be mutated) - mutation can cause suppressor expression not to work leading to uncontrolled growth


31 Causes of Cancer Exposure to the following: Radiation Viruses Chemicals

32 Study for the test (lots)!!

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